游记,travel notes
1)travel notes游记
1.A Brief Discussion on the Achievements of Yuan Hongdao s works, a great travel notes writer during the Ming Dynasty;明代游记大家袁宏道作品成就探微
2.on deep aspects,the literal tradition of ZhouYi,such as symbolization,theory that man is an integral part of nature,and facing misery directly,promoted the formation of Liu Zongyuan s travel notes.从表层上看,柳宗元作品中有多处直接或间接引用到《周易》的卦爻辞;从深层看,《周易》立象尽意、天人合一、直面忧患这些文学传统影响到柳宗元山水游记基本风格的形成。
3.Having been a controversial topic,the genres of ancient travel notes related both style s form and the definite meanings of You .古代游记散文的分型是一个纷说不休的话题,这些争论不仅事关文体形态学,而且也说明对"游"的意涵的认定模糊不清。

1.An account of one's journeys.游记对某人游历的记述
2.The Discussion of "Wukong" in the Pilgrimage to the West --Mathematical Criticism on the Pilgrimage to the West;《西游记》"悟空"论——《西游记》数理批评之四
3.A Journey to the West Recorded in Chronicles of Huai an Prefecture:None Other Than the 100-Chapter A Journey to the West;天启《淮安府志》记载的《西游记》就是百回本《西游记
4.An account or a record of a journey.游记,旅行日记对旅行的陈述或记录
5.Analysis on the Contemporary Phenomenon of Self-help Tour from the Network Travels--Take the Network Travels of Huangshan in Anhui Province as an Example从网络游记分析当代自助游现象——以安徽黄山旅游区网络游记为例
6.Childe Harold' s Pilgrimage恰尔德·哈洛德游记
7.Childlike Happiness-Aesthetic Characteristics of A Journey to the West;“童趣”——《西游记》的审美品格
8.On the"Seven Times Seven"and "Nine Times Nine"in Xi You Ji;《西游记》中的“七七”与“九九”
9.Study on Image of China in the Travels of Sir John Mandeville in Medieval Europe;中世纪欧洲游记《曼德维尔游记》中的中国形象
10.Tibetan Esotericism and "Journey to the West"--Continuing Discuss on "the Research of Completing Journey to the West" Written by Cai Tie-ying;藏传密教与《西游记》——蔡铁鹰《〈西游记〉成书研究》续论
11.Re-exploring the Impact of Journey to the West, the Zaju, on Its Namesake, the Fiction;《西游记》杂剧对《西游记》小说影响的再认识
12.The Place of Taoism & Buddhism in Pilgrimage to the West-A Tentative Review of Rgligious Consciousness in Pilgrimage to the West;佛、道在《西游记》中的地位———试述《西游记》的宗教意识
13.Another Author of Journey to the West --A Second Probe into the Author and the Motif;追加《西游记》作者文——《西游记》作者和主旨再探
14.The Recovery of Memory and the Reconstruction of History;记忆恢复与历史重建:浅析《乌辛漫游记
15.Analyze Xi You Bu to Journey to the West of Succession and Development;论《西游补》对《西游记》的继承与发展
16.Amendment to the Collating of the Story of Tang Sanzang Dispelling Adversity and the Story of a Journey to the West;《唐三藏西游释厄传》《西游记传》校点商兑
17.Remember my Roaming Access password记住我的"漫游访问"口令
18.Longhurst-Hardy plankton recorder朗-哈浮游生物记录器

1.Different from classic travels,modern travels in Taiwan has grown for decades of development since 1919 into a mature literary style with distinct traces and modes indicative of its great vitality and potential.就文学创作而言,游记适应着紧张的生活节奏,以轻盈灵动的形式和含蓄深沉的内涵赢得了广大读者的喜爱。
2.travels is one of the longest history prose style.游记是我国散文文体中最具有历史渊源的一类。
1.The Wisdom of a Pioneer Work:The Concepts in William Bartram s Travels;奠基之作的睿智:巴特兰《游记》的意蕴
4)"Pilgrim Westward Note"西游记记
5)diary-style travels日记体游记
1.This article expounds further development of diary-style travels brought about《Wu chuan Lu》by Fan Cheng-da in the aspects of form and content.本文论述范成大的《吴船录》在形式及内容等方面都对日记体游记有所拓展。
6)subject-focused travels题记型游记
1.OUYANG Xius Tingtai Travels has a distinguished scenic characteristic,and it is regarded as subject-focused travels.欧阳修的亭台记具有鲜明的山水游记特色,为题记型游记
