1.On the pluralism in the research on education;论教育学研究者的多元意识——教育学研究方法论探讨之一
2.In modern society, pluralism and tolerance are necessary, which is the real spirit we lack.在现代社会 ,我们需要的是一种多元和宽容 ,这是一种真正的自由主义精神。
3.After thinking of globalization, the author holds that we should stress both homogeneity and pluralism in globalization, so we can have a clear understand of globalization.通过对全球化的深入思考,认为应当强调全球化中实际包含的趋同与多元两方面因素,只有这样,对全球化的理解才比较清晰。

1.The Method to Construct Multivariate and Multidimensional Basic-element and Extensible Set with High Order and Multivariates and Multidimensions多元多维基元及高阶多元多维可拓集合构造
2.Lack of Diversification--*投资不够多元化:
3.Multinomial distribution and multi-Poisson distribution;多项分布与多元Poisson分布
4.One who adheres to pluralism.多元论者坚持多元论的人
5.Industrial Diversification, Geographical Diversification and Executive Compensation;产业多元化、地域多元化与管理层薪酬
6.An Analysis of the Pluralistic Process of American Society during "the Pre-Pluralistic Stages";“前多元时代”美国社会的多元化进程
7.A Tentative Study of Multiculturalism;多元共存 和谐共处——试论多元文化主义
8.To extend(business activities) into disparate fields.多角化,多元化把(商业活动)扩展到多元化的领域
9.The Discrimination of the Plural Culture, Cultural Pluralism and Multiculturalism;多元文化、文化多元主义、多元文化主义辨析——以美国为例
10.Diversification and Diversification Discount--New Development of Corporate Diversification Research;多元化经营与多元化折价——企业多元化研究的新进展
11.Considerations on Moral Psychology in Contemporary Society of Pluralism,Diversity and Multi-changes;多元、多样、多变时代的道德心理学思考
12.On the Description of Love Stories in Yuan Dynasty s Dramas and the Communication of Plural Cultures in This Era;试论元散曲爱情闺怨描写与元代多元文化交流
13.Urbanization: Unified or pluralistic culture?城市化:文化的一元化,还是多元化?
14.Urbanization: Cultural Unification or Cultural Multiplication?城市化:民族文化的一元化,还是多元化?
15.Wishes from Another Shore: From Conflicting Dualism to Harmonious Pluralism;彼岸的希盼—从二元对立走向多元共存
16.Governing Public Affairs: From Binary Oppositions to Polycentricity;公共事务治理:从二元对立到多元
17.Multi-dimension and One-dimension of Value in Theory and Reality;理论和现实二维中的价值“多元”与“一元”
18.diversified application of the element which is use in Chinese traditional book design;中国传统书籍设计元素的多元化应用

1.On the background of anti-countermeasure by dual-color infrared and the requirement of real-time,this paper gives in detail the design of dual color infrared multiple information processing system on high speed of digital signal processor TMS320F2812.按照实时性要求,设计了以 TMS320F2812数字信号处理器为核心的红外双色多元信息处理系统。
2.These new policies not only have solved problems of the multiple needs of teacher education and the competition of the agency of teacher training,but also established a rigid and norm system of teacher education.这是南非教育史上首次形成平等、多元、反种族隔离的师资培训新政策。
3.It is complementary with multiple teaching methodologies,learning ways,teaching media,teaching environments and evaluations.以“课堂教学+网上学习+个性化辅导”为基本模式,以多元化的教学方法、学习方式、教学媒体、教学环境及评估方式的互补型教学模式及其实践过程和结果。
1.From Unitary to Diversity——Interpreting of functional social theory about cultural change;从一元到多元——关于文化演变的功能主义社会理论的解读
2.Diversity and Innovation: American Educational Research Association 2009 Annual Meeting多元与创新——美国教育研究学会2009年会纪实
3.Based on "opening" and "diversity" which post-modernism worships,teachers,who study Chinese teaching,think that Chinese teaching should go into opening and diversity.语文教学研究借鉴后现代主义所推崇的“开放性”、“多元化”认为现代的语文教学要走向开放与多元
4)Multivariate[英][,m?lti've?riit,,m?lti've?rieit][美][,m?lti'v?ri?t, -,et, -'v?r-, -ta?-]多元
1.NC System for Multivariate Varying parameters Vibration drilling machine;多元变参数振动钻床的数控系统
2.Orthogonality of compactly supported multivariate vector-valued wavelet packets;紧支撑多元向量值小波包的正交性
3.A discussion about the method for multivariate similarity analysis of fauna;昆虫区系多元相似性分析方法
1.Guided by four aspects including zoological,vigorous,pluralistic and counteractive it elaborates the constructing points of harmonious community,which offers reference for the community in the future.从“和谐社区”理念的提出过程入手,从城市规划的角度对“和谐社区”概念进行了分析,以生态、活力、多元和互动四个方面目标为导向,阐述了“和谐社会”的建构要点,对未来的社区发展起到了借鉴作用。
2.The project forms a rotated and dynamic shape by pluralistic methods, which represents the creative conception and the bold exploration in high-rise design of the architects by a forward shape.设计引入了多元的手法,形成旋转和动态的形象,以前卫的姿态,展示了设计师的创意和对高层建筑设计的大胆探索。
3.In teaching learners comprehensive quality,“two courses”teaching must grasp the pluralistic patterns of mass media made up of communication members of social information.高校“两课”教育对学习者进行素质整合过程中 ,必须把握社会信息交流构建的大众媒体多元格局。
