
1.a liability account showing how much is owed for goods and services purchased on credit.表明多少钱的款单。
2.The act of yawning.打哈打哈的动作
3.He owed three month's back rent.他了三个月的租。
4.Undervoltage (Voltage Drop).电压(电压降低)。
5.These buns haven's been steamed long enough.这一屉馒头火 。
6.She is in debt to her neighbors for 5000 yuan.她邻居5000元.
7.(2) To withhold the taxes due;(二)扣缴所税款;
8.purchase liabilities aging schedule购货款赊期间分析表
9.He rose slightly and then sat down to work again.他身子又继续工作。
10.The bishop gave his hand quickly, made his little studied bow.主教连忙伸出手去,很矜持的身。
11.A promise is a debt许诺等于债要清,许诺要还
12.I want to receive what is owed to me,@ replied Shylock.我必须拿到我的东西。”
13.have good, poor, hard, little, bad, etc luck运气好、 不好、 背、 佳、 坏等.
14.-- We'll owe twopence, he said.“我们还你两便士,”他说。
15.smother a yawn,smile,laugh,etc.忍住哈、微笑、大笑等
16.'Oh yes, sir! Lots of'em.'“哦,先生,她了好多哪
17.In2007, the World Health Organization will report on whether the2005 global TB control targets of70% case detection and85% treatment success have been achieved.辏?澜缥郎?橹??ǜ媸裢瓿
18.I don't think she acted right.我认为她做得妥。

1.According to the character of Wangershan gold ore, using table concentration can recover valuable mineral in undergrinding and single flotation process, and valuable mineral resources can be utilized fully.根据望儿山金矿的矿石特征 ,在磨条件下 ,对于单一浮选流程 ,利用摇床对浮选尾矿再选 ,可以有效回收目的矿物 ,充分开发利用宝贵的矿产资
6)slack quench欠速
1.The overall heating process of the reusable rail adopting slack quench process is described.采用速淬火工艺对再用轨进行全长热处理,对经过热处理后的再用轨和普通再用轨的力学性能如冲击韧性、断裂韧性、疲劳强度、残余应力、硬度及金相组织等进行了对比实验,结果表明,经过速淬火后,再用轨的强韧性和塑性有明显提高,并结合铺设实验,探讨了速淬火提高钢轨强韧性能的原因以及它与使用性能的关系。

欠欠 欠   ①证名。呵欠频频不已。亦称数欠、善欠、欠伸、呼欠。出《灵枢·口问》。《灵枢·九针》:“肾主欠。”因肾气不足,或寒邪阻遏阳气,或气郁于胃所致。《金匮要略心典》卷中:“中寒者,阳气被抑,故喜欠。”《张氏医通》卷九:“气郁于胃,故欠生焉。”   ②生理名词。俗称呵欠。深呼吸动作,正常人或疲劳时均可出现。   ③不足、短少。《灵枢·经脉》:“小便数而欠。”