
1.Detailed data are presented to prove its achievement.最后,以翔实的数据证明了取得的成效。
2.She uncovered the truth no matter how powerful the people she wrote about are.她翔实地报道真相,无论报道对象是多么强势。
3.A Newly Published Excellent Book with Detailed and Complete Informations--On ZHOU Xiang-lu The Chronological Life of YUAN Zhen;翔实博洽 后出转精——评周相录著《元稹年谱新编》
4.The development progress on chromium-free coated steel sheet in Japan iron& steel enterprises was introduced.为此翔实地介绍日本钢铁业在开发无铬表面处理钢板领域的进展。
5.Accurate and excellent accounts have been written of the evacuation of the British and French armies from Dunkirk.关于英国和法国军队从敦刻尔克撤退,已有翔实而完善的记载。
6.With seven series of pictures, full and accurate data, this book is readable and attractive.书中选配有大量图片,图文并茂,资料翔实,文字流畅,引人入胜。
7.The purpose of this essay is to give a detailed analysis of Michael Oakeshott's idea of liberal education.本文之宗旨在于翔实地分析欧克秀的人文教育理念。
8.Complete Glider / Disrupt Lab完成滑翔机/瓦解实验室
9."Rather than flying, they actually glide after jumping from the water."飞鱼不是飞翔,感觉上好象是在拍打翼状鳍,其实只是滑翔。
10.Study on the Navigation&Positon of Underwater Glider水下滑翔机定位导航系统及实验研究
11.The Research and Application of ERP Used in Company Tianxiang;天翔公司ERP项目设计与实施研究
12.The man who first experimented with sailplanes hoped to imitate the flight of birds.首先使用滑翔机作实验的人是想模仿鸟的飞行。
13.Design and Experiments on Underwater Gliders Propelled by Thermal Engine;温差能驱动的水下滑翔器热机设计与实验研究
14.Design and Experiment Research of Mechanics of Underwater Gliders Propelled by Electricity;电驱动水下滑翔器机械系统的设计与实验研究
15.Research and Development of Real-time Simulation of Underwater Glider;水下滑翔机器人实时仿真平台研究与开发
16.Prediction of Performance of Liu Xiang in 2008 Olympic Games;2008年奥运会刘翔110m跨栏跑竞争实力预测与分析
17.Successful Practices and Development of Jiang Nanxiang s Thought on Engineering Education;蒋南翔工程教育思想的成功实践及其发展
18.glider and hand-glider滑翔机和悬挂式滑翔机

detailed material资料翔实
1.Four Characteristics are observed in A New History of the South-Eastern Asian Chinese-Language Literature:revisiting history from a contemporary perspective;providing substantial and detailed material;objective narration;realistic and truthful.《东南亚华文新文学史》有四大特点:一、立足当代、追溯历史;二、资料翔实、涵盖广泛;三、论说客观;四、实事求是。
3)full and accurate data史料翔实
4)substantial in content内容翔实
5)Report of news are accurate and in detail访稿翔实
6)A Biography is accurate in detail年谱翔实
