1.Because its language is archaic and obstruse with numerous allusions and rare words,there are often mistakes in punctuation and explanation for it in past studies.宋代学者洪咨所撰《大冶赋》,是研究矿冶史的珍贵文献,由于文辞古奥、典繁字僻,先前在研究中每有句读和释解的错失。
2.Its main characteristics have three: thoroughly study, accurate covariance, clearly grain, deeply exhumation, much attention to the punctuation, definite discriminator between exactitude and the mistake.其主要特点有三:确切统计,穷尽研究;脉络条贯,发掘深入;重视句读,明辨正误。
3.Study on the word "adoptive mother" from the point of view of the history of Chinese language and culture,will involve the textual criticism,punctuations and historical facts.从汉语史、文化史等角度探讨"养母"一词,不仅牵涉到有关文献的校勘、句读、史实认定等问题,对辞书编纂工作也有一定的借鉴作用。

1.Obtain a Precise Understanding by Rhetoric Styles--Examples of Sentences in Rhetoric Grammar;借助辞格 准确句读——利用辞格句读举要
2.Research on Sentence Segmentation and Punctuation in Ancient Chinese古汉语句子切分与句读标记方法研究
3.sentence stressph.1. 句中之重读
4.Kate's slippers clean二、听读句子,勾出各组中所读的句子。
5.Now that you?ve read that sentence, reread the one that precedes.你既已读完那句子,不妨再读前面那句。
6.Underline the stressed words in the sentences.划出句子中重读的单词
7.Where is the science museum of your city?Ⅵ. Read and write. (读句子,写单词。)
8.Do you like collecting leaves in fall?Ⅴ. Read and write. (读句子,写单词。)
9.This long sentence is hard to understand.这个长的句子很难读懂。
10.Read the following aloud as marked.按记号朗读下列句子。
11.Please repeat the following sentence after me.请跟我朗读下面这句子。
12.3. Read these sentences aloud and rewrite them after the model.朗读下面句子,仿照例子重写这些句子。
13.Listen and fill in the blanks with the missing words.听读句子,写出下面句子所缺的单词。
14.2. Listen to the sentences and put in the missing words.听读句子,写出句子所缺的单词。
15.3. Listen to the sentences and put in the missing word.听读句子,写出句子所缺的单词。(10%)
16.Read the story. Listen to the questions and choose the answer.读故事,听问句,选择正确答句。
17.C. Which do they prefer, spring or summer?二、听读句子,填入句子所缺的词。
18.1. Look at the picture. Listen and answer the questions.听读句子,看图选择正确答句。

Reread sentence语句重读
3)meaning understanding语句解读
4)sentence stress句中重读
5)read statement读语句
6)The explanation of "ju dou""句读"释义
