1.A Study on the History of the Merger of Yangping and Shangsheng in Yinchuan Dialect(Ⅰ);银川话阳平、上声合并史新探(上)

1.The sun shines all alike.太阳平等地照耀一切。
2.The sun swung steadily up the sky.太阳平平稳稳地升上天空。
3.Study on the Tonal Change of Qusheng(去声) Divided into Yinping(阴平) and Yangping(阳平) in Pingdu(平度) Dialect;山东平度方言去声分归阴、阳平的语音考察
4.Already the sun had slipped beyond the horizon.太阳已经落下了地平线。
5.The sun dipped below the horizon.太阳落到地平线下了。
6.The sun had cleared the horizon.太阳已经升出了地平线。
7.The sun was-ging towards the horizon.太阳向地平线下降。
8.The sun was just kissing the horizon.太阳刚刚染红地平线。
9.The sun has risen above the horizon.太阳已从地平线升起。
10.Greenwich hour angle mean sun格林尼治平太阳时角
11.The sun dips below the sea.太阳沉入海平面以下。
12.The sun appeared on the horizon.太阳在地平线上出现。
13.The sun appears on the horizon.太阳出现在地平线上。
14.The sun has set below the horizon.太阳已落于地平线下。
15.solar energy flat plate collector平板式太阳能收集器
16.flat plate module平板式组件 -太阳电池
17.plate solar heater太阳能平板型集热器
18.a wash of red sunset(bThomas Pynchon)一抹斜阳(b托马斯 平琼)

1.Analyses of a Heavy Rain in Pingyang City on October 3,20052005年10月平阳一次台风特大暴雨天气过程分析
3)Ping Yang平阳
1.He founded the capitals of Pu Ban and Ping Yang.他曾先后建都于蒲坂和平阳,这是两种不同性质的国都,蒲坂为有虞氏古国的王都,平阳则是华夏联盟的帝都。
2.Ping yang is the centre of Yao culture, as a result of textual research from literature and archacolongical materials.从文献资料和考古资料等多方面考证 ,尧文化的中心地域在平阳。
1.Preparation of a new kind of gelatin-PYM-microspheres for arterial embolization;一种新的栓塞用平阳霉素明胶微球的制备
2.Short term effect of combination of PYM with radiotherapy for the treatment of senile oral squamous carcinoma;平阳霉素化疗联合放疗治疗老年口腔癌的近期疗效
3.Experimental Studies on Prepare a New Kind of Crosslinking Agent to Gelatin-PYM-microspheres and Investigate Its Related Biological Characteristics;氧化葡聚糖交联平阳霉素明胶微球的研制及其相关生物学特性的实验研究
5)Yin and Yang balance阴阳平衡
1.On the Chinese Concept of Yin and Yang balance and Psychological adjustment;中医阴阳平衡观与心理调适
6)Pingyang Fanshan平阳矾山

二十七日自阳平至斜谷宿于南山中蟠龙寺【诗文】:横槎晚渡碧涧口,骑马夜入南山谷。(音浴。)谷中暗水响泷泷,岭上疏星明煜煜。寺藏岩底千万仞,路转山腰三百曲。风生饥虎啸空林,月黑麏窜修竹。入门突兀见深殿,照佛青荧有残烛。愧无酒食待游人,旋斫杉松煮溪蔌。板阁独眠惊旅枕,木鱼晓动随僧粥。起观万瓦郁参差,目乱千岩散红绿。门前商贾负椒荈,山后咫尺连巴蜀。何时归耕江上田,一夜心逐南飞鹄。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷一