1.Study on the optimal using conditions of processing of Yak'Qula'edible casein;食品级曲拉干酪素工艺条件优化研究
2.Chymosin choice and technology parameters optimization of Yak's "Qula" casein;牦牛“曲拉”干酪素凝乳酶的选择及工艺参数优化
3.Research progress of the casein label adhesive;干酪素型啤酒标签胶的研究进展

1.Study on the Separation of a-Casein and β-Casein from Yak Casein and Nutritional Evaluation of β-Casein Formula Powder;干酪素酪蛋白组分分离技术及β-酪蛋白配方粉的营养评价研究
2.Formation and Cooling Mechanisms of Rennet-induced Casein Gels and Their Applications in Cheese Processing: A Review酶凝干酪素凝胶性研究进展及其在干酪中的应用
3.Study on Avoidance of Browning During Fine Finishing of Crude Casein粗干酪素精加工过程中防止褐变的研究
4.Analyse Problems of Eliminating Sediment and Improving Separate Efficiency in Producing Caseins提取干酪素分离过程中排渣及效率问题的研究
5.Determination of Tannin in Pomegranate Peel in Different Areas of Xinjiang by Casein Method干酪素法测定新疆不同产地石榴皮中鞣质的含量
6.Study on Determination of Tannins in Rosa laecigata Michx. by Casein Method干酪素法测定不同产地金樱子中鞣质类成分的研究
7.Stable Isotope Analysis of Elements in Kerogen干酪根中各种元素的稳定同位素分析
8.Containing or resembling cheese.干酪制成的或似干酪的
9.Studies on Technology and Influence Factors of the High-Moisture MOZZARELLA Cheese;高水分MOZZARELLA干酪的生产工艺及影响因素研究
10.The Analysis of Supply and Demand Factors in Chinese Cheese Market;我国干酪市场需求与供给的影响因素分析
11.a lump/piece/slice of cheese一大块[块/片]干酪
12.cheese, Stracchino斯特拉希诺干酪(意大利软干酪)
13.processed cheddar-style cheese.加工过的切达干酪风格的干酪。
14.soft Italian cheese like cottage cheese.柔软的意大利干酪,像村舍干酪。
15.Carrots, cheese and crackers,胡萝卜、干酪、薄饼干、
16.Research on Factors Affection Physical Properties of Processed Cheese Spread and Development of New Products;影响涂抹型再制干酪物性的因素分析及新产品的开发
17.Construction of Recombinant Lactobacillus Casei Expression Alpha Toxin Protein of Clostridium Perfringens and Immunogenicity Analysis产气荚膜梭菌α毒素重组干酪乳杆菌表达及其免疫学分析
18.Characteristics of Kerogens and Their Carbon Isotope Implications for the Shengli River Oil Shale in Qiangtang Basin, Northern Tibet藏北羌塘盆地胜利河油页岩干酪根特征及碳同位素指示意义

1.The chitin microcapsule was synthesised by using chitin,barm and cheese in two steps.以壳聚糖、酵母和干酪素原料经两步合成壳聚糖微胶囊。
2.The paper applied minibutter separator to investigate the conditions about separating and producing Sugou (rough butter) and cheese from milk,and finding more suitable conditions of the separation and achieving the purpose of improving the quality and quantity of the product.本文通过应用小型奶油分离器进行牛乳的奶油分离 ,生产酥油和食用干酪素条件的探讨 ,找出最佳的分离条件 ,达到提高产品质量、产量为目的。
4)casein method干酪素法
1.by orthogonal design table L_9 (3~4);the casein method was used to determine the content of tannins.方法:本试验采用超声波法提取刺玫果总鞣质,用正交设计L_9(3~4)表优选超声提取的条件,采用干酪素法测定总鞣质含量。
2.Objective:To establish a stable method for determining the content of tannins in Heterophlla leaf by casein method.目的:建立稳定的干酪素法测定榛叶鞣质的方法。
3.by casein method.方法:用干酪素法测定鞣质含量。
5)casein glue干酪素胶

干酪素 干酪素是动物乳汁中的含磷蛋白。结构式为NH2RCOOH,无臭、无味的白色至黄色粉末,相对密度1. 25-1.31。几乎不溶于水、醇及醚。溶于稀碱掖、碱性碳酸盐溶液和浓酸,在弱酸中沉淀。有吸湿性,干燥时稳定,潮湿时迅速变硬。 用干酪素可配成制造胶合板的水溶性胶粘剂。 贮存于阴凉、干燥、通风的库房内,远离火种、热源,防潮、防霉变。