1.On the basis of the research of the previous person,this article compared the demonstrative pronouns:"every" and"each" on the syntactic and the semantic plane."每"和""是两个特殊的指示代词,但两者有同有异。

1.Ready, steady, go!位, 预备, 跑!
2.Ready,steady,go! ie said at the start of a race.位, 预备,跑!`
3.On your marks! Get set! Go!位!预备!跑!
4.On your marks. Set .位。 预备。
5.On your mark! Get set! Go!位! 预备! 跑!
6.So here's to disciples and Calvary.为门徒和他干一杯。
7.The habit varies from district to district.区的矿体形态异。
8.You have lived through all sorts of changes.经历了样的变化,
9.Each has his several ideal.人有人的理想。
10.They interview people from all walks of life.他们采访业的人.
11.Every trade is thriving.业都欣欣向荣。
12.Every man has his humor.〔谚语〕人有人的脾气。
13.There are actors and actors.有样的演员。
14.There are men and men.有样的男人。
15.She makes herself generally useful.她能干样的工作。
16.wearing a motley collection of old clothes穿着样的旧衣服
17.He has seen all manner of men.他见过样的人。
18.There are all sorts of newspapers on the table.桌上有样的报纸。

3)your marks!"各就各位On
4)On your marks!各就各位!
5)different trades and callings各行各业
6)Get to your places!各就各位
