1.According to the literature and the citations about the book of Zeng Zi,it has proved that the Eight Chapters of ZengZi had been lost before the Time of the Six Dynastiesand the left Ten Chapters had been kept in Dadailiji whose namescontained the"Zeng Zi"in the paper.本文根据《曾子》一书的著录和引用情况,考订出《曾子》一书大约在六朝以前亡佚八篇,其余十篇保存在《大戴礼记》篇名中带有"曾子"二字的十篇。

1.The Origin and Development of Zengzi and DadailijiZengzishipian《曾子》源流与《大戴礼记》“曾子十篇”
2.The Bamboo Book Nei Li of Shanghai Museum and DadailijiZengzishipian;上海博物馆竹书《内豊》与《大戴礼记》“曾子十篇”
3.To criticize several false viewpoints on the editors of The Rites by Da Dai and Xiao Dai;今本大、小戴《礼记》编者误说清理
4.She made me go to church in a silk hat and a frock-coat.她强拉着我戴着丝绸帽子,穿着大礼服去做礼拜。
5.No many men wear top hats these days.如今没有多少男人戴大礼帽了。
6.My father is the man in the top hat over there.我父亲就是那边戴大礼帽的那个人。
7.Another Interpretation of the paragraph Beginning with “Education of great learning...”in“On Learning” in The Book of Rites;为《礼记·学记》“大学之教也”段进一解
8.At the coronation, the archbishop put a crown on the Queen's head.在加冕典礼上, 大主教把王冠戴在女王头上。
9.Miss Roberts: I don't remember, sir. The man whom I served was wearing a hat.罗伯茨小姐:我不记得了,先生.我接待的那个人当时戴着礼帽。
10.The midmorning dance is for schoolchildren. The formal noon processional is the main event, with the men in top hats and frock coats, the women in gowns.中午的正式队伍是主要的节目。男士们头戴高顶大礼帽,身穿礼服大衣,女士们也身穿礼服。
11.The Theory of Harmony Society and the Idea of Ancient Utopian Society in China;和谐社会理论与大同社会思想——读《礼记·礼在》篇
12.There’s the atation-master in his frock and top-hat. There must be a big bug getting off the train here.站长身穿礼服大衣头戴高顶黑色大礼帽在那儿恭候,一定是有什么大人物要在本站下来。
13.On Six Rules of Mourning Apparel in The Book of Rites;“服术有六”:试论《礼记·大传》中的制服原则
14.Everyone forgets how shaky de Gaulle's position is.大家都忘记了戴高乐的地位是多么不稳。
15.Quite a gent, 'e was -- dress shirt, top 'at, black overcoat.他是个上等人——穿着白衬衫,戴着高礼帽,外面一件黑大衣。
16.He would come home and swell around his town in his top hat.他常常回老家来,戴着大礼帽自命不凡地在镇上溜达。
17.Just- that's right- those guys with the tall hats and the gold chains across their vests.确实如此,那些照片只拍下那些戴大礼帽、甲上悬挂着金表链的家伙。
18.Adjusting his scarf and tilting his derby to a jauntier angle, he walked briskly toward the big house.他整了整围巾,把礼帽歪戴成更时兴的样子,轻快地向大房子走去。

3)"Da Dai Li Ji Jie Gu"大戴礼记解诂
1.Research on "Da Dai Li Ji Jie Gu";《大戴礼记解诂》之研究
4)Amended and discussed in Da Dai Li Ji《大戴礼记》释诂
5)Explaining Archaic Words of Dadailiji in Accurate Language《大戴礼记》诂正
6)the Rites by Daisheng《小戴礼记》

《大戴礼记》  与《礼记》大体同时编成的一部有关中国古代礼制的文章汇编,但增加了若干篇记载古史世系和天象物候的历史文献。    原本相传是西汉戴德从当时所存的战国以来说礼之文一百三十一篇中选取八十五篇而成,故名《大戴礼记》。当时由戴圣选编的《小戴礼记》,到东汉末郑玄作注而成为独占"礼记"之名的"三礼"之一,《大戴礼记》遂被认为"非圣人之言"而不传习。北周卢辩始为其作注,到唐代已亡失四十六篇。又书中《夏小正》一篇单行,实仅存三十八篇。宋淳熙刊本复收《夏小正》,又从《盛德》析出《明堂》一篇,共四十篇,分为十三卷(其中卢辩注只存八卷)。书中与《礼记》大略相同者五篇(《哀公问》、《投壶》篇名亦同;《礼察》、《曾子大孝》、《本命》则分别与《礼记》之《经解》、《祭义》、《丧服四制》中的各一段相同);收《仪礼》所无的古典礼仪节五篇(《诸侯迁庙》、《衅庙》、《朝事》、《投壶》、《公符》);录自《荀子》者三篇(《哀公问》、《劝学》、《礼三本》;又《劝问》末"问水"见《荀子·宥坐》);而同于汉单行本《孔子三朝记》者五篇(《哀公问五义》、《哀公问孔子》、《小辨》、《用兵》、《少间》),同于《曾子》者十篇;录自《贾子新书》四篇合为一篇(《保傅》);其《公符》篇末又载《汉孝昭帝冠辞》,可知其书既有先秦之文,亦有不少为汉代所作。书中颇有很具价值的文献,如《夏小正》一般以为是战国时关于天象物候的科学资料;《五帝德》、《帝系》是东周所传古史系统,司马迁据以撰《五帝本纪》、《三代世表》。由于历代无人重视,该书错乱遂多。清戴震、卢文弨、汪中等始校订正误,以王聘珍《大戴礼记解诂》为世所称。