1.It begins with the religious beliefs such as matching the morality with God and respective administration of God and human.他们将祭礼的核心规范为"",从而将祭祀的根本目的从传统的禳灾祛病、求福避祸转换为培养人们的诚信忠意识,并且主张用情智统一的态度去祭祀已故亲人,构筑了具有中国特点的传统祭祀文化。
2.The paper views that "respect" and "forbearance" to which the author and the reader .借章学诚提出的文德说来探讨复杂的人、文二者关系,从作者和读者两个维度对人、文关系的迷惑提供一定的视角,认为:作者、读者临文时的态度达到“”与“恕”是现代语境下人、文关系统一的关键性因素。
3.There are two kinds of respect in his thought; the respect is a general rule that obeyed by high and low, not a unidirectional duty.在他的两种""的学说中,不是单向性的义务,而是上下之间共同遵守的准则,他强调礼的本质高于形式,高扬了人的道德自觉意识与生命意识。

1.To respect or honor greatly;revere.崇,尊,极端恭
2.Hail, Hail to Michigan,致, 向Michigan致
3.stand at the salute立正礼,立正致
4.Fear God and honour the Queen.畏上帝,尊女王。
5.Respect a man, he will do the more .你我一尺,我你一丈。
6.Respect yourself, or no one else will.[谚]人必自,然后人
7.He that respects not is not respected欲受人,要先
8.feeling or manifesting veneration.感觉尊或表现出尊
9.feel reverence for...对…怀尊的心,尊
10.Fear God and honor the King [Queen].畏神,尊国小女尸。
11.Hats off to sb.向。。。(脱帽)致
12.To regard with respect, reverence, or heartfelt deference.尊,崇拜带着重、畏或诚挚的崇对待
13.To bare the head in respect or reverence.脱帽致脱帽子以示尊
14.To remove the hat from, as in respect or reverence.脱帽致脱去…的帽子以示尊
15.To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion.重带着热烈的、爱的崇拜或重看待
16.Summer, I salute thee!夏日,我向你致
17.'I salute you, citizen.'“向你致,公民。”
18.hold [keep] a person in awe使某人畏 [畏惧]

1.This article study the explanation about “Jing”in 《Shuo wen jie zi》.“苟”是“”的初文。
3)look up to尊敬,敬仰
1.Reinforcing the Consciousness of Patient-friendly and Dedication in Diagnostics Teaching;在诊断学教学中加强爱伤业教育
5)worship for ancestors敬祖

《杨敬斋针灸全书》《杨敬斋针灸全书》 《杨敬斋针灸全书》   针灸著作。二卷。又名《秘传常山敬斋杨先生针灸全书》。原题陈言撰(实系托名著作)。刊于1591年。本书内容与徐凤《针灸大全》基本相同,仅各节的编排次序互有先后。根据本书原刊本在文字校勘上颇多错讹来看,似较徐书晚出。但本书却增入各种病证的针穴图达104幅之多,具有一定的特色,从而提高了该书的价值。1949年后有影印本。