
1.The Information Decoding Mechanism of the Structure "lian…dou/ye…";“连……都/也……”结构的信息解码机制
2.Look at him, all day he doesn't so much as fart, but everything gets done!"看他,一天连个屁也不放,可把事都做了
3.Even his servants loved him.连他的仆人们也都敬爱他。
4.He fears nothing, even at night.他什么都不怕,连黑夜也不怕。
5.Everyone helped, not excepting John.每个人都帮了一把手,连约翰也不例外。
6.Everyone of them took off their hats.个人都帮了一把手,连约翰也不例外。
7.Even if the vaccine 4,000 dogs also all killed.连打过疫苗的4千只狗也都杀死了。
8.Discussing the Grammaticalization of "Lian…Dou/Ye…" Structure;探讨“连…都/也…”结构的语法化过程
9.The "Lian(连) A ye/dou(也/都) B" Discontinous Construction and Its Grammaticalization;“连A也/都B”框式结构及其框式化特点
10.The Exchange of jiushi~ye~(就是~也~) and lian~dou~(连~都~);“就是~也~”和“连~都~”的互换分析
11.A reflection on the Chinese sentence pattern"Lian...ye/dou";关于汉语“连…也/都…”句式的思考
12.The Pragmatic Research Summary of "Lian...Ye/Dou..." Sentence Pattern“连…也/都…”句的语用研究综述
13.We all know what a franchise is, we see them every day.我们都知道连锁店是什麽,每天也都看得到它们。
14.All the people in the city have a coat to wear, even the poor people.城里的所有人,甚至连穷人,也都有外套可穿。
15.We were all arguing and even Stephen weighted in with his comments.我们都在争论,甚至连斯蒂芬也参加发表评论了。
16.And all the army of Sisera fell by the edge of the sword; not even one was left.西西拉的全军都倒在刀下,连一个也没有留下。
17.When the interface fails, all connections using the interface also fail.当接口失效时,利用此接口的所有连接也都失效。
18.even an idiot knows that; declined even to consider the idea; I don't have even a dollar!连白痴都知道;甚至拒绝考虑那个意见;我连一块钱也没有!

3)"V ye/dou VP"V也/都VP
1.The Structural Features of "V ye/dou VP" and the Functions of "Ye" and "Dou" in the Format;试论“V也/都VP”的构造特征及其“也”、“都”的表达功用
4)The rooms are quite large too.房间也都非常大。
5)so without so much as连¥都没有
6)It's going to blow you up too.这也将牵连到你。

连铸精整车间钢结构厂房(上海宝山钢铁总厂)连铸精整车间钢结构厂房(上海宝山钢铁总厂) 嘿黝攫毕扁黝曝 连铸精整车间钢结构厂房(上海宝山钢铁总厂)