1.Enhancing the Exercises of Communication to Reinforce the Consciousness of Vietnamese Students Using Ba-sentence;加强交际性操练,强化越南留学生自觉使用“把”字句的意识
2.The Ba-sentence in Sansui Pingyao Zhuan;《三遂平妖传》中的“把”字句
3.Causative interpretation of the Ba-sentence;“把”字句的致使性解释
1.ON an Analysis of Ba-construction in Yushimingyan;试析《喻世明言》中的“把”字句
2.The Ba-construction in Aphorisms to Awaken the Public;《醒世恒言》中的“把”字句
3.Generally,the negative word in the BA-construction should be placed before BA in mandarin.一般认为在现代汉语中“把”字句的否定形式以否定词在“把”前出现为正确,但是通过语料收集,发现在实际运用中,也存在另一种以否定词出现在“把”字结构后、动词性成分前的否定形式,称之为否定后置的“把”字句,尽管数量不多,但是作为一种语言现象,却值得研究,有助于对“把”字句的成句规则、结构限制等方面的进一步规范。
3)Ba Sentence"把"字句
1.In modern Chinese ,the Ba sentence is one of the most characteristic phenomena.“把”字句是现代汉语中最具特色的语法现象之一。
2.Based on an analysis of statistics of an authentic corpus, it is concluded in this paper that what is emphasized in a typical Ba sentence is the process of spatial displacement of an object under the action of an external force.本文在实际语料统计分析的基础上认为 :典型的“把”字句凸显的是一个物体在外力作用下发生空间位移的过程 ,而这种空间位移过程的图式通过隐喻拓展形成了“把”字句的系联图式、等值图式、变化图式和结果图式等四种变体图
3.Ba sentence is a unique patterns of Chinese language.“把”字句是汉语独有的特殊句型。
4)"Ba" sentence"把"字句
1.The relations between "Ba" sentences and the discourses are mainly embodied in the relations between their subjects,objects and the contexts.“把”字句与篇章的关系主要体现在“把”字句主语、宾语与上下文的关系上。
2.This study aims at the initial acquisition of the"ba" sentence by Japanese students.通过对日本留学生习得初级阶段“把”字句的问卷调查,我们发现在句式1和句式2之间存在一个初级阶段“把”字句的难易序列,“主语(施事)+把+名词1(受事)+动词+在/到/给/成+名词2”(即句式1)对日本学生来说最容易掌握,出现的偏误也最少,而“把+名词(受事)+动词(带有宾语)+补语(结果补语或趋向补语)”(即句式2)则最难掌握,出现的偏误也最多。
3.The "Ba" sentence is a unique sentence structure in modern Chinese, many kinds of different views are kept in Academics on its semantic and pragmatic issues.“把”字句是现代汉语中一种独特的句子结构形式,学术界在其语义、语用问题上的见解,可谓仁者见仁、智者见智,对外汉语教学界也普遍认为“把”字句的教学是一大难点。
5)BA sentence把字句
1.The article analyzes the syntactic,semantic and pragmatic features about BA sentence, and according to it the article also discusses the conditions for the usage of BA sentence.文章分析了把字句的句法、语义和语用特征 ,并在此基础上分析了把字句运用的条件限

1.A Brief Study of "de" Complement Sentence--the Transform Relationships with "ba" Sentence;“得”字主谓补语句略论——兼论与把字句的转换关系
2.Cognitive Interpretation of Ba-construction and Bei-construction;“致使把字句”和“省隐被字句”及其语用解释
3.From Four Generations under One Roof to Study the Difference of the Verbs in Sentence Ba and Sentence Bei从《四世同堂》看把字句和被字句的动词差异
4.A Syntactic Study on BEI and BA Constructions in UG Framework乔姆斯基普遍语法框架下被字句把字句句法研究
5.The development features of syntactic awareness on "ba" and "bei" construction in 4-5 years old preschool children;4-5岁幼儿把字句和被字句句法意识发展的特点
7.The Comparative Studies of Force-dynamic Schema on "Shi" Sentence and "Ba" Sentence;“使”字句与“把”字句的动力意象图式比较
8.Researches into the "把-word" Sentences and "给-word" Sentences in the Jiuzhaigou Dialect;九寨沟方言“把”字句及“给”字句研究
9.The Bǎ-Sentence,the Bèi-Sentence and Causative Transmission;“把”字句、“被”字句与致使力的传递
10.On the Characters of “Ba” and “Gei” in Lujiang Dialect;庐江方言的“把”字句与“给”字句
11.Sentence Patterns Containing "Ba" and "Jiang" in Scholars;《儒林外史》中的“把”字句和“将”字句
