系统结构总体设计,system structure design
1)system structure design系统结构总体设计
1.This paper introduces the system structure design of large airborne information system,analyzes basic work flow and key steps during its structure design,introduces main work in the structure concept design and the structure detailed design.描述大型机载信息系统结构总体设计,分析机载信息系统结构总体设计的主要工作流程和研制阶段工作要点,概述结构总体方案设计和结构总体详细设计阶段的重点工作;机载信息系统的通用化、模块化、系列化设计是工程结构总体设计中的重要内容;简要叙述了主要的试验验证项目。

1.A Preliminary Study on System Structure Design of Large Airborne Information System大型机载信息系统结构总体设计初探
2.English-Tibetan machine translation system model and population structure design英藏机器翻译系统的语言模型及总体结构设计
3.Presents emphatically the design of the building envelopes, refrigeration system, fresh air dehumidification system and snowmaking system. Summarizes the design experience.重点介绍了滑雪馆围护结构、制冷系统、新风除湿系统和造雪系统的设计,并总结了设计体会。
4.Describes the design of overall structure and the function of the system.本文介绍了设备调配系统的总体结构设计及其功能的实现。
5.Architectural design about operation and dispatching system of railway passen-ger dedicated line客运专线运营调度系统总体架构设计
6.Design of technical architecture about information system of railway passenger dedicated line铁路客运专线信息系统总体架构设计
7.The paper studies thoroughly collectivity frame, target and function , design method and development tool of system.对系统的总体结构、目标与功能、系统的设计方法以及系统开发工具进行了系统深入的研究
8.Analytical Study about Milling-NC Tool-path Optimization and Macro-structure Plan of CATPP System;数铣刀位轨迹优化及其系统总体结构设计分析与研究
9.Study on Design System for Structures of Deck Crane Based on VC Platform;基于VC平台的甲板起重机总体结构设计系统的研究
10.Setting management system of protective relaying setting based on the net centralized mode structure基于集中式网络结构的继电保护定值管理系统总体设计
11.Hospital Customer Relationship Management System Architecture Design医院客户关系管理系统体系结构设计
12.open systems architecture开放式系统总体结构
13.Summary of System Structure of Grammatical Knowledge in C Language ProgrammingC语言程序设计语法知识体系结构总结
14.Research and Design of the Distributed Computer Software Bus Architecture;分布式计算机软件总线体系结构研究与设计
15.Also, this paper describes the components and working principle from the general structure, subsystem functions, software and hardware design.从系统总体结构、子系统功能、件及软件设计等方面阐述了该系统的组成及工作原理。
16.The Architecture Design of Chinese Language Speech Information Processing System汉语语音信息处理系统体系结构设计
17.The Research and Design of Secure Embedded Systems Architecture;安全嵌入式系统体系结构研究与设计
18.Analysis and Design of the Architecture for TPL System;第3方物流系统体系结构的分析设计

structure overall design结构总体设计
1.The TT&C system structure overall design for space TT&C ships is discussed, including antenna layout, computer room layout, power supply, lighting, grounding, cable types and layout, and key structure challenges,and some solutions are provided.讨论了航天测量船测控系统结构总体设计,包括天线布局、机房布局、供电、照明、接地、电缆的分类及布局、关键结构问题等方面,并给出了解决方案。
3)collective structures design总体结构设计
4)computer unified device architecture计算统一设备体系结构
5)system design系统总体设计
6)system structure and design系统结构与设计

陈列总体设计  任务是:确定陈列内容设计、陈列艺术设计的指导思想和原则;审定陈列内容设计和艺术设计方案;审定陈列文字、布局和重点;掌握陈列设备加工工艺的质量,从全局出发,协调内容与形式、建筑与设备、局部与整体、重点与一般的关系。    总体设计一般在主持博物馆业务的馆长或具有高级专业技术职务的博物馆专家的领导下,由内容总设计师、艺术总设计师和制作施工的负责人共同完成。