捷联惯性测量装置,strap-down inertial measurement unit
1)strap-down inertial measurement unit捷联惯性测量装置
1.Calibrating method for strap-down inertial measurement unit at all environmental temperature;捷联惯性测量装置全温度标定方法
2)strapdown inertial measurement unit(SIMU)捷联惯性测量装置(SIMU)
1.A New Method of Calibrating the SIMU of Middle-Low Accuracy without Opening the Box;中低精度捷联惯测装置的不开箱标定方法研究
4)strapdown IMU捷联惯性测量组件
1.Research on systemic calibration for Gyros of strapdown IMU;捷联惯性测量组件陀螺系统标定研究

1.Calibration for Strapdown Inertial Measurement Unit Without Orientation Adjustment光纤捷联惯性测量组件在无安装基准时标定方法
2.rate strapdown inertial measurement system速率捷联惯性测量系统
3.MEMS Inertial Sensor-based Single Axis Strap-down Attitude Measuring Device基于微机械惯性器件的单轴捷联姿态测量装置
4.Research on optimization model of marine strapdown inertial measurement unit船用捷联惯性系统的IMU测量模型优化研究
5.Study of Integrated Navigation of Strap-down Inertial Navigation Aided by DVL多普勒测速仪/捷联惯导组合导航技术研究
6.Predicting the Error Coefficients of SIMU Based on LS-SVM基于LS-SVM的捷联惯组误差系数预测与研究
7.Simulation and Testing of North-pointed SINS Software指北式捷联惯导系统软件的仿真与测试
8.Measurement Error Model of IMU in Strapdown Inertial Guidance System of Manpads Missile单兵导弹捷联惯导系统IMU测量误差模型
9.strap-down inertial navigation system捷联式惯性导航系统
10.strapdown inertial navigation equipment捷联式惯性导航设备
11.The Project Designing and Realizing of the Combining Navigation of FOG Strap Down Initial Navigation System and GPS;光纤捷联惯性组合导航系统的工程设计与实现
12.Research on the Data Processing Method in Satellite/SINS Integrated Navigation卫星/捷联惯性组合导航数据处理方法研究
13.Study on Information Fusion Method of Strapdown Inertial/Celestial Integrated Navigation System捷联惯性/天文组合导航信息融合方法研究
14.Research of Integrated Navigation System Based on Strapdown Inertial Navigation System基于捷联惯性导航的组合导航系统研究
15.ESG is an ideal inertial element constituting strapdown system.静电陀螺是构成捷联系统的理想惯性元件。
16.A Method for Fast Calibrating and Estimating Gyro Drift of Strap-down Inertial Navigatin System(SDINS)捷联式惯性导航系统的快速对准和测漂技术
17.Research on Calibration and Test Technique of the FOG-Strapdown Inertial Navigation System;光纤陀螺捷联惯性导航系统标定测试技术研究
18.Elevator running track measure program based on strap-down inertial algorithm采用惯性捷联算法的电梯运行轨迹检测方案

strapdown inertial measurement unit(SIMU)捷联惯性测量装置(SIMU)
1.A New Method of Calibrating the SIMU of Middle-Low Accuracy without Opening the Box;中低精度捷联惯测装置的不开箱标定方法研究
4)strapdown IMU捷联惯性测量组件
1.Research on systemic calibration for Gyros of strapdown IMU;捷联惯性测量组件陀螺系统标定研究
5)strapdown inertial measuring unit捷联式惯性测量系统
1.In the strapdown inertial measuring unit-123, the precise measurement of angular velocity and acceleration is the basis for mastering exactly the information of navigation and guidance.在SIMU-123捷联式惯性测量系统中,角速度和加速度的精确测量是准确掌握导航信息、进行正确制导的根本依据。
6)error of strapdown inertial unit捷联惯性测量元件

捷赫,S.  捷克诗人、小说家。父亲是贵族庄园的管家,曾参加1848年革命,其爱国思想对幼年的捷赫有很深影响。捷赫曾进大学攻读法律,毕业后从事法律工作多年。此后便专门进行文学创作,曾任《花朵》月刊的编辑。他的小品文幽默风趣,具有民主主义和爱国主义思想。著有长篇讽刺小说《布鲁奇克先生旅行月球纪实》(1888)和《布鲁奇克先生新的划时代旅行,这一次去十五世纪》(1889),前者讽刺某些文艺家脱离现实的倾向,后者嘲笑小市民的狭隘、懦怯和自私自利行为。    他的诗歌几乎全是政治诗。代表作叙事诗《奴隶之歌》(1894),写于捷克民族解放运动风起云涌、奥地利统治阶级对革命加紧镇压的时期。长诗采用寓言形式,写东方某种植园一群奴隶的苦难,讽喻奥匈帝国统治下捷克人民的痛苦。长诗出版后在人民中引起强烈的反响。他还著有抒情诗集《黎明之歌》(1887)和《新歌》(1888)。