1.According to its classification and based on the particular examples both in English and Chinese,selective question sentence is analyzed in terms of forming theory,prototype,figure-ground theory,perspective and other aspects,aiming to in some measure reflect the cognitive process of applying and understanding the language.根据选择疑问句的分类,从其形成的认知理据、典型性、图形背景理论、视角分析等方面,结合汉英两种语言在选择疑问句表达上的具体实例,对其进行较为全面的认知分析,能在一定程度上反映语言使用和理解的认知过程。

1.figure ground segregation图形背景分离形象背景分离
2.figure ground perception图形背景知觉形象背景知觉
3.Iconicity and Figure-Ground Account of Dislocation Construction移位构式象似性的图形背景理论阐释
4.Poetic Imagery Rendering from the Perspective of Figure-Ground Theory图形背景理论关照下的诗歌意象翻译
5.A Study of English and Chinese N+N Compounds Based on Figure/ground Segregation;基于图形背景理论的英汉语名名复合结构研究
6.Specifies the background color used to display text and graphics in an object.指定对象内文本和图形的背景色。
7.- She has a heavy graphics background- 她有强大的图形处理背景
8.Analysis of Image-Background Theories on English It-Stressed Sentences;英语it强调句的图形—背景论分析
9.Application of Figure-background Theory in Chinese;浅论图形—背景理论在汉语中的应用
10.Figure-Ground Used to Analyze Time and Space Structure in Language;图形-背景用于分析语言中的时空结构
11.On Figure and Ground in Coursewares of Foreign Language Multimedia;外语多媒体课件设计的图形——背景论
12.Figure/Ground and Its Application in Syntactic Analysis;图形/背景理论在句法分析中的作用
13.Chinese Existential Constructions from the Perspective of Figure-Ground Relations图形—背景论视角下的汉语存现构式
14.Background picture tiled behind the text and graphics on the page.背景图片平铺在页面的文本和图形之后。
15.(Obsolete)The background color used to display text and graphics in the control.(过时)用于显示控件中文本和图形的背景色。
16.A Figure-Ground Segregation Analysis of Major Images in Wang s Poetry;对王维诗歌中主要意象的图形—背景分离分析
17.Review of English Cleft within Framework of Figure-Ground Theory;图形-背景论框架下的英语分裂句再认识
18.A Cognitive Study of Chunjiang,Hua and Yueye with Figure-Ground Theory;图形—背景理论对《春江花月夜》的认知解读

1.The principle of figure-ground segregation is one of the basic cognitive principles,it can be applied to language as well.图形-背景分离原则虽然是空间组织的一个基本认知原则,但也可用来研究语言,因此也是语言组织概念内容的一个基本认知原则。
2.The nature of figure-ground reflects the principle that language obeys in time and space.图形-背景理论起源于心理学,后来主要用于对语言结构的研究,是语言认知原则。
3.We will research on structural ambiguity caused by prepositional phrase in cognitive perspective with figure-ground theory.从认知的角度利用图形-背景理论对介词短语引起的结构歧义这一现象进行了分析,探讨歧义产生的认知原因,弥补了单从形式和功能进行分析的不足,从而为歧义的解释提供一个新的视角。
1.According to the properties of figure/ground, some principles of linguistics in space and temporal events are studied.图形/背景理论起源于心理学,后来主要用于对语言结构的研究,是语言组织概念内容的一个基本认知原则。
2.This paper attempts to study polysemy of when-complex sentences in the light of cognitive theories(metaphor and figure/ground)so as to explore the inner mechanism underlying their syntactic structure and tries to reveal the implication for foreign language teaching.本文尝试运用隐喻、图形/背景等认知理论,探讨英语时间连词多义性存在的认知基础,以期对其作出更合理解释,并据此讨论对外语教学的启示。
4)figure and background图形与背景
1.It developed three theories on vision and perception: the relationship between whole and segment the theory of figure and background> the theory of "field".格式塔心理学是1912年诞生于德国的一个心理学派,它发展了有关视知觉的三大理论:整体与部分的辩证关系、图形与背景理论、“场”的理论。
5)Figure-Ground Theory图形-背景论
1.Cognitive Interpretation of Puns in English and Chinese in Perspectives of the Figure-Ground Theory and the Relevance Theory图形-背景论和关联论对英汉双关语的认知解读
6)figure-grounding theory图形-背景理论
1.This paper takes the cognitive and systemic-functional approaches, and uses following theories: iconicity?figure-grounding theory and economy prin ciple to analyze nominalization in English, and sorts it into several categories , moreover, motivations of nominalization are discussed.文章从认知语言学和系统功能语言学出发,利用语法隐喻、象似性、图形-背景理论及经济原则来认识英语名词化及对其进行分类,并探寻名词化形成的理据。

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