音转,vocal switch
1)vocal switch音转
1.The vocal switch is definitely the critical point on the "phonological revolve" in Chinese.声纽实是汉语“音转”问题的关键。
2.It is about the dialect slang, using the vocal switch to seek the origin of dialect words and expressions.它以方言俚语为研究对象,采用音转原理探求方言词语的渊源,为我们今天探索俗语学提供了极其珍贵的资料和线索。

1.change from a simple vowel to a diphthong.把一个简单的元音转变为双元音。
2.Study of English Stress Transformation From Rhythm;从节奏角度看英语发音中的重音转
3.Comments on Transliteration and transcription;评《蒙古文字形转写和读音转写方案》
4.A change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice.变音在语调、音高、音量或音调上的变化;声音的一种转调
5.Export Raw Audio&Track转换成RAW音轨文件(&T)
6.The music changed to a slow waltz.音乐转成了慢板华尔兹
7.audio AD-DA convertor音频模数-数模转换器
8.I dub a CD onto a tape.我把cd转录到录音带上
9.I dubbed a CD onto a tape .我把cd转录到录音带上。
10.It was a live broadcast, not a recording.那是实况转播,不是录音。
11.phonemically transcribed.按照音位学原理转录。
12.text-to-speech synthesizer文字转换语音合成器
13.To represent(speech sounds)by phonetic symbols.记下…的音标用音标表示(用语音)翻译或转译
14.convert into sounds or pictures, of incoming radio signals.接收收音机信号时,转换声音或图像。
15.The music of radio distracted my attention.收音机里的音乐转移了我的注意力。
16.modulate from one key to another从一个音调转到另一个音调
17.The change of a simple vowel to a diphthong, often caused by the influence of neighboring consonants.元音割裂一个单元音向一个双元音的转变,常由临近辅音影响所致
18.I rewrund the cassette and play her voice back to her我把录音带转回去, 把她的声音放给她听

3)key-to-pinyin conversion键音转换
1.Study on key-to-pinyin conversion problem for Chinese phonetic input technique on digit keyboard;基于数字键盘的语句级汉字输入键音转换问题
4)audio-to-image transform音-图转换
1.In order to detect the length of secret messages embedded by audio-to-image audio steganography,via researching distribution characteristic of wavelet coefficients histogram after audio-to-image transform the peak frequency feature which has linear relationship with the embedding capacity is extracted,and the linear regressive model is established.为了分析音-图转换音频隐密方法嵌入的秘密信息长度,通过考察音-图转换后小波系数直方图的分布特性,提取出与嵌入容量成线性关系的峰值频率特征,建立了线性回归模型。
5)voice conversion语音转换
1.A survey of voice conversion and its relevant technology;语音转换及相关技术综述
2.Research of the Chinese Voice Conversion System;汉语语音转换系统的研究
3.Research and Implementation of Voice Conversion Techniques Based on ARM9;基于ARM9的语音转换技术研究与实现
6)voice conversion声音转换
1.Experiment is carried out on voice conversion of 5 vowels from international phonetic symbol and speech.声音转换是将源说话人的声音转化成具有目标说话人特征信息的声音的方法。
2.voice conversion technique aims to modify the source speaker s speech to make it sound like a designated target speaker’s speech, of which the spectral envelope mapping algorithm is the key part.源-目标话者的声音转换是一种变换说话人声音特性的技术,它将源说话人的声音转换成另一个指定的目标说话人的声音。
3.The application of three different regression methods which named Polynomial Regression, Linear Multi-variant Regression and Support Vector Regression in voice conversion is compared in this paper.声音转换是将源说话人的声音转化成具有目标说话人特征信息的声音的方法。

世间转法转智转无尽【世间转法转智转无尽】  世间转者,谓展转摄前众生界、世界、虚空界也。法转者,谓展转摄前法界、涅槃界、佛出现界也。智转者,谓展转摄前如来智界,心所缘佛智所入境界也。盖此三转,皆言无尽者,以世法智之三种,展转含摄,无有穷尽,是名世间转、法转、智转无尽。