1.Through analysis of phonetic word-formation, the paper found that it falls into phonetic loan characters and phonetic word-making characters in which the former wass a method of using words and the latter a method of making words.文章通过对假借的分析,将假借分为假借行为和假借造字两种情况,认为前者为用字法,后者为造字法,并评价以往"三书说"对假借分析的不足。
2.By analysing phonetic loan characters, the paper divi des it into phonetic loan characters behavior and word-making phonetic loan char acters, indicating the former is a method of using words, and the latter is a me thod of making words and rectifies the previous inadequate analyses of phonetic loan characters “San-shu Shuo”(三书说), therefore endowes it with new content.文章通过对假借的分析,将其分为假借行为和假借造字两种情况,指出前者为用字法,后者为造字法,并校正了以往“三书说”对假借分析的不足,赋予“三书说”以新的含义。

1.The Information Transformation of Coining Chinese Characters in the Mark Designing汉字造字法在标志设计中的信息传递
2.The Application of the Theory of Creating Ancient Chinese Character in Art and Design;古文字造字精神在视觉传达中的应用
3.Explanation of the Character Yi(以);释“以”——兼说“似”字和甲骨文声符形化造字
4.On the Chinese Character Word-formation Thought-and Chinese Modern Graph Design论汉字造字思维与中国现代图形设计
5.The Research of Chinese Prototype of Intelligent Making Chinese Character Based on Cognitive Mechanism;基于认知机理的汉字智能造字之汉字基元研究
6.The Exploration of Hieroglyphs Created by the People of "Shui" Nationality and Chinese Character on the Basis of the Methods They Used in Languages Recording;从记录语言的方式看水文自造字和汉字的同义
7.The exploration for the ways of Chinese character teaching under Chinese character-maken law;利用造字规律进行识字教学的方法探析
8.Only when there is no terminology available do scientists create new characters or words, such as "qiang-ji" (hydroxide radical ), "fen" (phenol ), etc.实在没有办法时才造字或造词,如“羟基”,“酚”,等等。
9.Analysis on the Tend of the Compounding Development of Chinese Vocabulary and Chinese Characters;汉语发展大趋势:造字复体化与造词复合化
10.WORDFORMATION, CONSTRUCTION AND CATEGORY--On the discussion of the Logical transformation from the six Categories to the Three Categories;造字·构形·类型——试谈“三书”对“六书”改造的合理性
11.Semantic-phonetic composition is one way of word building in Chinese, but Chinese is not a phonetic language.形声是汉字的一种造字法,但汉字并不因此以表音见长。
12.forge a banknote, will, signature, etc伪造钞票、 遗嘱、 签字等.
13.Donald is force to forge a signature.唐纳德被迫伪造签字。
14.digital subtraction angiography数字减影血管造影术
15.He invented strange terminations.他创造一些奇怪的字尾。
16.He faked his father's signature.他伪造父亲的签字.
17.Scientists are always coining new words.科学家老是在造新字。
18.Digital Renovation of Talyrond 73 Roundness Tester;TALYROND73型圆度仪数字化改造

1.Shui, which is one kind of primary characters used by wizards of Shui Minority, also follows the same word-formation mechanism.一种文字系统的文字符号并不都处于同一个时间层次,按其造字机制不同可以分成初造字与新造字
1.As an organic constituent of thinking,rhetorical thinking plays an indispensable part in the course of character-building.修辞思维作为思维的有机组成部分,在汉字造字时发挥了不可或缺的作用。
4)use characters to coin other characters用字造字
5)To write or form letters.写字,造字
6)character-formation and word-formation造字与造词
