电子废弃物,electronic waste
1)electronic waste电子废弃物
1.The impacts of dismantling electronic wastes on surrounding soil environment:Take Xiagu′ao of Luqiao,Taizhou as an example;电子废弃物拆解业对周边土壤环境的影响——以台州路桥下谷岙村为例
2.Recycle and reuse of electronic waste:the roles and obligations of enterprise,government and public;电子废弃物的再循环利用:企业、政府与公众的角色和责任
3.Electronic waste contains different kinds, components and poisonous substances; it has become the largest pollution source of heavy metal in the solid waste.电子废弃物种类繁多、成分复杂,含有多种有毒、有害物质,已成为固体废物中最大的重金属污染源。

1.Research on the Management of Shanghai Electronic Waste Recovery and Treatment;上海市电子废弃物回收处置管理研究
2.Study on the Strategies & Measures to Reinforce Waste Electronics Management;加强电子废弃物管理的政策制度研究
3.Pretreatment of Electronic Wastes and Preparing Copper by Electrodeposition;电子废弃物的预处理以及铜的电积制备
4.Research on the Design of Recycling Network of Electronic Waste;电子废弃物回收逆向物流网络设计问题研究
5.Research on Network Design for Reverse Logistics Based on Electronic Waste基于电子废弃物的逆向物流网络设计研究
6.Study on the safety liability of responsible parties during WEEE logistics电子废弃物物流及责任方安全职责分析
7.The Analysis of the Electrical Products Recycling System of California in American and Experience对美国加州电子废弃物回收系统的分析与借鉴
8.Study on the Recycling Network System of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Based on GIS in Shanghai;基于GIS的上海市电子废弃物回收网络体系研究
9.The Research on Eco-efficiency Assessing of E-Waste Treatment System;电子废弃物处理系统生态绩效评价研究
10.The Study about the Technologies of Extracting the Gold from Electronic Wastes and Analysis Their Performance;电子废弃物提金技术研究及其效益分析探讨
11.Research of eclectronic abandon recycling under recycling economy angle;循环经济视角下电子废弃物回收再利用研究
12.Economic Analysis on Recycling and Reutilization of WEEE in China;电子废弃物循环再利用途径的经济学分析
13.Study of the Development Countermeasure on Disposal Industry of Electronic Waste in China;我国电子废弃物资源再生产业发展对策探讨
14.A Method for Electronic Waste Recycling Network Design in Considering Environmental Protection;考虑环保的电子废弃物回收利用网络设计方法
15.WEEE Take-back System in the Netherlands:Inspirations for China;荷兰电子废弃物回收制度对我国的启示
16.The Current Disposition Situation and Development Direction of Electronic Scraps;国内外电子废弃物处置现状与发展趋势
17.Analysis of the Barriers to WEEE Recycling in China;我国电子废弃物处理产业面临的障碍分析
18.Programming of Reverse Distribution Network for the Recycling of WEEE by OEMs;OEM模式下电子废弃物逆向配送网络研究

