1.On the Research into the Chinese Character Ze in Mashiwentong;论《马氏文通》对“则”字的研究
2.The Comment on Chapter Jingzi of Mashiwentong;《马氏文通》“静字”章述评
3.On Dun and Dou in Mashiwentong;《马氏文通》中“顿”与“读”的思考

1.The word order and static words in Ma’s Grammar;《马氏文通》“位次”“静字”述评
2.A New Achievement of the Study on Ma Jianzhong s Grammar--Introducing Theory of Function Words of Ma Jianzhong s Grammar;《马氏文通》研究的新成果——《〈马氏文通〉虚字学说》评介
3.Reassessing Ma s Grammar as compared with Gabelentz s Chinesische Grammatik;《汉文经纬》与《马氏文通》──《马氏交通》历史功绩重议
4.The "Dou" in Mr. Ma Jian-zhong s Mind and It s Deduction in Ma Shi Wen Tong;马氏心目中的“读”及其在《马氏文通》中的推演
5.Analysis of Transform of Parts of Speech in Ma Shi Wen Tong浅析《马氏文通》中的“词类通假说”
6.On Dun and Dou in Mashiwentong《马氏文通》中“顿”与“读”的思考
7."Dou" in Ma Shi Wen Tong: Its Origin and Development《马氏文通》之“读”的来源及流变
8.The Research on the Qi of Ma Shi Wen Tong and Its Value;《马氏文通》的“其”字研究及其价值
9.Exploration of the Nature of Jie Du Dai Zi in Ma Shi Wen Tong;论《马氏文通》“接读代字”的性质
10.Tuituo Conjunctions in Mashiwentong and its Relatative Argument;《马氏文通》的推拓连字及相关问题
11.Survey of the Research on Ma Shi Wen Tong form 2004 to 2006;近三年(2004—2006)《马氏文通》研究综述
12."Non-predicative verbs" and Related Issues in Mashiwentong;《马氏文通》中的“散动”及其相关问题
13.The usage of the word "yan" in the Ma s Theory on Word ;关于《马氏文通》中“焉”字的用法
14.On the Copyright of Ma’s Grammar(马氏文通);从《著作权法》谈《马氏文通》的著作权问题
15.Survey of the Research on Mashi Wentong From 1998 to 2003;1998-2003年《马氏文通》研究综述
16.The Grammatical Classification Problem of“You,Ruo,Ru”in “Ma Shi Wen Tong”;《马氏文通》中“犹、若、如”的语法归宿问题
17.The Part of Speech of Chinese Characters ”有You ” and ”无Wu ” inMr. MA s Collection and Analysis of Chinese Characters;《马氏文通》“有”“无”的归类问题
18.The Influence of "Zhuangzi" of "Ma s Theory of Word" on Modern Chinese;《马氏文通》“状字”观对现代汉语的影响

Ma Shi Wen Tong《马氏文通》
1.On "The Sentences"(Ju) in Ma Shi Wen Tong;也谈《马氏文通》的“句”
2.Exploration of the Nature of Jie Du Dai Zi in Ma Shi Wen Tong;论《马氏文通》“接读代字”的性质
3)mashi wentong《马氏文通》
1.An Obscure Conception For "Jiaci"——The Summary of "Jiaci " Research in Mashi Wentong;界说不明的“加词”——《马氏文通》“加词”研究综述
2.A Comment on the Structure of Wei Zhi N of Mashi Wentong;《马氏文通》“为之N”结构解说评析
3.Zhi was one of the prepositions which had been fully discussed in mashi wentong."之"是《马氏文通》介字篇中着墨最多,论述也最全面、最充分的介字之一,马建忠归纳了各种"之"字结构,并对"之"在这些结构中所处的位置和所具有的语法功能进行了系统的阐述。
1.Tuituo Conjunctions in Mashiwentong and its Relatative Argument;《马氏文通》的推拓连字及相关问题
2.Permeation of the Western Learning into the East and Mashiwentong;西学东渐与《马氏文通》
3.On Jiaci in Mashiwentong;试论《马氏文通》“加词”
5)Ma shi Wen Tong马氏文通
1.The Sentence with Two Conditions in Ma Shi Wen Tong;《马氏文通》的“两商之句”
2.On the theory of "Ci" in Ma Shi Wen Tong;论《马氏文通》的“次”理论
3.Another View on Qi Ci s Attributes of Ma Shi Wen Tong;再论《马氏文通》起词的性质
6)Mashi wentong马氏文通
1.Imperative Sentence Study in Mashi Wentong;《马氏文通》的“祈使句”研究
2.New Understandings of “Be” in Mashi Wentong;《马氏文通》“断词”新解
