不开箱,without opening box
1)without opening box不开箱
1.Method of small gesture calibration for inertial measurement units without opening box pre-launch整弹不开箱的惯导系统射前小姿态标定方法

1.Method of small gesture calibration for inertial measurement units without opening box pre-launch整弹不开箱的惯导系统射前小姿态标定方法
2.The trunk can't work.这个行李箱打不开。
3.I cannot raise the lid, Deerslayer.箱盖我打不开,杀鹿人。
4."In case of container transportation, the opening and return of the containers shall not be regarded as the open-package inspection."如是集装箱运输,集装箱的开启和返还不属于开箱检验。
5.The lid of the suitcase had a broken hinge,so it doesn't open easily.小提箱箱盖的铰链坏了, 因此不容易打开.
6.The lid of the suitcase had a broken hinge, so it wouldn't open easily.小提箱箱盖的铰链坏了,因此不容易打开。
7.Inbox will not open this attachment. It may be unsafe.收件箱将不打开此附件。它可能不安全。
8.Judy: Daddy, I can't get my suitcase open. Can you do it for me?朱蒂:爸,我的皮箱打不开,你能不能帮我打开?
9....I don't reach into his refrigerator without permission.... 未经允许我是不能打开他的冰箱的.
10.I am afraid I can not give you permission to open the safe .恐怕我不能允许您打开这保险箱。
11.But you never must open the oven door.但你不能立刻就打开烤箱的门。
12.When unpacking the case, we found the colour unsatisfactory.开箱后,我方发现颜色不令人满意。
13.I couldn't pry the cover off this wooden box without breaking it.不打破这个木箱盖我就无法撬开它。
14.I can' t open the box is there a trick to it ?这箱子我打不开--有什麽好办法吗?
15.The lid of the box is jammed;I cannot open it.这只箱子盖给卡住了,我打不开。
16.If you can' t open the box, can I have a try ?如果你打不开这个箱子,我能试一试吗?
17.He had to repack his case after custom official had open it.他衣箱被海关官员打开后,他不得不重新打包。
18.Inbox will not open this attachment. It may be unsafe.\0收件箱将不打开此附件。它可能不安全。\0

Calibration without Opening the Box不开箱标定
3)rate of no good products after the case开箱不良品率
4)opening box开箱
5)box opening and box loading开箱装箱
6)Case opening operation开箱工艺
