1.Experimental study on workability and strength of glass fiber and hybrid fiber reinforced self- compacted concrete;玻璃纤维与混杂纤维自密实混凝土的工作性和强度试验研究
2.Research on the workability of high-strength semi-lightweight self-compacting concrete;高强自密实次轻混凝土工作性能研究
3.Grey correlation analysis of fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete s workability;纤维自密实混凝土工作性灰色关联分析
2)working performance工作性
1.It introduces the working performance of the high performance concrete and the important meaning to protect its good working performance,searches the influences of mixing mountain meal and mixing mountain meal and wollastonite to the working performance of high performance concrete by tests,and gets conclusion,which will supply references to concrete construction.介绍了高性能混凝土的工作性及保证其良好工作性的重要意义,应用试验方法,研究了单掺石粉及石粉与硅灰复掺对高强高性能混凝土工作性的影响,并得出结论,为混凝土的施工提供了参考依据。
2.In this article,authors state some contrast tests of different amount of raw materials and different conditions,and get influence rules of different factors on working performances of plastic concrete mixtures.通过对不同原材料用量和不同试验条件的对比试验,得出了各因素对塑性混凝土拌合物工作性影响的规律。
3)working performance工作性能
1.Influence of limestone powder admixture on working performance of concrete;石灰石粉作掺合料对混凝土工作性能的影响
2.Non-linear analysis of coordinated working performance between infilled wall and steel frame;填充墙与钢框架协同工作性能非线性分析
3.Based on large quantity experiment data,the working performance criteria Lz of self-rotating spring is generalized which is believed to be valuable to .换热管内插自旋弹簧的几何参数对其强化传热和自动除垢效果有重要的影响,通过对多组试验结果的比较分析,得出了无量纲参数D1/S、D1/D0对换热管内自旋弹簧的转动特性和流体阻力特性的影响规律,并在大量试验数据的基础上归纳出一个换热管内自旋弹簧工作性能的综合评判准则——L z准数。

1.Study on Working Performance and Settlement of Rigid Pile Composite Foundation;刚性桩复合地基工作性能及沉降分析
2.Research on Working Mechanism and Working Performance Optimization of Compressive Crusher;挤压类破碎机工作机理和工作性能优化研究
3.Purpose: To test operation of pressure differential relief valve.目的:检测差压安全阀的工作性能
4.downhole performance钻具等设备的井下工作性能
5.Simulation and Analyse of the Labyrinth Emitter Performance Using CFD;基于CFD模拟的迷宫滴头工作性能研究
6.Long-term Comparison of Electrophysiological Characteristics of Bipolar and Unipolar Leads永久起搏器单双极导线工作性能比较
7.3D Numerical Simulation of Performances Pile Group Adjacent to Soil Slope邻近土坡群桩工作性能三维数值研究
8.periodic rating周期性负载工作能力
9.Always check the tools/machines for any malfunction before proceeding with the work.工作进行前,应检查工具/机器的性能。
10.Willing to work under pressure and responsible.能承受工作压力,工作有主动性责任心强。
11.Optimization of Network Performance in Migrating Workflow迁移工作流中工作机网络性能优化研究
12.Workplace flexibility refers to the ability of employees to modify where, when and how long work their work is performed.“工作弹性”指的是员工能够灵活安排自己的工作地点、工作时间及工作量。
13.You do not have to be a genius to do creative work.并不是天才才能做有创造性的工作。
14.I was too weak from the flu to work.我因患流行性感冒身体虚弱不能工作。
15.Viscous fan drive not operating properly.粘性风扇驱动不能正常工作。
16.Universities to Impose National 'Job Skill' Tests大学将实施全国性“工作技能”测试
17.Give advice on improving performance and obtaining higher efficiency.提出改进性能和提高工作效率的意见。
18.He is not likely to bring forth any new suggestions for improving our work.他提出改进工作新建议的可能性不大。

working performance工作性
1.It introduces the working performance of the high performance concrete and the important meaning to protect its good working performance,searches the influences of mixing mountain meal and mixing mountain meal and wollastonite to the working performance of high performance concrete by tests,and gets conclusion,which will supply references to concrete construction.介绍了高性能混凝土的工作性及保证其良好工作性的重要意义,应用试验方法,研究了单掺石粉及石粉与硅灰复掺对高强高性能混凝土工作性的影响,并得出结论,为混凝土的施工提供了参考依据。
2.In this article,authors state some contrast tests of different amount of raw materials and different conditions,and get influence rules of different factors on working performances of plastic concrete mixtures.通过对不同原材料用量和不同试验条件的对比试验,得出了各因素对塑性混凝土拌合物工作性影响的规律。
3)working performance工作性能
1.Influence of limestone powder admixture on working performance of concrete;石灰石粉作掺合料对混凝土工作性能的影响
2.Non-linear analysis of coordinated working performance between infilled wall and steel frame;填充墙与钢框架协同工作性能非线性分析
3.Based on large quantity experiment data,the working performance criteria Lz of self-rotating spring is generalized which is believed to be valuable to .换热管内插自旋弹簧的几何参数对其强化传热和自动除垢效果有重要的影响,通过对多组试验结果的比较分析,得出了无量纲参数D1/S、D1/D0对换热管内自旋弹簧的转动特性和流体阻力特性的影响规律,并在大量试验数据的基础上归纳出一个换热管内自旋弹簧工作性能的综合评判准则——L z准数。
1.Experiment on workability behavior for self-compacting concrete;自密实混凝土工作性能试验
2.Experiment research and analysis of aggregate gradation on the strength and workability of recycled concrete;骨料级配对再生混凝土强度和工作性能影响的试验研究和计算分析
3.Methods available for improving and evaluating the workability of EPS lightweight concrete;EPS轻骨料混凝土工作性能改善与评价方法研究
1.Correlativity between performance of biological aerated filter and its height;曝气生物滤池工作性能与滤层高度的相关性
2.A fuzzy method for differentiating the grade of main factors influencing truck crane performance;膜糊界定汽车起重机工作性能影响因素的优劣等级
3.On elastoplastic performance of frames with special-shaped columns of large bays;大开间异型柱框架弹塑性工作性能研究
6)Sex workers性工作者

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-