标准传递函数,standard transfer function
1)standard transfer function标准传递函数
2)Butterworth Standard Transfer functionButterworth标准传递函数
1.Design of State Feedback System Based on Butterworth Standard Transfer function;基于Butterworth标准传递函数设计状态反馈系统
3)ITAE standard transfer functionITAE(Integral Time Absolute Error)标准传递函数
4)standard transmission标准传递
1.In order to provide references for the effective movement of DOAS system, the concrete implementation techniques for standard transmission and instrument adjustment were preseted.针对我国目前广泛采用的环境空气自动监测系统(DOAS)在运行中尚缺少有效的质控措施等问题,依据国家有关技术规范并结合长期的工作实践摸索建立了长光程空气质量连续自动监测系统的质量保证与质量控制操作程序,为保证DOAS系统的有效运行提供借鉴,从标准传递、仪器校正等方面提了出具体实施技术。

1.A Radiance Calibration System Based on Transfering from Irradiance Standard基于辐照度标准传递的辐亮度校准系统
2.Align the installation reference marks on the propeller shaft and yoke and install the propeller shaft.对准传动轴和轭上安装参考标记,安装传递轴。
3.The performance of frequency cali- brator is directly related to precision transfering frequen- cy standard.校频仪的性能,直接关系到传递频率标准的精度。
4.A Portable Precision Enclosure with High Temperature Homogeneity for the Standard Resistor;电阻传递标准用可携式高精度空气控温箱
5.Research of Communication Mechanism for MPICH s Standard-mode;MPICH标准通信模式下消息传递机制的研究
7.Application of Virtual Instrument Technology in Vacuum Transfer Standard虚拟仪器技术在真空传递标准中的应用
8.A study about uniformity of method between standard angle and normal angle in quantity value transfer标准角法与常角法量值传递一致性研究
9.notice of readiness tendered准备就绪通知书传递
10.It attaches great importance to cultural transmission and intellect training, and stands for high standards and strict requirements.它注重社会文化的传递和理智的训练,主张高标准、要求。
11.The standard gas preparation used for natural gas analysis and mass transmission system have been preliminarily formed.初步形成了天然气分析用标准气制备和质量传递系统。
12.Researching、 using and transmission of high precision standard small angle generator──a series of optical angle gauge高精度标准小角度发生器的研制、应用与传递──系列光学角规
13.Interoperability Analysis of Web Service Reliable Messaging StandardsWeb服务标准及互操作性分析(二) Web服务可靠消息传递标准互操作性分析
14.The flag passed is not correct.传递的标志不正确。
15.Make and coordinate development plans for measurement undertakings, designating datum instruments and public standard instruments, organizing the transmission of measurement values制定和协调计量事业的发展规划,建立计量基准和社会公用计量标准,组织量值传递
16.C1363-97, Standard Test Method for the Thermal Performance of Building Assemblies by Means of a Hot Box Apparatus[ S].美国材料与试验协会( ASTM).建筑构件稳态热传递性质的测定-标定和防护热箱法[]中国标准出版社.
17.The torch relay symbolizes the passing of Olympic traditions奥运火炬传递标志着奥林匹克传统
18.This paper describes the standard stipulations for the quality control of TLD system, the method of dosimeter calibration and quantity dissemination.本文主要介绍热释光测量系统的质量控制以及剂量计的刻度方法、值传递等有关标准规定。

Butterworth Standard Transfer functionButterworth标准传递函数
1.Design of State Feedback System Based on Butterworth Standard Transfer function;基于Butterworth标准传递函数设计状态反馈系统
3)ITAE standard transfer functionITAE(Integral Time Absolute Error)标准传递函数
4)standard transmission标准传递
1.In order to provide references for the effective movement of DOAS system, the concrete implementation techniques for standard transmission and instrument adjustment were preseted.针对我国目前广泛采用的环境空气自动监测系统(DOAS)在运行中尚缺少有效的质控措施等问题,依据国家有关技术规范并结合长期的工作实践摸索建立了长光程空气质量连续自动监测系统的质量保证与质量控制操作程序,为保证DOAS系统的有效运行提供借鉴,从标准传递、仪器校正等方面提了出具体实施技术。
5)Transfer standard传递标准
1.Simply introduced the structure of calibration system for electric field probes in the range of 10 MHz to 1 GHz, and the working principles for field strength reference standard, transfer standard and working standard.介绍了10MHz~1GHz电场探头校准系统的组成以及场强参考标准、传递标准和工作标准的工作原理,以参考场强标准为例进行了不确定度分析,给出了CCEM。
2.The paper discusses the selection and measurement analysis of transfer standard for power meter as well as the calculation analysis of the data with inter-laboratory comparison and ability statistics.探讨了电能表传递标准的选择和测量分析以及比对数据和能力统计量的计算分析,给出了一种判断误差源分布类型的方法;并在明确测量误差分布的前提下,以统计控制的方式对实验室能力验证方法进行了比较详细的论述。
6)transfer function传递函数
1.Identification of the Transfer Function of Quartz Flexural Accelerometer Based on Pseudorandom Binary Sequence;逆M序列激励下石英挠性加速度计传递函数的时域建模
2.The transfer function′s derivation of a new electro-pneumatic proportional servosystem;一种新型电气比例伺服系统传递函数的推导
3.Hydraulic transient simulation of hydropower station base on transfer function modeling;基于传递函数建模的水电站水力过渡过程仿真
