1.Research on the Legal Issues of Transnational Securities Fraud;跨国证券欺诈法律问题研究
2.In light of the current situation of the development of Sino-Vietnam transnational automobile transportation, this paper introduces the general information of Guangxi-Vietnam transnational automobile transportation, the current situations of port supervision and administration as well as infrastructure facilities.针对中越跨国汽车运输发展现状介绍广西对越南跨国汽车运输基本情况、口岸监管现状、基础设施概况,从运输行业组织的四个方面为经营者创造良好发展环境和运输经营组织的三个方面强化运输经营组织促进运输经营业务扩大发展,探讨广西开展对越南跨国汽车运输组织的方法措施。
3.The article uses McCunn s Wooden Fish Songs as an example to articulate how to re-vision transnational and interracial Chinese American history.文章以华裔文学作品《木鱼歌》为例,阐明了如何通过跨国家、跨种族的视角审视华人移民的历史。

1.Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions--New Investment Strategy for Multinational Companies in China;跨国并购—跨国公司在中国投资新战略
2.Study of Transnational Corporations and Transnational Operation ?跨国公司和跨国经营研究
3.International Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations跨国公司国际行为守则
4.country in which transnational corporations operate跨国公司业务所在国
5.a multinational company [corporation]多国籍 [跨国] 公司[企业]
6.Research on Multinational Operation Strategies of Company in Business Transnational Management;企业跨国经营中跨文化管理策略探讨
7.The Governance Mechanism of Multinational Companiesand Reform of Chinese Multinational Companies;跨国公司治理机制与中国跨国企业改制
8.Transnational Corporation and China Economy Development;跨国公司与经济发展——兼论中国的跨国公司战略
9.Transnational Crime and Proceeds of Crime Sectio跨国犯罪和犯罪收益科
10.Regional Documentation Unit on Transnational Corporations跨国公司区域文件股
11.Draft Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations跨国公司行为守则草案
12.Code of Conduct for the Activities of Transnational Corporations跨国公司活动行为守则
13.International Firm Concept & Affairs跨国公司理论与实务
14.Institute for Policy Studies - Transnational政策研究学会(跨国)
15.comprehensive information system on Transnational Corporations跨国公司综合信息系统
16.Trust Fund for the Centre on Transnational Corporations跨国公司中心信托基金
17.first you have to consider crossing border regulations.你得考虑跨国界的规定。
18.a global company with extensive/strong capabilities (in...)实力雄厚的跨国公司

1.Although the banking merge and association was increasing stably during the past 20 years, the cross-border bank merge and association was less comparatively.虽然在过去的20多年里国内金融领域的并购数量呈现稳定增长的趋势,但是相比较而言,这段时间的跨国银行并购数目则少之又少。
2.Gathering with Cross-border Securitization,this article provides suggestions for our legal construction of Cross-border Securitization by researching the property transfer,the structure of SPV,tax and supervising problems at the basis of introducing securitization\'s concept,causes and basic operation.资产证券化的继受国在引入此项融资技术之初为了克服国内法律障碍,同时为了充分利用各国法律制度的比较优势,构建最佳交易结构,实现利益最大化,往往选择资产证券化的跨国操作。
3.In order to minimize the cost of financing, financers always display the different aspects all over the world with the minimum cost, so that the cross-border asset securitization is born.资产证券化具有结构金融的特点,在不同的国家中有着不同的法律制度和经济环境,为了最大限度的减少融资的成本,融资者往往在将不同的环节放置于全球范围之内,以最小的成本融资从而产生了资产证券化的跨国运作。
1.To the wast amount of serious transnational economical frauds,it discusses the meaning, nature and harmfullness of them,and points out that they have become one of the soical effects of pollution.针对跨国经济欺诈大量发生的严重情况,论述了欺诈的含义和性质,说明了跨国欺诈的危害,指出欺诈已成人类社会一大公害。
4)Transnational State跨国国家
5)trans-national marketing跨国营销
1.Evaluation of trans-national marketing risk for domestic petroleum technology service corporations based on BP network;基于BP网络的我国石油技术服务企业跨国营销风险评价
2.Study for Trans-national Marketing Risk Evaluation of Domestic Petroleum Technology Service Corporation's Product;我国石油技术服务企业产品跨国营销风险评价研究
6)transnational exploitation跨国开发
1.Risk evaluation of transnational exploitation of China petroleum industry;中国石油工业跨国开发风险评估和管理

垂直型跨国公司垂直型跨国公司是指生产和经营的产品不单一的跨国公司。垂直型跨国公司的母公司和子公司生产和经营相互衔接的不同工序的产品,一个子公司的产出又是另一个子公司的投入,因而它可以通过实行内部转让中间产品而不花成本或少花成本;还可以消除通过市场机制应用中间产品所造成的不稳定因素、限制与困难;还能从各国的具体生产优势出发,安排最佳的产品生产点布局,实行国际范围内的专业化协作,大大提高经济效益。   垂直型跨国公司主要有两种类型:  1.是母公司和子公司生产和经营不同行业但相互有关产品的跨国公司。这是一种跨行业的跨国企业,主要涉及矿业和能源等自然资源的有关行业。  2.是同行业的跨国公司。在公司内部各子公司间,分别从事专业化协作化生产。