12.The classification of sentences in which "把" and "被" appear at same time and their relationshjps;“被”“把”同现句的分类及与“把”字句的关系
13.A Study of the Features about Words and Expressions after "Ba" in Modern Chinese Disposal Sentence "Ba";“把”字句中“把”后名词句法性质的考察
14.A comparative study between two causative constructions;"SHI"construction and "BA" construction;两种表致使义句式的异同考察——“使”字句和“把”字句
15.BA-Structure: Difficulty in Learning and Learners Avoidance Strategy When Using It;论“把”字句运用中的回避现象及“把”字句的难点
16.Syntactic and Semantic Restrictions on Transforming a "Jianyu"-Sentence into a "Ba"-Sentence;兼语句变换为“把”字句的语法、语义限制
17.The mapping of eventual structure on syntax: An analysis of BA construction;事件结构的句法映射——以“把”字句为例
18.A Semantic Research on "ba (把)" Sentence;“表-里”印证与“把”字句的句义研究

1.ON an Analysis of Ba-construction in Yushimingyan;试析《喻世明言》中的“把”字句
2.The Ba-construction in Aphorisms to Awaken the Public;《醒世恒言》中的“把”字句
3.Generally,the negative word in the BA-construction should be placed before BA in mandarin.一般认为在现代汉语中“把”字句的否定形式以否定词在“把”前出现为正确,但是通过语料收集,发现在实际运用中,也存在另一种以否定词出现在“把”字结构后、动词性成分前的否定形式,称之为否定后置的“把”字句,尽管数量不多,但是作为一种语言现象,却值得研究,有助于对“把”字句的成句规则、结构限制等方面的进一步规范。
3)Ba Sentence"把"字句
1.In modern Chinese ,the Ba sentence is one of the most characteristic phenomena.“把”字句是现代汉语中最具特色的语法现象之一。
2.Based on an analysis of statistics of an authentic corpus, it is concluded in this paper that what is emphasized in a typical Ba sentence is the process of spatial displacement of an object under the action of an external force.本文在实际语料统计分析的基础上认为 :典型的“把”字句凸显的是一个物体在外力作用下发生空间位移的过程 ,而这种空间位移过程的图式通过隐喻拓展形成了“把”字句的系联图式、等值图式、变化图式和结果图式等四种变体图
3.Ba sentence is a unique patterns of Chinese language.“把”字句是汉语独有的特殊句型。
4)"Ba" sentence"把"字句
1.The relations between "Ba" sentences and the discourses are mainly embodied in the relations between their subjects,objects and the contexts.“把”字句与篇章的关系主要体现在“把”字句主语、宾语与上下文的关系上。
2.This study aims at the initial acquisition of the"ba" sentence by Japanese students.通过对日本留学生习得初级阶段“把”字句的问卷调查,我们发现在句式1和句式2之间存在一个初级阶段“把”字句的难易序列,“主语(施事)+把+名词1(受事)+动词+在/到/给/成+名词2”(即句式1)对日本学生来说最容易掌握,出现的偏误也最少,而“把+名词(受事)+动词(带有宾语)+补语(结果补语或趋向补语)”(即句式2)则最难掌握,出现的偏误也最多。
3.The "Ba" sentence is a unique sentence structure in modern Chinese, many kinds of different views are kept in Academics on its semantic and pragmatic issues.“把”字句是现代汉语中一种独特的句子结构形式,学术界在其语义、语用问题上的见解,可谓仁者见仁、智者见智,对外汉语教学界也普遍认为“把”字句的教学是一大难点。
5)BA sentence把字句
1.The article analyzes the syntactic,semantic and pragmatic features about BA sentence, and according to it the article also discusses the conditions for the usage of BA sentence.文章分析了把字句的句法、语义和语用特征 ,并在此基础上分析了把字句运用的条件限
1.The BA-construction has been widely discussed in the literature due to its structural deviation from the canonical SVO word order in Chinese and the syntactic and semantic constraints imposed on its verb and other components.本文拟在Chomsky最简探索(Minimalist Inquiry)(1998)和语段推导(Derivation by Phase)(1999)的相关理论和假设下对现代汉语把字句的句法结构做尝试性分析,并讨论宾语式把字句,方位式/工具式把字句,以及使动式把字句的推导生成过程。
2.Since many linguists use Ba-construction as the evidence that Chinese is an SOV language,in this study,the issue of Ba-construction and the history of Ba-construction are clarified.因此本研究将从汉语的特殊语序把字句,被字句和双宾结构着手,对汉语的基本语序做了进一步探讨,就是为了向提出一个更为合理的汉语结构分析模式再迈进一步。
