1.On the Structural Feature and Cognition of "Chihu"“吃胡”的结构特点及认知考察

1.Eat the carrots. Eat the peas. Eat the tomatoes.吃胡萝卜。吃豌豆。吃西红柿。
2.I like pepper but it doesn't like me.我喜欢吃胡椒,但胡椒不适合我的肠胃。
3.Rabbits and hares like such, are animals that eat carrots.像家兔和野兔这类动物是吃胡萝卜的。
4.You should eat such vegetables as carrot, celery and spinach.你应该吃胡萝卜、芹菜和菠菜这类的蔬菜。
5.The myth that eating carrots improves your eyesight is exploded years ago .认为吃胡萝卜可以改善视力的海外奇谈,多年前已祛除殆尽
6.a stick of carrot eaten raw.条状的胡萝卜,生吃。
7.I like to eat grass and carrots.我喜欢吃草和胡萝卜。
8.We dig them up and eat them."我们把胡萝卜挖出来吃。
9.We are in a hurry so we have to make doing with a quick snack .我们时间很紧,只好胡乱吃了顿小吃
10.We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack.我们时间很紧, 只好胡乱吃了顿小吃.
11.A: I ate twenty pounds of beef yesterday. B: Bull!A:我昨天吃了20磅年肉B:胡扯!
12.His beard waggled as he ate.他的胡子来回地动,好像他在吃。
13.Little Rabbit wanted to eat the other carrot.小兔子想要吃掉另外一根胡萝卜。
14.I hate carrot. It really tastes awful.我讨厌胡萝卜。它实在太难吃了。
15.We ate eggs and bacon, pickled walnuts and cheese.我们吃鸡蛋,火腿,腌胡桃仁和干酪。
16.He got his fingers badly burnt dabbling in the stock-market.他在证券市场胡乱买卖而大吃苦头.
17.If you behave in that way, you'll be had up.如果你还是那样胡闹下去,你是要吃官司的。
18.And it is not surprising that tourists are fascinated by the hutongs你不会感到吃惊为什么他们对胡同如此着迷,

Have some more carrots.再吃点儿胡萝卜.
3)He has a distaste for carrots.他不爱吃胡萝卜。
4)Have some more carrot.再吃点胡萝卜。
5)eat a hasty meal; grab a quick bite胡乱吃了点饭
1.On the Grammarization of the Passive Marker Chi in Contemporarily Chinese;近代汉语被动标记“吃”的语法化
2.The Comparison of "VN Construction" Between Chinese and English——A Research Based on "Chi/eat-N Construction" in the Corpora;汉语“动名构造”与英语“VN构造”的对比——一项基于语料库“吃/eat构造”的对比研究
3.On the Metaphorical Characteristic of Thinking and Economy of Language from the Perspective of V-O-Structured Expressions Beginning with " chi";从“吃”开头的VO式词语看思维的隐喻性与语言的经济性

“赢者通吃”(winner-take-all)的效应当网络产品形成一定规模后,后来的企业想进人同样的市场难度加大。网络经济奉行%26#8220;机遇优先%26#8221;的发展规则,%26#8220;赢者通吃%26#8221;的关键就在于%26#8220;先入为主%26#8221;。 形成%26#8220;赢者通吃%26#8221;还有一个原因就是信息产品存在%26#8220;锁定效应%26#8221;。一个已经形成规模的产品在市场拥有绝对优势的市场份额,它的产品将形成一种标准,人们在长期的使用过程中已经形成一种习惯,使得改变这种状态的可能性更低。网络经济的最终发展就是走向%26#8220;赢者通吃%26#8221;,这是网络经济得以发展的激励所在,也是网络经济发展的最终结果。