1.Launching self-experience education in colleges could develop students sense of social responsibility, the spirit of innovation and capability of practice as well as improve their comprehensive quality.高校学生的自我体验教育对学生正确世界观、价值观、人生观的培养发挥着重要作用。
2.Metacognition is the recognition of recognition, and is the self-consc iousness, self-experience and self-adjustment and monitor of the individual to the working process of recognition.元认知是关于认知的认知,是个体对自己的认知加工过程的自我意识、自我体验、自我调节和监控,它包括元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控三个成分,他们相互联系、密不可分。
3.Along with gradually gone deep into self-experience,Wang Wei has desirous to recluse life,but his social role requested he became an officer.王维随自我体验的逐渐深入,越来越想过隐逸的生活,但是因其所扮演的社会角色又要求他该仕。

1.On Cao Pi s Self-Feeling and Role Consciousness in His Work Dianlun-Papers;论曹丕《典论·论文》中的自我体验与角色意识
2.Psychoanalysis of Wang Wei s Self-experience and Role Consciousness Form;王维自我体验与角色意识迹化的心理分析
3.Self-experience Education in Institution of Higher Learning and Its Functions of Moral Education;谈高校学生的自我体验教育及其德育功能
4.The Tistinctive Quality of Creative Concern and the Self-experience in Zhangxin s Novel;张欣小说创作关怀与自我体验的独特性
5.A Research on How to Cultivate the Technical Students to Experience Maths by Themselves and to Learn Maths Actively;培养中专学生数学自我体验及促进主动学习的研究
6.The Construction of Influential Model between Parents Rearing Patterns,Subject-experience and Motivation Achievement of College Freshmen Students;大学新生父母教养、自我体验对成就动机影响的模型建构
7.The Self-Transcendence of Life Experience : On the Aesthetic Process生命体验的自我超越——审美过程论
8.Self-education of university student and experience of country life;青年大学生自我教育与乡村生活体验
9.Experiment Research on the Relationship of Holistic Self-esteem,Physical Self-concept and Body Rating among Pupils;小学生整体自尊、身体自我概念及身体等级评定关系的实验研究
10.Experiment Research of Improving the Self-efficiency Sense in the Sports Teaching of High School;高中体育教学中提高自我效能感的实验研究
11.Experimental Research on Improving Self-efficacy of College Students by Group Counseling;团体辅导提高大学生自我效能感的实验研究
12.Emotion value of famous books by the Self-identification theory;运用自我认同理论体验文学名著情感价值
13.An Experimental Research on the Self-evaluation Methodology Applied in Physical Education on Campus of University;大学体育课实施自我接受评价的实验研究
14.Experiences of Self-Perceived Burden of Advanced Cancer Paitents and Coping of Self-Perceived Burden: A Qualitative Research晚期癌症患者自我感受负担及应对体验的研究
15.Self, Thing, and Artistic Experience: A Review of Lindsay Waters’ Towards a Poetics of Experience自我、物体与艺术体验——评林赛·沃特斯《美学权威主义批判》
16.I have seen such love, and I have felt such love myself.我见到过这样的爱,而且我自己也体验过这样的爱。
17.automatic gas transmission rate tester自动气体透过率试验机
18.Customizing the End User Experience自定义终端用户体验

self-experience-based learning自我体验教学法
1.Analysis of study effect and spirit symptom of medical students with self-experience-based learning;自我体验教学法对医学生学习效果与精神症状的影响
3)ego observation experience method自我观察体验法
4)the experience of selfrecognition自我认同体验
5)experience of the Combination of Individual Self and Absolute Idea Established by Man自我同一性体验
6)Self efficacy自我效验

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