方言词语,dialect words
1)dialect words方言词语
1.The motivations of dialect words in modern Chinese can be classified into explicit and implicit motivations.词的理据是词的表达形式与词义存在的某种内在联系,现代汉语方言词语的理据可以分为显性理据和隐性理据两大类。
2.It preserves a large amount of dialect words which are the more important data to study Shandong dialect especially dialect of central Shandong.《醒世姻缘传》是一部以鲁方言写成的白话小说,书中保存了大量的方言词语,是研究鲁方言尤其是鲁中方言的宝贵资料,但不少方言俗语不易理解。

1.On Dialects Elegance and Vulgarity: Yichang Dialects (Part2);方言词语的雅与俗——宜昌方言词零拾(二)
2.The Metaphorical Characteristics of Qinghai Dialect Terms简论语言的隐喻性特征——以青海方言词语为例
3.Chinese Dialect Words in Modern Uyghur Dialects;现代维吾尔语方言词中的汉语方言词
4.On the Common Colloquial Words in A General Dictionary of Chinese Dialects;关于《汉语方言大词典》的通用口语词
5.A Comparative Study between Dialect Words in SHUO WEN JIE ZI and Modern Chinese Dialect Words;《说文解字》所收方言词与现代汉语方言词比较
6.On the Affix “tou(头)” Co-occurring With Numeral-Classifier in Chinese Dialects;汉语方言中与数量词组合的词缀“头”
7.A Comparative Study of "Zhe" in Three-Novels by Feng Menglong and in Yunnan Dialect;《三言》与云南方言中“着”的词语考释
8.The Textual Research of Common Words in Hakka Dialect and Minority Languages in South China;客家方言与南方少数民族语言共同词语考略
9.Dialectal Comparison, History of Dialectal Areas and Dialectal Division: A Case Study of fenyinci in Jin Dialects and qiejiaoci in Min Dialects;方言比较、区域方言史与方言分区——以晋语分音词和福州切脚词为例
10.On the Historical Layers and Differences in Meaning Concerning Words in Common Language and in Dialect;浅析共同语词与方言词的历史层次和词义差异
11.Grammaticalization of Some Modal Words in Sichuan Dialect;四川方言中几个语气词的语法化问题
12.On the Symbols of the Seniority among Brothers and Sisters in RelativeAppellations of Chinese Dialects;汉语方言亲属称谓词语中的排行标志
13.On the Formation of Imperative Mood Marker 着(zhe) in Contemporary Chinese Dialects;论现代汉语方言祈使语气词"着"的形成
14.The Relationship Between Language and Culture in Terms of Words of Location;就方位词语谈语言和文化的相互关系
15.Grammatical and Semantic Study on Lexical XIAN in Wenzhou Dialect温州方言词“显”的语法·语义研究
16.On the Function of Dialect Vocabulary in the Study of History of Chinese Vocabulary from Characteristic Word "Jiang" in Jiujiang Dialect;从九江方言特征词“将”看汉语方言词汇在词汇史研究中的作用
17.How to Think of the Loanwords from Chinese Language in Uygur Dialect;如何看待维吾尔语方言词中的汉语借词
18.The Lexicalization of “ganshuo” and the Zero Form of the Discourse Subject;方言词“敢说”的词汇化与话语主语的零形式

