1.A case study of the presence and absence of shuo (说) in ruguoshuo (如果说) in inference expressions论推理语境“如果说”中“说”的隐现
2.In this paper we analysis the sentence pattern of "ruguo" and "ruguoshuo"through various methods such as transform analysis, contrast analysis and so on.本文在前人研究的基础上,综合运用对比分析、变换分析等各种分析方法,对现代汉语假设复句中的“如果”和“如果说”句式进行了描写和探讨。

1.If you say @a means@ or @every means@,如果说“a means”或“every means”,
2.An Analysis of the Sentence Pattern of "Ruguo" and "Ruguoshuo";“如果”和“如果说”句式的比较分析
3.Conjunctions in English and Chinese Conditionals;英汉条件句:if与“如果”和“如果说
4.A case study of the presence and absence of shuo (说) in ruguoshuo (如果说) in inference expressions论推理语境“如果说”中“说”的隐现
5.The Analysis of the Semantic Change of Shuo(说) in Ruguoshuo(如果说)试析“如果说”中“说”的语义变化
6.It is a method of management rather than a kind of control.如果说是控制(control),还不如说是管理(management)更为准确。
7.If we reason earnestly and properly, it will be effective.如果说理说得好,说得恰当,那是会有效力的。
8.If ever eyes could speak, hers did very plainly.如果说眼睛能说话, 她的眼睛可说得清楚极了。
9.For example, if someone is @off the hook,@ it means that he is no longer in trouble.例如,如果说某人“脱离鱼钩”那表示他已脱离困境。
10.O if, I say, you look upon this verse如果呀,我说,如果你看见这诗,
11.I said it would rain and sure enough it did.我说会下雨,果然如此。
12.Does it make sense if I say, " he 's headed over heals in love with her " ?如果我说,"he'sheadoverhealinlovewithher"这行的通吗?
13.I will speak to him if the occasion arises .如果有机会我将跟他说。
14.If you don't dare to speak English owing to the fact that you are afraid of making mistakes,如果你因为怕说错而不敢说英语,
15.'I don't think I do like, if I may speak my mind.“如果可以说说心里话,我并不想掷骰子。
16.It's easy to persuade them, if you go the right way about it.如果你劝说得法,说服他们是不难的。
17.Don't whisper, if you've something to say, say it out loud.别悄声说,如果你有什么要说的就大声地说出来。
18.Cats, for instance, would be greatly helped;譬如说,如果猫有毒液,那对猫会大有帮助,

1.Both the English if-conditionals and the Chinese ruguo-hypotheticals are the linguistic forms serving as the vehicle of carrying logical sufficient condition.英语有if条件句,汉语有“如果”假设句,都是表示逻辑上的充分条件的语言形式,本文简称为英语/汉语条件句。
2.In this paper we analysis the sentence pattern of "ruguo" and "ruguoshuo"through various methods such as transform analysis, contrast analysis and so on.本文在前人研究的基础上,综合运用对比分析、变换分析等各种分析方法,对现代汉语假设复句中的“如果”和“如果说”句式进行了描写和探讨。
3)If it happens that; if.如果发生;如果
4)Pu-pulse theory如脉学说
5)So the story goes.传说如此。
6)as you've said如你所说
