1.The speech of General Manager Li Yizhong on concluding meeting concerning 2001 Sinopec security examination (abstract).;李毅中总经理在中国石化集团公司2001年度安全大检查总结会上的讲话(摘要)
2.The speech of President Wang Jiming on concluding meeting concerning 2001 Sinopec security examination (abstract).;王基铭总裁在中国石化集团公司2001年度安全大检查总结会上的讲话(摘要)
3.The speech of Vice-general Manager Zhang Jiaren on concluding meeting concerning 2001 Sinopec security examination (abstract).;张家仁副总经理在中国石化集团公司2001年度安全大检查总结会上的讲话(摘要)

1.Don't just shrug your shoulders. Say something.不要光耸肩。你讲讲话呀。
2.informal lecture or speech非正式的演讲或讲话
3.an eloquent speaker, speech雄辩的演讲者、 讲话.
4.A t first no one spoke.起初,没有人讲话
5.He concluded by saying that...他结束讲话时说...
6.Don't cut in on your mother when she's talking.你妈讲话时,不要插话。
7."You bet you that's so, Mary.“你可得讲话算话呀,玛丽。
8.It was not the man's brain that was speaking, it was his larynx.他的大脑没有讲话讲话的是他的喉头。
9.a pep talk(教练对运动员的)鼓励性讲话, 精神讲话
10.The speaker ended off his talk with a joke演讲人以笑话结束了他的讲话
11.capable of or involving speech or speaking.能够言语或讲话,或者涉及言语或讲话
12.Here the judge interrupted.这时法官打断了(讲话讲话的人)。
13.To lift the telephone when it ring and listen to what the caller is saying.当铃响时拿起话筒听打电话人的讲话
14.After the speaker finished, many people in the audience shouted, " Right on!"讲话人讲完后,听众中许多人高声叫道:“讲得好
15.After the speaker finished, many people in the audience shouted, "Right on!"讲话人讲完后,听众中许多人高声叫道:“讲得好!”
16.He spoke in a rude tone.他用粗鲁的声音讲话
17.It can't be accomplished by bragging and empty talk.讲大话,讲空话,都不行,
18.To speak in argot or jargon.用黑话讲,用术语讲

1.Hu Jintao s important talk in the central ethnic work conference is the guiding document of the ethnic work in new century and phrase,the new development and enrichment of the ethnic theory and policy of the CPC and of the Marxist ethnic theory.胡锦涛同志在中央民族工作会议上的讲话,是新世纪新阶段我国民族工作的纲领性文件,是对党和国家的民族理论和政策一个新的丰富和发展,也是对马克思主义民族理论的新发展。
3)The Speech《讲话》
1.Forming process of real outlook of Zhou Libo literature and influence of The Speech on it——On literary ideas:the disadvantages of not considering ideology in the study of literature in Liberated Area;周立波文学真实观的形成过程及《讲话》的影响——兼及“去除意识形态话语之蔽”的解放区文学研究思路
2.On The Speech and Movement of Thought Standardization for Literature in Liberated Area;论《讲话》与解放区文学的思想规范运动
3.As a concentrate embody of the Mao Tuetong art s thought, The Speech in the Art s Symposium in Yan an has a closely connection with the early life and thought of Mao Tuetong.《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》作为毛泽东文艺思想的集中体现,其思想内容与毛泽东早期生活与思想有着密切的联系,《讲话》中的许多思想与观点都能在毛泽东早期生活与思想中找到来源与雏形,或在毛泽东早期生活中得到一定的解答。
1.Reception and Carrying out: ZHOU Yang to Jianghua;周扬对《讲话》的接受与推行
2.This paper from the point of view of influent study,circling around the aesthetic relation between literature and reality,studies ZHOU Yang s thought in literature and art and MAO Ze-dong s Jianghua.从影响研究的角度出发,围绕文艺与现实的审美关系,对周扬的文艺思想和与之密切相关的毛泽东的《讲话》进行了探讨。
5)speech of the director领导讲话
6)telephone talk电话对讲
