1.This paper introduces the method of applying valence in balancing inorganic and organic oxidation-reduction reaction equation.介绍用化合价升降法配平无机、有机氧化还原反应方程式。
2.This paper introduces a new method of balancing chemical reaction equation.介绍了一种新的化学反应方程式的配平方法,使用这种方法可以配平任何类型的氧化还原反应方程式,却不需知道反应式中氧化剂、还原剂氧化数的变化值及得失电子数。
3.According to atom balance principle,for complicate oxidation -reduction reaction equation,based on many existing balancing methods,from the angle of unfixed equation,this paper introduces more simple balancing method which is called undetermined coefficient method,this method simplifies original results.根据原子平衡原理 ,针对较为复杂氧化还原反应方程式 ,在众多已有的配平方法基础上 ,从不定方程的角度 ,给出了更为简捷的所谓”待定系数“配平法 ,从而简化了原有结

1.horizontal stabilizer trim control wheel水平安定面配平手轮
2.Sequential Balancing--A New Way to Balance Chemical Equation;一种新的化学方程式配平方法——顺序配平
3.horizontal stabilizer trim cut-out switch水平安定面配平关断电门
4.The work was portioned out fairly.工作分配得很公平.
5.flushmounted pressure transducer同平面装配压力传感器
6.The inheritance has been evenly divided out.遗产得到了平均分配。
7.an inequitable divisionof the profits利润之不公平分配.
8.MTVPAK Microsoft TV Platform Adaptation Kit微软TV平台适配套件
9.The money must be dealt out fairly.这笔钱必须要公平分配。
10.This, I think, is a fair division.我看这样分配是公平的。
11.They decide the average distribution of profit.他们决定利润平均分配。
12.We all divide equally.我们平等分配,各取一份。
13.Perfect Matchings of Plane Bipartite Graphs and Distributive Lattice Structures;平面二部图的完美匹配和分配格结构
14.On inhabitants income distribution in our country from the perspective of equality of distribution;从分配公平视角看我国居民收入分配
15.Equilibrium of Hydroxyl Complex Ions in Ni~(2+)-H_2O SystemNi~(2+)-H_2O系羟合配离子的配位平衡
16.A person who favors equitable distribution of land.平均地权论者主张平均分配土地的人
17.Fairness and Mathematical Approach (Ⅲ) Fair Division;公平性与数学化(III)公平分配
18.New concept of income distribution policy,equity in primary income distribution;收入分配政策的新理念:初次分配也要注重公平

1.Nonlinear numerical model and trimming of helicopter;直升机的非线性模型及配平
2.The mechanical analysis and the trimming were performed for a novel near space aircraft which uses the variation in wind speed at high altitude to control its flight path.对一种利用高空风的风速差控制飞行轨迹的新型低能耗临近空间飞行器,进行了力学分析与配平计算。
3.On the aspect of getting the optimal flight performance,this paper discusses the trimming principle and solution for the aircraft with multiple control effectors.从飞行性能最优的角度,对多操纵面飞机的配平原则与算法进行了研究。
1.This article introduces a new method that oxidation-reduction equation is balanced by ion-electron-charge.离子 -电子 -电荷法是一种配平氧化还原方程的新方法 ,它的主要思想是通过加H+ 或OH- 来配平电荷数。
2.Three steps are needed by using "total number of rising and dropping oxidation number" to balance equation.配平氧化还原反应方程式的原则是:还原剂氧化数升高的数值等于氧化剂氧化数降低的数值。
3.The balance method introduced in t he article, molocule-electron method, is used to balance, the process will be bo th easy and accurate.本文主要介绍一种新颖的化学方程式的配平方法——分子-电子法进行配平,将会使配平过程变得既简单又准
1.According to conservation of Mmass,the article establishes a mathematical model for the equation equilibrium of chemical reaction,and gives its solution both by man and by computer.本文根据质量守恒定律建立了配平化学反应方程式的数学模型,并给出了模型的人工解法和计算机解法。
2.According to conservation of mass, this article establishes a kind of mathematical model for the equation equilibrium of chemical reaction, and also gives its solution both by man and by computer.本文根据质量守恒定律建立了一种配平化学反应方程式的数学模型,并给出了模型的人工解法和计算机解法。
1.On the basis of the changed value of oxidized elements and atoms in the oxido-reducing reaction, relative coefficient is adopted to make it easy to equalize square equation.利用在氧化还原反应中有关元素原子氧化数的变化值,采取相对系数法比较容易配平方程式,也可以采取加减法平衡氧化数变化值达到配平方程式的目的,为配平方程式探讨新方法提供选择。
2.Applying the powerful interface design function on Visual Basic and the powerful computation function on MATLAB ,the integration of the system ,by call of the Matalb ActiveX in VB, has been realized and we have developped a program to equalize chemical reacton.应用VisualBasic强有力的界面设计功能和Matlab的强大的计算功能,通过在VB中调用Matlab的Ac tiveX方法,实现应用系统的无缝集成,开发出了配平化学反应方程式的应用程序。
1.A control strategy and its corresponding trimming algorithm are studied for the tilt-rotor aircraft under various symmetrical steady level flight conditions.根据倾转旋翼飞行器的构型特点,建立了倾转旋翼飞行器旋翼、机翼、短舱、机身、平尾(含升降舵)和垂尾(含方向舵)的气动力模型,研究了倾转旋翼飞行器的操纵策略以满足直升机模式的悬停/小速度飞行、直升机模式向固定翼飞机模式转换的过渡飞行和固定翼飞机模式的高速飞行,并运用最优方法研究倾转旋翼飞行器在不同飞行速度下作稳定对称飞行时的配平方法。

操纵力配平  见飞机配平。