1.The Reasons for the Collusions among Bidders in the Power Market;电力市场中企业合谋的原因
2.Analysis of a mechanism design of collusion;一个合谋机制的模型及分析
3.Research on compensation contract for collusion-proof in symmetric information;防止对称信息合谋的报酬契约研究

1.According to different target,we can divide collusion into consistent collusion and disaccord collusion.按照集体目的的差异,合谋可以分为相容合谋与相斥合谋
2.He was suspected of complicity in her murder.他涉嫌合谋将她杀害.
3.A Study on the Relation of Collusion and Contracts Designing in VC Investment;合谋和风险投资合约设计的关系探讨
4.The Collusion Theory and Research on Collusion in Auctioning off Environmental Hygiene Facilities Franchise Rights;合谋理论与城市环卫设施特许经营权拍卖中的合谋问题研究
5.He conspired with his sister-in-law to kill his wife他与小姨子合谋杀了他的妻子。
6.There was a conspiracy and people want an answer," said Barr McClellan, who has written a book about the murder.刺杀源于合谋,而我们需要一个答案。”
7.There was a conspiracy and people want an answer.刺杀源于合谋,而我们需要一个答案。
8.Accused of conspiring with person or persons unknown, eg said when charging sb in court被控与人合谋(如於法庭控告某人所说)
9.(law)accused of conspiring with person or persons unknown,eg said when charging sb in court被控与人合谋(如于法庭控告某人所说).
10.He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit extortion.他供认了犯有合谋敲诈罪。
11.The Research on Rewarding or Punishing Auditors Against Auditing Collusion;防范审计合谋与奖惩审计师选择研究
12.The Game Analysis and Design of Prevention Mechanism on the Tax Conspiracy;税收合谋的博弈分析与防范机制设计
13.Price-Setting System under the Collusion of Real Estate Companies;论我国房地产合谋下的价格形成机制
14.Overcompetition or Collusion? -Discussing from Accompany Biding and Besieging Biding;过度竞争还是合谋——从陪标、围标谈起
15.A reasonable balance must be found.必须谋求合理的平衡。
16.I'm just filling in for the joint staff historian.我不过是执行联合参谋档案室的规章
17.That fits in with what the Consigliere says.这种分析就同参谋的说法吻合起来了。
18.This is the first time Zhang has worked with Hong Kong actors.这也是张艺谋首次和香港演员合作。

1.And the issue of how to ensure project quality and avoid conspiracy between the supervising company and unit in charge of construction is also analyzed.在分析业主、监理单位与承包商相互关系的基础上 ,建立博弈模型 ,并分析了如何保证工程建设质量和如何防止监理单位与承包商合谋
2.The key to prevent the conspiracy of managers and officials is to hit hard such malpractice.防范国有资本流失的重点在于打破经营者与政府官员的合谋
3.We find that the pursue to benefits of short-term is incentive of auditconspiracy, and that it has close relation to the market situation.本文用委托——代理模型和博奕模型分析了审计机构在上市公司虚假信息披露中的审计失职行为,发现审计机构追求短期利益是审计合谋的驱动力,并且与市场的状况有密切关系。
3)curative cahoot医药合谋
4)conspiracy attack合谋攻击
1.Two forgery attacks and their corresponding conspiracy attacks are proposed against the(t,n) threshold signature scheme without a trusted party worked out by Wang Bin and Li Jian-hua(the WL Scheme for short).针对王斌和李建华的无可信中心(t,n)门限签名方案(简称王-李方案),给出两种伪造签名攻击及相应的合谋攻击。
2.A novel conspiracy attack immune(t,n) threshold signature scheme with traceability was proposed to overcome the weaknesses of the Wang-Li scheme and the improved Xie-Yu scheme.在分析王斌和李建华的无可信中心门限签名方案(王-李方案)以及X ie-Yu改进方案安全缺陷的基础上,提出了一种新的具有可追查性的抗合谋攻击(t,n)门限签名方案;对新方案的安全性进行了分析,并与现有方案的效率进行了比较。
3.But in the existing threshold signature scheme,conspiracy attack is still a problem which is difficult to solve.但在现有的门限签名方案中,合谋攻击一直是一个难以解决的问题。
1.The paper introduces the basic theory, working mode and the capbility of resisting collusion of digital fingerprinting.介绍了数字指纹技术的基本原理、工作方式 ,以及其抵抗合谋攻击特性 。
6)audit plot审计合谋
1.Study on the financial report corrupt practices and audit plot;财务报告舞弊与审计合谋研究
2.The reasons for audit plot and the construction of its prevention system;审计合谋的成因及其预防体系构建

合谋 合谋——  合谋指行为人意图影响市场行情而与他人同谋,由一方作出交易委托,另一方按对方委托的内容,在同一时间、地点,以同等数量和价格反向委托,并达成交易的行为。