高原香薷,Elsholtzia feddei Benth
1)Elsholtzia feddei Benth高原香薷
1.Study on Mineral Elements in Elsholtzia feddei Benth;传统藏药材高原香薷的矿质元素分析
2.17 trace elements had been analyzed in four species of Elsholtzia,Elsholtzia feddei Benth.对高原香薷、萼果香薷、密花香薷、细穗香薷等四种药用香薷植物中的17种微量元素含量进行了测定和分析。

1.Supercritical CO_2 Fluid Extraction of Elsholtzia Feddei Benth Essential Oil超临界CO_2萃取高原香薷精油工艺研究
2.A Study on the Adaptive Phenotypic Plasticity of Two Elsholtiza Species;青藏高原两种香薷的适应性表型可塑性研究
3.The Reason Of Elsholtzia Splendens Being Rejected from Pharmacopeia and its Development Prospects;海州香薷走下《药典》的原因及其开发前景
4.Tolerance to High Copper Toxicity in Elsholtzia Plants and the Possible Utilization of Plant Resources after Phytoremediation;香薷植物耐高铜毒害的机制及修复植物材料资源化利用前景
5.Evaluation on Acute Toxicity of Wild Elsholtzia Seed Oil from Lijiang and Its Influence on Plasma Lipid Level of Mice with Hyperlipidemia丽江野生香薷籽油急性毒性和对高脂血症小鼠血脂水平的影响
7.Application of Response Surface Methodology to Optimize Extraction Conditions of Polysaccharides from Herba Moslae响应曲面法优化香薷多糖的提取工艺
8.GC-MS Analysis of Essential Oil from Mosla Chinensis Seeds江香薷籽挥发油成分的GC-MS分析
9.Study on Uptake Mechanism and Molecular Speciation of Copper in Elsholtzia Splendens and Commelina Communis;海州香薷和鸭跖草铜吸收机理和分子形态研究
10.Studies on the Experiment of Plain Stone of the Garlic and Fragrant Ru Volatile Oil on Prevention and Cure Effects on Tomato Disease;大蒜素、石香薷挥发油防治番茄病害试验研究
11.Elsholtzia Splendens Remediation of Copper Contaminated Soil Assisted by Trichoderma铜污染土壤的木霉强化海州香薷修复研究
12.Study on the Determination of Multiple Elements in Four Medicinal Species of Elsholtzia四种药用香薷植物中多种微量元素分析
13.Effect of Mosla chinensis Maxim on Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro中药香薷体外杀灭阴道毛滴虫效果的观察
14.Study on pharmacodynamics of Huanglian Xingfu Decoction with different proportions of herbs古方黄连香薷饮有效部位不同配比的药效研究
15.Studies on the Antibacterial Effects of Mosla Chinensis Maxim Volatile Oil and Its Main Composition and the Preparation of Volatile Oil Microcapsule;石香薷挥发油及其主要成分抗菌作用研究及挥发油微胶囊研制
16.Studies on the Preservation of Chilled Meat and Antioxidant Effects in Oil and Fat of Volatile Oil in Mosla Chinensis Maxim;石香薷挥发油对冷却猪肉保鲜及油脂抗氧化作用研究
17.Metal Tolerance and Phytoextraction of Elsholtzia Plants;香薷属植物对污染重金属耐性和吸取修复作用研究
18.Study on the Extraction Technology of Hesperidin and Mosla Chinensis Maxim s Volatile Oil and Their Antibacterial Activity;橙皮苷和石香薷挥发油提取工艺及其抗菌活性研究

