1.A review of the growth of silicon steel production line and silicon steel products in the world;世界硅钢生产线扩容及硅钢产能增长情况调研
2.A survey on the seasonal growth of height of pupils at 8 years old in Huanggang city proper;黄冈市城区8岁儿童身高四季增长调查
3.Comparison of Growth Efficiency Between Manufacturing Industries and Service Industries During 1992~2002 and Its Policy Implications;我国服务业、工业增长效率对比及其政策内涵

1.the agricultural added value increased by 4.5 times, with an average annual growth rate of 3.3 percent;农业增加值增长3.5倍,年平均增长3.3%。
2.their industrial added value grew by 99.3 percent, with an average annual growth rate of 12.2 percent;工业增加值增长99.3%,年均增长12.2%;
3.compound increase复合增加率,复合增长
4.The growth of all the progenies from the clones in the seed orchard have exceeded those from their plus trees in plantations,having an average gain of 9.1%(4.7%~14.1%) for height and 14.5%(9.9%~23%) for DBH.树高增长9.1%,胸径增加14.5%。
5.absolute increment绝对增长量;绝对增长量;绝对增量;绝对增量
6.The production of foodstuff increased by 50 percent.粮食产量增长50%。
7.calculated growth推算(出的)增长(率)
8.--The economy should grow by 8 percent;——经济增长率8%;
9.That was a 25-fold increase in 200 years.200年间增长25倍。
10.Increasing or enlarging by successive addition.渐增的通过连续增加而增长或扩大的
11.A sudden increase, as in popularity.激增突然的增长,如人口激增
12.To cause to grow or increase rapidly.使激增使迅速增长或增加
13.He has certainly grown in strength, but not, unfortunately, in wisdom.他倒是增长了气力,可惜没有增长智力。
14.He has certainly grown in strength, but not, unfortunately.他倒增长了气力,可惜没有增长智力。
15.marked or produced by accretion.有增长的特性或由增长引起的。
16.By economic growth I mean sustained growth in output per head of population.经济增长我是指持续的人均产出增长
17.The production of motor vehicles was up by 38.8 percent, with the production of cars rising by 55.2 percent.汽车增长38.8%,其中轿车增长55.2%;
18.adversity Brings knowledge, and knowledge wisdom.逆境使人增长见识,见识使人增长智慧。

1.The reliability increase in the use of numbrical tools;数控机床使用中的可靠性增长
2.Curb the Unreasonable Increase of Medical Service Charge and Maintain a Harmonious Physician-Patient Relationship;控制医疗费用增长 维系和谐医患关系
3.On the Difference of Income and Increase——Comparative Analysis of Economic Development of Shan Gan Ning and Hu Yue Lu;收入与增长的差距——陕甘宁与沪粤鲁经济发展比较分析
1.The article quantificationally analyses connections of Dong Guan between economic increasing and capital,economic increasing and human-resource,with C-D producing function.运用C D生产函数定量分析了东莞市经济增长与资金、人力资源之间的关系,揭示了该地区经济增长的模式,提出了今后发展的思路。
2.Basing on the grey model on the increasing and ageing of scientific literature,which is advanced in literature .根据文献[1]提出的科技文献增长和老化的灰色模型,适当改变原始数据,可以使模型精度提
3.Basing on the grey model on the increasing and ageing of scientific literature, which is advanced in literature l,the author, in this essay, oppropri-ately changes the firsthand datas, so that the accuracy of the model can be improved.根据文献[1]提出的科技文献增长和老化的灰色模型,本文适当改变原始数据,可以使模型精度提高。
4)Induced flow increase诱增增长
6)To mount up; increase.增长;增加

增长【增长】 (术语)横增竖长也。胜鬘宝窟上末曰:“增长者,横阔为增,竖进为长。”