1.On the Expressional Function Of "laizhe";也论“来着”的表达功能——与熊仲儒同志商榷

1.'I've tried all over the place.“我还到处找来着
2.Oh, it was what was his name again?原来是——他叫什么来着
3.On the Tense Auxiliary Term“来着”;略论时制助词“来着”——兼论“来着~1”与“的~2”以及“来着~2”的区别
4.He is more and more more exciting while speaking.他说着说着越来越激动。
5.Next he rose on his hind feet and pranced around,接着后腿着地,跳来跳去,
6.He was walking back and forth along the corridor.他沿着走廊来回地走着。
7.Get the kids and come on.叫上孩子,跟着来!
8.exclaimed a commanding voice.[意大利语:“跟着来。”
9.Soon the waste paper basket was on fire. The whole room was burning.很快废纸篓着火了。接着整个房间开始着起来。
10.She goes to the bar counter and comes back with the drinks on a tray.他朝着吧台走去,又托着放着酒的托盘回来。
11.He fished out a cigarette and lit up.他摸出一支烟来点着了。
12.Sollozzo said to the driver, "Nice work.他自己点着,抽了起来。
13.Then he sent for his wife and children.接着他接来妻子儿女。
14.The leaves whirled (round) as they fell.树叶打着转飘落下来.
15.He growled a command to her to stop.他咆哮着命令她停下来。
16.and he put his face in his hands and burst into tears.手捂着脸,突然哭起来。
17.She bent over and kissed him again.她再度弯下身来吻着他。
18.He grinned affectionately他深情地咧着嘴笑起来。

3)Ah, here you are.来,您拿着。
4)Complementary Discussion on Chinese Particle "Laizhe""来着"补论
5)"Laizhe" Revisited再论"来着"
6)What did I come in for?我进来干嘛来着?
