1.Discussion of Grammaticalization and Development Trend of "Men"——According to the investigation on "ge men er,ye men er,niang men er";汉语中复数标记“们”的语法化——据“哥们儿,爷们儿,娘们儿”的考察

1."Quirites, gentlemen, caballeros, my friends.“公民,先生,少爷,朋友
2.We thank them, and they wave their hands dismissively.我谢谢他,而他轻蔑的打发我
3.We will serve you out for the trick that you played on us.你捉弄了我,我要回敬你的。
4.Shall we come to see you or will you come to see us?是我来找你,还是你来找我
5.Susan Tyler: They mimic us. We mimic them.他演变成我,我演变成他
6.Brothers, fathers, sons. We march.兄弟,父亲,儿子。我行军。
7.They run, they jump, they swim, and they dive.他奔跑,他跳跃,他游泳,他跳水。
8.They were too near for us not to see them .他距我太近,我都能看见他了。
9.And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.我向你吹笛,你不跳舞。我向你举哀,你不捶胸。
10.They loved their men, they believed in them, they trusted them to the last breaths of their bodies.她爱她的男人,她相信他,她始终不渝地信任他
11.We were sure that we would be able to win.我确信我一定会赢。
12.They pestered us for money.他缠住我要钱。
13.They're waving at us.他在向我招手。
14.They lay in ambush for us.他埋伏等待我
15.They were eyeing us jealously.他正妒忌地看着我
16.They exceed us in number.他在数量上超过我
17.We are sure to defeat them.我一定会打败他
18.Up and at them, boys!弟兄,向他进攻吧!

1.Discussion of Grammaticalization and Development Trend of "Men"——According to the investigation on "ge men er,ye men er,niang men er";汉语中复数标记“们”的语法化——据“哥们儿,爷们儿,娘们儿”的考察
1.The relationship between “we” and “nature”has experienced such stages as integrity,breakup and harmony.“我们”与“自然”的发展经历了这样的里程 :1 )“我们”与“自然”的浑然。
2.However,in practice ,may variant usages about"we"are used.“我们”是一个人称代词,从语法意义上来讲,通常指的是第一人称复数形式。
3.I would like to discuss this novel in three parts:In the first chapter,the keywords are "we" and "I".本论文主要围绕俄罗斯白银时代作家扎米亚京的长篇小说《我们》展开,作家的这部小说不仅是反乌托邦小说中的经典作品之一,同时也是20世纪初俄国末世论哲学的生动写照。
1.In Oates them,the female protagonist Maureen Wendall is always encircled by violence.在欧茨的《他们》中,女主人公莫琳。
1.The Characteristics of Modernism in We;《我们》的现代主义创作特色
2.Russian writer——Zamjatin s novel We is a controversial works with a lot offrustrations.俄罗斯作家叶·伊·扎米亚京的小说《我们》是一部饱受争议且命运坎坷的作品。
3.On the initial stage of his creating, he was regarded as a great writer, however, after he finished his novel We, which raised up a storm of controversy and Zamyatin was subjected to extraordinarily harsh criticism.创作初期他受到过评论界高度赞赏,但自从他的代表作《我们》(1921年)问世后,作品被禁,作家遭到恶毒攻击。
1.The Seeking and Losing of the Dream:To See the Feminist Consciousness Embryo in <Them> from Maureen;梦想的寻获与失落——从莫琳形象看《他们》中的女性主义意识萌芽
2.A National Book Award winner in 1970, them is recognized as a peak of Oates’literary creation in the early stage.《他们》是欧茨早期文学创作的巅峰之作,为作者赢得了1970年的“美国国家图书奖”。