Mosla chinensis Maxim香薷
1.Optimization of the Extraction Technology for the Essential Oil from Mosla chinensis Maxim;江香薷挥发油提取工艺优化
2.The Characteristics of Growing and Developing and the Cultivation Technology of Mosla chinensis Maxim;江香薷生长发育特性及其栽培技术研究
3.Effect of Mosla chinensis Maxim on Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro中药香薷体外杀灭阴道毛滴虫效果的观察
3)Herba Moslae香薷
1.Optimization of Extraction Conditions of Essential Oil from Herba Moslae by Using Response Surface Methodology;利用响应面分析法优化香薷中挥发油提取工艺
2.Determination of Inorganic Elements in Herba Moslae by ICP-MS电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定香薷中无机元素含量的研究
4)Elsholtzia splendens海州香薷
1.Effects of copper toxicity on photosynthesis and transpiration of three Elsholtzia splendens Nakai ex F.Maekawa populations;铜毒对海州香薷(Elsholtzia splendens)不同种群光合作用和蒸腾作用的影响
2.Influence of Cu Toxcity on Root Morphology and Cu Accumulation of Elsholtzia splendens and Elsholtzia argyi;铜胁迫对海州香薷和紫花香薷根系形态及铜富集的影响
3.Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Cu Uptake of Elsholtzia splendens;丛枝菌根真菌对海州香薷生长及其Cu吸收的影响
5)Elsholtzia haichowensis海州香薷
1.Differences of Cu accumulation and Cu-induced ATPase activities in the roots of Cu resistant and control Elsholtzia haichowensis populations;两个海州香薷种群根对Cu的吸收及Cu诱导的ATP酶活性差异
2.A pot study was conducted to investigate the potential of Elsholtzia haichowensis in phytotemediation of contaminated soils with the application of non-degradable (EDTA) and biodegradable chelate (EDDS).用土培试验的方法,比较研究了可生物降解螯合剂EDDS和难生物降解螯合剂EDTA对耐Cu植物海州香薷地上部积累土壤Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd的影响。
3.Hydroponic cultures were conducted to investigate the absorption and accumulation of copper and the copper tolerance mechanisms of Elsholtzia haichowensis, after different copper concentration treatments.用溶液培养的方法研究了海州香薷(Elsholtzia haichowensis)对铜的吸收与积累和耐铜机理,并用土壤培养的方法研究了海州香薷在修复重金属污染土壤中的潜力。
6)Esholtzua cltiata(Thunb) Hyland野生香薷
1.Analysis of trace elements and vitamins in Esholtzua cltiata(Thunb) Hyland on Changbai mountain region;长白山区野生香薷中微量元素和维生素的分析

香薷【通用名称】香薷【其他名称】香薷 香薷 拼音名:Xiangru 英文名:HERBA MOSLAE 书页号:2000年版一部-213 本品为唇形科植物石香薷Mosla chinensis Maxim.的干燥地上部分。夏、秋二季茎 叶茂盛、果实成熟时采割,除去杂质,晒干。 【性状】 本品长30~50cm,基部紫红色,上部黄绿色或淡黄色,全体密被白色茸 毛。茎方柱形;直径1~2mm,节明显,节间长4~7cm;质脆,易折断。叶对生,多皱缩 或脱落,叶片展平后呈长卵形或披针形,暗绿色或黄绿色,边缘有疏锯齿。穗状花序顶 生及腋生,苞片宽卵形,脱落或残存;花萼宿存,钟状,淡紫红色或灰绿色,先端5 裂, 密被茸毛。小坚果4 ,近圆球形,具网纹,网间隙下凹呈浅凹状。气清香而浓,味微辛 而凉。 【鉴别】 本品叶的表面观:上、下表皮均有毛茸;气孔直轴式;叶肉细胞黄绿色 ,有的含黄色油滴,并可见细小草酸钙方晶。非腺毛有两种:一种为2~8细胞,常有一 个细胞缢缩,或下部细胞较大,顶端细胞骤细似针刺状,壁有疣状突起或细条状纹理; 另一种为单细胞,较短。腺鳞头部6、8或10细胞,柄单细胞,极短;偶有头部1~2细胞 、柄1(~2)细胞的小腺毛。 【炮制】 除去残根及杂质,切段。 【性味与归经】 辛,微温。归肺、胃经。 【功能与主治】 发汗解表,和中利湿。用于暑湿感冒,恶寒发热,头痛无汗,腹 痛吐泻,小便不利。 【用法与用量】 3~9g 。 【贮藏】 置阴凉干燥处。