1.Recycling and Reutilization of WEEE in China;我国电子废弃物资源化研究
2.Economic Analysis on Recycling and Reutilization of WEEE in China;电子废弃物循环再利用途径的经济学分析
3.Study on the safety liability of responsible parties during WEEE logistics电子废弃物物流及责任方安全职责分析
3)Electric waste电子废弃物
1.However, the developed country has accumulated relatively more experience on the pollution prevention and utilization of electric waste with the more complete relevant laws and regulations system established.相比而言,发达国家在电子废弃物的污染防治和资源化方面积累了一定的经验,并建立了相对完善的法律法规体系。
2.A detailed introduction to vario us technologies, which are used in industrial waste materials, construction wast es, electric wastes and municipal refuses, is presented in this paper.本文详细介绍了该项技术在工业废渣、建筑垃圾、电子废弃物和生活垃圾处理等方面的一些应用情况 ,但实践中远不止这些 。
4)electronic wastes电子废弃物
1.Preliminary Analysis of Break and Classification of Electronic wastes;浅析电子废弃物的破碎与分级
2.The estimated amount of electronic wastes increases at 25% annually in the future 5-10 years,therefore,the utilisation and potential pollution to the environment have been continously received considerable attention.电子废弃物在未来5~10年的年增量估计为25%左右,电子废弃物环境污染问题和潜在资源价值须高度重视。
3.Facing the fact of disposing electronic wastes in our country,the paper brought forward the idea of circular economy and the principles of Cleaner Production during the period of electronic wastes production,and that the principles of 3R should be performed in the course of electronic products lifecycle.面对我国电子废弃物处置的现状,提出运用循环经济理念来处置电子废弃物,在电子废弃物的生产阶段,充分贯彻清洁生产原则,在电子产品的整个生命周期都要充分贯彻3R原则。
5)electronic scrap电子废弃物
1.Selective solvent extraction of copper from electronic scrap solution with LIX84I;用萃取剂LIX84I从电子废弃物处理液中选择性萃取铜
2.The reduction,innoxiousness and reutilization of electronic scrap(ES) are increasingly attracting attentions from the whole society,adopting the mechanical method to reutilize ES is the leading means.电子废弃物的减量化、无害化和资源化工作日益受到世界各国的重视和关注,采用机械物理方法对电子废弃物进行资源化是目前主导的方法。
3.According to the characteristics of electronic scrap(ES),disposal means of ES adopted currently were analyzed at home and abroad,and the corresponding countermeasures to deal with ES were brought forward.介绍了国内外电子废弃物资源化处理的制度及技术,提出实现电子废弃物资源化处理应以机械物理回收方法为主,本文采用阻尼式脉动气力分选装置对电子废弃物中有价成分的回收进行了研究,并取得了初步进展。
6)waste electrical and electronic equipment电子电器废弃物
1.Developing countries such as China face a rapidly increasing amount of imported Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) or electronic and electric waste (e-waste), which is from developed countries for recycling.当前,中国等发展中国家正成为全球电子电器废弃物的处置中心。

包装废弃物回收处理包装废弃物回收处理reclaim for waste package materials  饮扣Zhua叩feiqiwlJ huishou eh以i包装废弃物回收处理(I’eclaim for waste Packa-罗materials)包装物用后处里或再生利用的活动。它是解决世界性环境污染的重要课题。按包装材料的材质分类,包装废弃物一般可分为纸质、塑料、玻璃、金属4大类。包装废弃物回收处理的分类如下:①纸包装废弃物回收处理。将废纸或纸板用于再造纸,将废纸或纸板通过制浆、除杂、模塑成型、干燥等工艺制成各种形状、尺寸的纸浆模塑包装制品。②塑料包装废弃物回收处理。卫生城埋—由于此法没有从根本上减少环境污染,相反给子孙后代留下污染源,因此不可取。焚烧—此法可使废弃物体积、重量大为减少,且可回收热能,但焚烧过程造成的重金属、多核芳烃、二氧化碳等物质会对空气、土壤产生二次污染。热解—塑料包装废弃物经热解处理可得到化工原料、燃料油和可嫩性气体,如中国科研人员发明用废塑料回收生产ABS树脂及废聚苯乙烯裂解还原为苯乙烯单体的技术。再生利用—如软质聚抓乙烯经过挑选、清洗、晾干后粉碎,再加人适量助剂重新塑化造粒成型,加人新料中使用。以废治废—如废聚氨醋泡沫塑料经简单机械处理后在一定条件下可有效吸附废水中的苯胺、苯酸及乳化油。③玻璃包装废弃物回收处理。包括旧玻璃瓶罐回收复用;碎下脚料重熔再制瓶罐。采用玻璃上色新技术,使玻璃表面的有色涂料遇热后消失变成原有无色透明玻璃,省却有色玻璃分拣工作。采用薄壁轻瓶技术使玻璃瓶雄轻量化,从减少废弃玻璃数量角度处理玻璃包装废弃物。④金属包装废弃物回收处理。金属包装废弃物的主要代表是铝质易拉雄(俗称二片罐),主要回收方法为铝罐重熔。与从铝钒土冶炼铝材相比,该法可节约大量能源和冶炼用配料并减少排放氟化铝造成的大气污染。 (陆关新)