1.Combined with our investigation in certain Jianghuai dialects,it points out that: in ancient literatures,including Rulinwaishi,and dialect literatures,some strings of Chinese character,representatively di-ge(的个),are actually writing forms after the process of sandhi,such as haplology,rather than the result of syntactic ellipsis.文章从汪化云(1996)、吕叔湘(1944)等文中涉及量词前省略指示词或数词的相关语言现象入手,通过对部分江淮地区方言语音的考察分析,发现包括《儒林外史》在内的许多历史文献和方言资料中,以"的个"为代表的一些文字串实际上是语流音变(如语音叠合省略)后的文字记录形式,不可视为句法上的省略。

1.On Mistaking Haplology for Syntactic Ellipsis:A Case Study of Di-ge(的个) in Chinese语音叠合省略误作句法省略现象刍议——以“的个”为例
2.To shorten(a word or words)by omitting or combining some of the letters or sounds.略语通过省略或结合某些字母或音素使(一个或几个单词)缩短
3.any process whereby sounds are left out of spoken words or phrases.在词或短语发音时省略某些音的现象。
4.Contrast research in the double-syllable words and reduplicated words in the same form of AA in Modern Chinese;现代汉语AA式叠音词、重叠词对比研究
5.A Brief Talk on the Translation of Reduplication Quantifiers in English Noun Phrases;略谈英语名词短语的叠字数量词汉译
6.the broad [narrow] phonetic notation【语音】简略 [精密] 标音法
7.To omit or slur over(a syllable, for example)in pronunciation.省略在发音时省略或忽略(例如,一个音节)
8.Research of Overlapping Speech Signals Separation Based on CASA基于声场景分析的混叠语音分离研究
9.Separation of Overlapping Speech Signals Based on Auditory Scene Analysis;基于声场景分析的混叠语音信号分离
10.Some Ideas about the Reduplicated Form of Monosyllabic Adverbs in Modern Chinese;浅议现代汉语单音节副词的重叠形式
11.Design of the Firmware for Stackable VoIP Card可堆叠VoIP语音板卡的固件程序设计
12.relating to or formed by or consisting of aphaeresis.非重读字首音的省略。
13.Omission of a final or initial sound in pronunciation.省音在发音中省略最后一个或最初一个音
14.Speech Separation Based on Computational Auditory Scene Analysis;计算听觉场景分析混叠语音信号的分解
15.Bark Wavelet Transform and Its Application for Overlapping Speech Separation;Bark尺度子波变换及其在混叠语音分离中的应用
16.Separation of Overlapping Speech Based on Computational Auditory Scene Analysis;基于计算声场景分析的混叠语音分离研究
17.A Multi-Conditional and Cumulative Fulfillment Model for Analyzing the Cause of Phonetic Variations;语音变体成因分析的“多条件叠加式满足”模型
18.Research of removing the overlapping speech interference based on ESA基于能量分离的混叠语音干扰滤除方法研究

omitting of object宾语省略
3)the pivotal ellipsis兼语省略
1.It should be regarded as the pivotal ellipsis of " Yi A Wei B" .文章从汉语史的角度 ,分析了复音动词“以为”由“A以为B”到“以A为B”再到“以为AB”发展的轨迹 ,进而得出《春秋左传》中的“以”和“为”合用还未普遍具有动词“认为”义 ,只能看作是“以A为B”的兼语省略
4)Ellipsis of words词语省略
5)English Ellipsis英语省略
6)subject ellipsis主语省略
1.But studies on subject ellipsis, which is a typical phenomenon in the use of Chinese language, lack a cognitive perspective to explore its generative causes and comprehension mechanisms.主语省略的研究无论从深度和广度都不及省略研究,尚缺乏从认知的视角考察其深层动因和理解机制,如主语省略是怎么生成的,它的理解是怎样的心理-生理过程?当下学界对于主语省略的研究并没有形成比较成熟的理论。

语音语音  ①语言(说话)的声音。语言必须借声音才能表达。每种语言的语音成分及其结构方式都有系统性和一定的特点。②进行胸部检查时,患者在说话时,用听诊器在胸壁上也可听到,称为听觉语音。