生态市,ecological city
1)ecological city生态市
1.Study on the Status, Problems and Countermeasures of Ecological City in Tengzhou City;滕州生态市建设现状、问题及对策的研究
2.Ecological sustainable development during constructing ecological city was not only based upon healthy and activated ecosystems,but also the regional pattern for ecological security(RPES).以常州市为例,探讨了基于生态市建设的生态可持续发展的内涵,提出“生态保育区-生态提升区-生态新建区”的生态建设分区模式和市域生态防护网架是构建区域生态安全格局的基本框架和促进区域生态可持续发展的调控途径。
3.It is an important and strategical significance that we plan to build Dujiangyan City up as the first national standard of ecological city in Western China.将都江堰市建设成我国西部第一个国家级生态市,该市地处我国大地形中第一阶梯向第二阶梯过渡地带,具有物种、生态系统和景观多样性优势;是古代著名水利工程都江堰的所在地,对于成都市和成都平原起着水资源调控和生态屏障作用。

1.Eco-sensitivity Evaluation in the Ecological City Planning of Meishan City眉山市生态市规划中生态敏感性评价
2.The Connotation and Intention of Ecocities and Ecological Development of Cities;生态市及城市生态建设内涵、目的和目标
3.Eco-city Is the City of Region Primarily;生态城市首先是区域城市——解读生态巨匠威廉·里斯的生态城市思想
4.Discussion and Realization on Ecological City and Ecological Design of the New Urban District;城市新区生态与生态设计理念和实现
5.Study on Ecological Corridor of Constructing Ecological Garden City;生态园林城市建设中的生态廊道研究
6.Ecological Environment Quality Appraisal and Ecological Planning of Baoding;保定市生态环境质量评价及生态规划
7.Ecological issues and ecological compensation in urbanization城市化进程中的生态问题与生态补偿
8.Assessment of ecological safety of Xuzhou City基于生态足迹的徐州市生态安全评价
9.Eco-civilization Construction in Eco-city Planning生态城市规划中的生态文明建设初探
10.The future city will be the bionic and ecologic city.未来的城市将是仿生与生态的城市。
11.urban ecological process城市生境过程, 城市生态过程
12.Ecological footprint of urban residents living consumption in Jinan City;济南市城市居民生活消费的生态足迹
13.The Research of Ecological City Base on the Ecological Footprint Model of Jinan City;基于生态足迹模型的济南市生态城市初步研究
14.Study on Ecosystem Analysis, Evaluation and Ecopolis Construction of Zhengzhou;郑州市生态系统分析、评价与生态城市建设研究
15.The Ecocity-Oriented Evaluation Method for the Urban Ecosystem;面向生态城市建设的城市生态系统评价
16.The Mechanism of Ecocity Construction from Perspective of Urbanization and Ecological Transition;城市化与生态化视角的生态城市建设机理研究
17.A Study on Land Eco-Use in the Suburbs of Guangzhou in View of Eco-City;基于生态城市的广州市郊区土地生态利用研究
18.Ecological Carrying Capacity Analysis and Eco-city Construction of Fuzhou City;福州市生态承载力分析与生态城市建设

1.Evaluation method and index system of eco-city development:A case study in Dafeng City of Jiangsu Province,China;生态市评价指标体系与方法——以江苏大丰市为例
2.On the harmonious mode to transform resource-based cities into eco-cities:A case study of the eco-city planning of Tongling;资源型城市创建生态市的和谐模式研究——以铜陵生态市规划为例
3.Study on Urban Ecological Planning for Changsha Eco-city Construction;长沙市生态市建设与规划研究
3)ecological city生态城市
1.On the construction of ecological city and its design target;生态城市及城市生态系统理论
2.Primary exploration for the sustainable development zero emission ecological city model;可持续发展的“零排放”生态城市模式初探
1.The development and existing problems in the planning and construction of Eco-city;生态城市及其规划的研究进展与问题
2.Comprehensive Evaluation of Eco-city Construction in Wenzhou;温州生态城市建设指标体系与综合评价
3.The Construction of Eco-city on the Basis of Ecology Theory——Case Study for Hefei City;基于生态学理论的生态城市建设
1.Construction of marine indicator system for the coastal ecocity——case study of Xiamen City;沿海生态城市的海洋指标体系研究——以厦门市为例
2.Strategic Environmental Assessment of Sustainable Development of Ecocity;生态城市可持续发展的战略环境评价
3.Systematic analysis for Sustainable Development of Ecocity;生态城市可持续发展的系统分析
6)ecological market生态市场
1.The study of the construction of an ecological government and the cultivation of an ecological market as well as the relationship between them is an advanced and new subject in protecting and controlling the present ecological environment.生态型政府构建与生态市场培育以及二者的互动关系是现代生态环境保护与治理实践中的一个比较前沿与新颖的课题。
