1.Aspect Choice in the English Translation of Chinese Sentence Final Particlele——A Study Based on Two English Versions of the Luo Tuo Xiang Zi;汉语句尾助词“”英译中的“体”的相关分析——基于《骆驼祥子》两种英文译本的研究
2.The Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Sentences Ended on le ;句尾“”构成的句式、语义及语用功能
3.Profiling and a Cognitive Study on Le (了);突显原理与“”的认知分析

1.Now, now, stop crying!好,好,别哭
2."Now, now," he said, walking.“好,别哭
3."No, they all break away.“不行,脱
4.Great! /Terrific! /Yippee! /Magnificent! /Excellent!好极!/好极!/不起!/妙极!/好极
5.It's broken./It doesn't work./It's faulty.坏。/不运行。/出毛病
6.She wavered, quailed, gave way.她动摇,畏缩,屈服
7.The wind Blew, the clouds gathered, the rain fell.起风,云聚,下雨
8.Now, now, stop quarrelling.行, 行, 别再吵.
9.now,`now;`now then(used before expressing disapproval or admonishment行,行,别再吵.
10.Oh, forget it! Don't say any more about it. It's time for a rest.噢,算!别说,该休息
11."No, no, now-that's too much!" said the timid man, becoming a man of brazen courage all of a sudden.“别说,别说――够
12.it is with N that we have to do, then. Well, let me see, what can you want that begins with N?Na——Ne—Ni—No—”“是,是,是。”
13.I'm old and stale and faded.我老,过时,憔悴
14.I've loved, I've hated, I've cried and I've laughed, I've enjoyed myself and I've suffered.爱过,恨过,哭过,笑过,乐过,苦过
15.'There. Con-found it!“行,行,倒霉
16.Oh, I forgot dessert.哦,我忘甜点
17.We can't get into the room. The door is locked.门锁,进不去
18.Well, we have had it .算,没法挽回

Finished or Unfinished《了犹未了》
1.Understanding of the Image of the Protagonist in "Finished or Unfinished" from the Perspectives of Cultural Communications;从文化传播看《犹未》主人公的形象
3)That will do !够了,行了!
4)No farther!好了!够了!
5)All right.好了(行了)。
