双状态递推检测,dual-state recursive detection
1)dual-state recursive detection双状态递推检测
2)state propagator状态递推器
1.Advanced residual chi-square test method based on state propagator基于状态递推器的改进型残差χ~2检测法
2.For the disadvantage of tracking the soft failure of the residual test based on Kalman filter, this paper makes an improvement on the method by using the state propagator.针对基于卡尔曼滤波器的残差检验法会跟踪软故障的局限性,提出了一种基于状态递推器的改进方法。

1.Advanced residual chi-square test method based on state propagator基于状态递推器的改进型残差χ~2检测法
2.The post failed because the server returned an error status.由于服务器返回了错误状态,投递失败。
3.Research of Condition Monitoring for Propeller and Rudder of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle;自主式水下机器人推进器及舵状态监测研究
4.Push to server (the connection is initiated by the encoder)向服务器推传递(由编码器初始化连接)
5.a self-propelled egotist; the arms program is now self-propelled.自我激励;武器计划现在处于自我推动状态。
7.Research of Server Push Technology Based on Request Strategy and Status Transition基于请求策略和状态切换的服务器推送技术研究
8.CFD Simulation for a Puller-type Podded Propulsor Operating at Helm Angles基于CFD的拖式吊舱推进器斜流状态下数值模拟(英文)
9.Effects of Inlet States on Impulse Coupling Coefficient for Air-breathing Laser Propulsion来流情况下入口状态对吸气式激光推力器冲量耦合系数的影响
10.AP-DS1 status indicatorsAP-DS1 状态指示器
11.On non linear recursive programming approach of dynamic portfolio investment动态组合证券投资决策非线性递推规划模型
12.A Recurrent Calculation of the Non-relativistic Energies for the Ground State of Li-like Ions from Z=3 to 30;类锂离子(Z=3-30)基态非相对论能量的递推计算
13.Performance Comparison of Two Recursive State Estimators for Uncertain Dynamic Systems不确定动态系统的两种递推估计性能比较
14.Stochastic subspace based on-line recursive modal identification method基于随机子空间的递推在线模态识别算法
15.Study on the Construction of Dynamic Recursive CGE Model within a Sustainable Development Framework可持续发展框架下的递推动态CGE模型构建研究
16.Design of recurrent neural network decoupler with delays for heat supply process供热过程时滞递推神经网络解耦器设计
17.Recursive Lagrangian Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Link Spatial Flexible Manipulator Arms多杆空间柔性机器人递推Lagrange动力学建模和仿真
18.A Recursive Design Method for the Stabilization Controller of a Kind of Nonholonomic System一类非完整系统镇定控制器的递推设计方法

state propagator状态递推器
1.Advanced residual chi-square test method based on state propagator基于状态递推器的改进型残差χ~2检测法
2.For the disadvantage of tracking the soft failure of the residual test based on Kalman filter, this paper makes an improvement on the method by using the state propagator.针对基于卡尔曼滤波器的残差检验法会跟踪软故障的局限性,提出了一种基于状态递推器的改进方法。
3)state recursion equations (SRE)状态递推方程
1.Based on the local equilibrium assumption in non-equilibrium thermodynamic separation theory (NTST) and Lagrangian description in hydrodynamics, state recursion equations (SRE) concerning zone migration and spreading were obtained.依据非平衡热力学分离理论中的局域平衡假设和流体力学的Lagrangian描述方法 ,首次提出了线性柱色谱分离过程中溶质带迁移和扩散的状态递推方程 ,克服了以经典动力学为基础的塔板理论不能准确预测时变控制条件下溶质扩散的局限性 。
4)fusion state propagator融合状态递推器
1.A new fault detection approach using a fusion state propagator to predict the measurement of each local sensor is presented to detect sensor failures for the federated filtering structure.该方法利用融合状态递推器对各个子传感器的量测预报与各传感器量测之间的偏差构造统计量,进行故障检测,可以实现先检测后滤波,在子滤波器启动之前确定对应传感器量测的有效性。
2.A new fault detection method using a fusion state propagator to predict the measurement of each local sensor is presented to detect sensor failures for the federated filter.基于融合状态递推器对各个子传感器的量测预报,本文提出了一种新的联邦滤波器传感器故障检测方法。
5)recursive state estimation递推状态估计
1.Most of the existing recursive state estimation algorithms for discrete-time linear system with correlated noises assume that process and measurement noises are correlated at the same instant.已有的相关噪声情况下,离散线性系统的递推状态估计算法大多假定系统噪声和量测噪声在同一时刻相关,通过对系统噪声和量测噪声相互独立的连续线性系统的采样离散化,发现离散化后的系统相邻时刻的系统噪声和量测噪声相关。
6)state inspection状态检测
1.Equipment state inspection technology includes inspection,identity and prediction.设备状态检测技术包括对设备运行状态进行监测、识别和预测三个方面,探讨了状态检测技术在石化设备中的应用,取得了较好的效果。
2.Therefore,it is necessary for the operating equipment to carry out spot inspection with equipment state inspection and failure diagnosis technology.生产设备一旦发生故障,将扰乱生产计划,增加生产成本,影响产品质量,甚至导致整个生产工艺流程的中断,故采用设备状态检测和故障诊断技术对运行中的设备进行点检作业,可以及时发现设备存在的隐性故障和安全隐患,做到预知维修和计划维修,可以降低生产成本,减少设备维修费用,缩短检修时间。
3.An optimized hash table algorithm-move-to-head (MTH) is introduced to improve the state inspection speed.提出了一种哈希表优化算法(MTH)以提高状态检测的速度。

递推估计算法  利用时刻t上的参数估计孌(t)、存储向量嗘(t)与时刻 t+1上测量的输入和输出值u(t+1)和y(t+1)计算新参数值孌(t+1),再根据孌(t+1)计算出新参数值孌(t+2),直到获得满意的参数值为止。这种算法的每一步计算量都比较小,能够使用小型计算机进行离线或在线参数估计,可以估计时变参数,也可以实时估计适应控制器的参数(见适应控制系统)。20世纪60年代,递推估计算法得到迅速发展,到了70年代产生了许多不同的方法,例如,有离线方法的各种变形、卡尔曼滤波法、随机逼近方法和模型参考适应参数递推估计法等。递推估计算法的各种方法可以用一个统一的公式来描述:        给孌(t),F(t),嫓(t)和w(t)不同的值就得到各种不同的方法:①递推最小二乘法;②递推增广最小二乘法;③递推近似极大似然法;④递推辅助变量法;⑤递推广义最小二乘法;⑥卡尔曼滤波参数估计;⑦随机逼近法;⑧模型参考适应法;⑨时变参数递推估计法。    参考书目   Lennart Ljung,Torsten Soderstrom, Theory and Practice of Recursive Identification,MIT Press., Combridge, Mass., 1983.