dialect word方言词语
1.There are a great number of dialect words in The Music of Red Flag .从词彩学角度出发,从地方色彩、形象色彩、感情色彩等方面对小说《红旗谱》中运用的方言词语进行研究,探讨其方言词语的运用特色:地方色彩浓重,折射出冀中平原特色的地域文化;形象色彩浓郁,叙述、描写形象生动;感情色彩浓重,表达出强烈的爱憎之
2.This paper makes an analysis of the two features of the dialect words in distribution in shuo wen jie zi by investigating the 158 dialect words in it:relative concentration and fan-shaped distribution revolving around Runan and the reason for such a distribution.许慎《说文解字》中标明的 15 8个方言词语 ,其在区域上有两个明显特征 :一是相对集中 ,二是以汝南为中心扇状分布。
3.The article s writer etymologically analyses some Sichuanese dialect words.本文分析了部分四川方言词语的民俗语源 ,并认为探究方言词语的语源 ,绝不应只拘泥于语言的内容研究 ,还应该结合其产生的一些文化背
3)dialectal words方言词语
1.This paper offers some notes on the dialectal words of the Chaoshan dialect based on materials from ancient literature.本文引古籍以笺释若干潮汕方言词语
2.Lu xun is a great literary giant in China, who used many Shaoxing dialectal words in his novels.通过分析杨宪益、戴乃迭对鲁迅小说中方言词语的翻译,评析其再现原作风貌的成就,并指出其存在的不足。
1.Through this paper,the author wants to offer some new views and methods to research dialects and regional custom culture.本文从特定视角,即方言词语与地方风俗文化的三个小方面,"同一词语在不同地方的不同比喻用法;同一词语在不同地方表示的不同意义;同一意义在不同地区用不同的词语表达"看地方风俗文化来论述方言词语与地方风俗文化的联系,以期给方言与文化的学习研究提供一些思路和视角。
2.Sun Li uses a quite number of Hebei dialects in the plain description.河北作家孙犁的作品在方言词语运用方面呈现出“素淡”的特色。
5)dialectal words and expressions方言词语
1.As a successfully compiled comprehensive dictionary of Chinese dialects, its richness of entries of recorded dialectal words and expressions is so far unsur- passed.本词典的价值在于它实际上集了我国历史上有关汉语方言词语记录和研究的大成,是在语言方面对汉民族文化遗产作了一次大规模的整理和传承工作,其泽被所及将超过方言学或语言学本身。
1.It is imperative to use dialect in the novel writing,namely,the necessity,regularity,readability and coordination should be noticed.方言词语是充实共同语语汇的重要来源,也是现代汉语规范化的对象。
2.Tie Ning’s long novel Stupid Flower’s language of the characters and narrative language has srong Jizhong dialectic characteristics,especially the frequent use of dialects makes it more with funky regional,serious historical atmosphere and more unique characters.铁凝长篇小说《笨花》的人物语言和叙述语言明显带有冀中方言特点,特别是方言词语的频频运用,使小说的乡土气息更浓郁,历史氛围更凝重,人物形象更鲜明,为《笨花》增添了"笨"色,也显现了作者语言风格的变化。

甘肃土话—庆阳方言词语这儿,兀儿这儿,那儿 阿答应的声音 罢了对话中表示对人和事物的满意程度,与差不多,还可以的意思接近。 摆搭,摆摆搭搭漫不经心的样子。 半调子,半杆子不通事理,说话没分寸的人,举止不沉着的人。 白毕了付出代价而无结果 背锅子驼背的人 毕蹬了完蛋了 边边边缘,旁边 冰哇哇冰冷 草驴母驴 抄治糟蹋 长拉拉形容漫长,难以等待 扯模聊天 吃敬被看得起 抽脱了逃脱了,跑脱了 串串不兮参差不齐的一串 锤头拳头 呲眼窝看人目不转睛或呆板 揍(cou)向上抬一下 全欢齐全,家庭圆满 大(da)叔父或伯父。父亲(庆阳,宁县,正宁) 大大(dada)伯父或叔父 大茬大部分 挡瓜干扰,碍事 刁二匠搞抢劫的人 盯识留心所关心的事物 二百五,二杆子,二球讥称有些傻气,说话做事莽撞的人 发瓜发牢骚 方方方块,方行 搞道央求,劝慰,想办法 告油往齿轮等地方抹油 跟集赶集 供帮供孩子上学 瓜子傻瓜 瓜搭勾搭 逛脱了耽搁了 瓜嘻嘻傻乎乎 夹不住话不能保守秘密 接承答应 结活指结实程度大小重量等超过一般 焦火指办事抓得紧 精gou子光屁股 亏他先人里骂人作了坏事羞辱了先人 壳(kuo)子硬强硬,遇事不退让 浪三游手好闲的人 冷SONG骂愚蠢无能的人 撂过停止 列挂摆样子,做作 淋子雨连阴大雨 骂讲骂骂咧咧 铆硬了过分了 帽盖头发 没良法没办法 没麻打没问题 没眉眼不顾脸面 哪达那儿