姿态模型,gesture model
1)gesture model姿态模型
1.The image content is analyzed based on gesture model,and by comprehensively using many kinds of algorithm,the gesture characteristic of image is depicted.文章提出了一种新的图像内容过滤防火墙,针对姿态模型进行图像内容分析,综合应用多种算法对图像的姿态特征进行描述,通过计算截获图像与基准特征库中图像特征的相似度决定是否过滤网页,以此来监控不良网页信息,保护健康文明的网络环境。

1.Research on Image Content Filtering Firewall based on Gesture Model基于姿态模型的图像内容过滤防火墙的研究
2.Pose Variant Face Recognition Based on 3D Morphable Model;基于三维型变模型的多姿态人脸识别
3.Spacecraft Attitude Control Laws Based on Mode Reference Sliding Mode Control基于模型参考滑模控制的飞行器姿态控制
4.The measurement and control of the model attitude angle in airfoil wind tunnel test翼型风洞实验模型姿态角的测量与控制
6.The Development of Certain Tank No Moving Simulator;某型坦克无姿态仿真驾驶模拟器的研制
7.The Development of Model Gesture and Test Accessories Control System for Low-speed Wind-tunnel;低速风洞模型姿态及试验辅助控制系统的开发
8.3D Model Based Head Pose Tracking from a Monocular Image Sequence;基于三维模型的单目图象序列头部姿态跟踪
9.Research on Pose-oblivious Retrieval of 3D Animation Material Model;姿态无关的三维动画素材模型检索方法研究
10.The Application of PLC and Transducer in Simulated Attitude Controlling System;PLC和变频器在模型姿态控制系统中的应用
11.One Model of Human Gesture Ontology for Software of Smart Fiber Garments智能纤维服装软件的人体姿态本体模型
12.The Discussion of the Two Navigation Attitude Algorithm Models under Angular Rate Input角速率输入下两种姿态描述模型的讨论
13.Submerged arc welding procedures of large-scale intersection and modeling of welding gun gesture大型相贯线埋弧焊接工艺研究及焊枪姿态建模
14.Attitude control for micro-vehicle based on fuzzy adaptive algorithm基于模糊自适应的微型飞行器姿态控制
15.Characteristic Model-Based Fast Attitude Maneuver for Flexible Spacecrafts基于特征模型的挠性航天器姿态快速机动研究
16.An high precision calculation model of attitude and course about celestial navigation一种高精度的天文导航姿态与航向解算模型
17.Satellite Attitude Estimation Based on Improved Model of the Gyro Random Drift基于改进陀螺漂移模型的卫星姿态确定算法
18.The Modeling and Simulation of Biathlon Standing Shooting Position;冬季两项立姿射击姿态的建模与仿真

model attitude模型姿态
1.Aiming at the high control performance of the model attitude system in NF-6 wind tunnel, a type of self-adjusted PID control strategy based on BP NN is put forward, and there is farther analysis and improvement combining with improved PID algorithm.针对NF-6风洞对模型姿态系统控制性能提出的高要求,提出了一种BP网络自整定PID控制策略,并结合现有的改进型PID控制思想对其进行了进一步的分析与改进。
3)model gesture模型姿态
1.Design of model gesture control system of a certain wind tunnel based on Microprocessor;基于单片机的风洞模型姿态控制系统设计
2.This paper introduces composition of the kind of control system of model gesture in low speed wind-tunnel.主要介绍了一种低速风洞模型姿态控制系统的组成。
3.The model gesture equipment is the core device of this technique.该项技术的核心设备是模型姿态装置,该装置原有的控制系统电子元件老化、可靠性降低,已不能满足型号试验的需求,研制新的控制系统迫在眉睫。
4)model carriage模型姿态
1.The model carriage real time and exactitude measure are important in the wind tunnel test.风洞试验模型姿态的实时、精确非接触测量对于提高风洞试验的精度和可信度有重要意义。
2.The Model Carriage real time and exactitude Measure is important in the wind tunnel test.风洞试验模型姿态的实时、精确非接触测量对于提高风洞试验的精度和可信度上有重要意义。
5)model attitude angle模型姿态角
1.This paper describes the characteristics of model attitude angle measurement and control system for normal and dynamic test,and the effective methods for advancing the precision and accuracy of angle measurement in NF 3 low speed airfoil wind tunnel.介绍NF 3低速翼型风洞常规和动态实验模型姿态角测量和控制系统的特点以及为提高角度测量精度和准度所采取的措施。
6)Generalized attitude models广义姿态模型
