1.An analysis of errors in Compositions by Korean students;韩国学生作文中遗漏和误加偏误类型分析
2.The error analysis of studying the time adverb “已经” which taken by Vietnamese;越南留学生学习时间副词“已经”的偏误分析
3.An error analysis of the Vietnamese students acquisition of Chinese initials;越南留学生的汉语声母偏误分析

1.An Analysis of Errors of Anaphora in Chinese Discourses Written by Foreign Iearners;外国学生照应偏误分析——偏误分析丛论之三
2.The Misinterpretations of the English Version of Lunyu by Arthur Waley;Arthur Waley英译《论语》的误译及其偏误分析
3.An Analysis into Intermediate Korean Students Word Order Error in Written Language;韩国学生书面语语序偏误分析——以中级汉语水平学生偏误为例
4.An analysis of errors in Compositions by Korean students;韩国学生作文中遗漏和误加偏误类型分析
5.Error Analysis in Learning Chinese for Korean Students韩国学生学习汉语“了”的常见偏误分析
6.Cognitive Control Model Based on Decision Error and Its Application;决策偏误认知控制模型研究及其应用
7.The Analysis of the Errors on Korean Students Acquisition of Chinese Psychological Verb;韩国学生习得汉语心理动词偏误分析
8.An Analysis on the Constituent Order Errors Vietnamese Oversea Students Made in Syntactic of Modern Chinese;越南学生汉语句法成分语序偏误分析
9.Deviation Analysis on Learning Resultant Compliment of Chinese Language for Foreign Students;留学生学习汉语结果补语的偏误分析
10.Error Analysis on Chinese-Drill "被" Misused by Chinese-Korean Pupils;朝鲜族中小学生“被”字句偏误分析
11.Error Analysis on Chinese-drill "得" Used by Chinese-Korean Pupils;朝鲜族小学生“得”字补语句偏误分析
12.Study on CPA Auditing Behavior Deviation and Administration;注册会计师审计行为偏误及治理研究
13.An Error Analysis of Japanese Students Learning of the Le-sentence;日本学生汉语“了”字句习得偏误分析
14.(in golf)hit(the ball) wrongly to the left(高尔夫球)击(球)误向左偏.
15.err from the right path偏离正道,误入歧途
16.This prejudice often causes many misunderstandings.偏见通常引起误会。
17.But he chose the wrong way.可他偏偏选择了那条错误的人生之路。
18.To affect unfavorably, unfairly, or wrongly; bias.持偏见不良地、不公正地或错误地影响;存偏见

1.Analyzing Japanese students errors in acquiring Chinese Characters;日本学生汉语习得中的汉字词偏误分析
2.The Analysis of the Errors on Korean Students Acquisition of Chinese Psychological Verb;韩国学生习得汉语心理动词偏误分析
3.The Foreign Students Errors of the Verb-object LIHECI (离合词) in Chinese;留学生汉语动宾式离合词偏误分析
1.Deviation Analysis on Learning Ending Complement of Han Language for Kazakh Nationality Students;哈萨克族学生学习汉语结果补语的偏误分析
2.This paper introduces the main types of achivement assessment deviations .介绍了绩效评估偏误的主要表现形式 ,从提高认识和克服绩效评估制度本身的缺陷入手 ,提出了规避绩效评估偏误的对策。
3.Through the deviation analysis of Kazak students studying Chinese Pattern Ba,this article tries to make students know more about the features of the pattern Ba.本文通过对哈萨克族学生学习“把字句”偏误的分析,加深对汉语“把字句”特点的认识,以期对少数民族汉语教学有所帮助。
1.The Mistakes in Ideological and Political Education of Middle School and Their Correction;中学思想政治教育的偏误及其矫正
2.On the Pausing Mistakes Made by Uighur Students in Studying Chinese;维族学生汉语学习中的断句偏误现象研究
3.This article makes a quantitative analysis of the mistakes in Chinese compositions by Korean undergraduates in Yanbian University.通过对延边大学朝鲜族学生汉语写作中的偏误现象进行的统计分析,发现:标点符号和语法结构偏误是各个年级写作中出现的最主要的偏误,而语篇连贯的偏误则更是一个不容忽视的问题。
5)biased error偏误
1.And then, we make a classified discussion about the biased errors of their wording, Phraseology and sentence usage, in order to fully study and describe the real situation of 5-6 year-old children\' language acquisition and using.在对儿童真实语料统计分析的基础上,对5-6岁儿童词汇、短语、句法的习得和使用状况做了详尽的计量分析和动态描写,并对其用词、用语、用句的偏误进行了分类讨论,试图充分考察和描写5-6岁儿童语言习得和使用的原貌。
2.The biased errors of adjectives are very common in second language acquisition.形容词在汉语学习中占据重要地位,形容词的偏误现象在二语习得过程中也很普遍。
3.We make the biased error analysis in order to find out what cause the error and how to correct it.偏误分析的最终目的是找出形成偏误的原因并构筑对策。
