1.The Analysis for Presence of CO_2 Content Changes and Causes of Daqing Petrochemical Feedstock Ethylene Cracker;大庆石化乙烯裂解原料中CO_2的形成原因及含量变化分析
2.By comparison between English and Chinese,from the perspective of classification,causes and elimination of ambiguity,this article aims at strengthening the comprehension of the two languages and using them to write and translate in a.文章通过对英汉两种语言中的歧义类型、歧义形成原因及歧义消除方法进行分析比较,以期增强对这两种语言的理解,更好地运用这两种语言进行写作和翻译。

1.Analysis on the Forming Causes of Hemingway s "Principle of Iceberg;浅析海明威“冰山原则”的形成原因
2.On the Causes of Wushu Crowds Forming in Taiyuan太原市武术运动人群形成原因的探究
3.The causes of hemorrhoids are similar to the causes of varicose veins.导致痔疮形成的原因跟静脉曲胀的形成原因差不多。
4.Analysis on Hot Crack for Forging Die Made by Squeeze Casting锻模液态模锻成形过程中热裂纹形成原因分析
5.The Reasons and the Countermeasures of Environment Injustice;环境不公正现象的形成原因及其对策
6.The Formation of Nominal "Verb+Noun;“动+名”偏正结构形成原因的考察
7.Discussion on the Forming Reason and Assistance Method of Vulnerable Groups;论农村弱势群体形成原因及救助办法
8."Small property right house" s forming and solution probing;“小产权房”的形成原因与出路探究
9.An Analysis on the Policy of Allying with Mongolia to Annihilate Jin Dynasty of South Song Dynasty;南宋“联蒙灭金”政策形成原因分析
10.On Causes of "Administrative Rickets" and Its Solutions;“行政软骨病”的形成原因及矫治策略
11.Looking into the Formation Causes of Weiyuan"Generation to Use";魏源“经世致用”思想形成原因初探
12.form the determining cause形成了决定性的原因
13.caused by bundle transfigured由于捆变形的原因而造成的
14.a result may flow from several causes一种结果可以由几种原因形成。
15.Bill make a scrutiny into the cause of the phenomenon.比尔调查现象形成的原因。
16.The first is the reasons for, and the nature of, the division.第一,两者形成的原因、性质不同。
17.Causes for Failure in Tympanoplasty of 126 Ears鼓室成形术126耳的失败原因探讨
18.An Approach to the Formation of Irish Diversified National Identities试析爱尔兰多元民族认同形成的原因

1.Study on the Causes of Onion Bolting and the Control Measures;洋葱抽薹形成原因及防治措施研究
2.Through the rail flatness inspection, the causes for waviness are found.通过对钢轨平直度调研分析 ,浅析了钢轨波浪弯曲的形成原因
3.Through the analysis of the cause of early illness of road surfaced with tar and concret.下面就以上几种常见病害的形成原因进行简单分析并结合实际提出一些相应的预防措施。
3)forming reason形成原因
1.The forming reason of the sinuous river and administration measure on Mayi River;蚂蚁河上游蜿蜒河流的形成原因及治理措施
2.The characteristics and forming reason of faint-sliver defect found in cold-rolled steel sheet were discussed .对冷轧板中发现的条痕缺陷特征进行了分析 ,探讨了该缺陷的形成原因
3.From the view point of political geography,this paper analyzes the current changes of the world political regions and the forming reason of regi.从政治地理学的角度 ,对当今世界政治区域的变化和区域政治现象的形成原因进行分析 ,并提出了应对的相关对
4)cause of formation形成原因
1.The thesis briefly introduces the geographical distribution,cause of formation,linguistic features and the connection with the periphery dialects of Zhenping Dialect.本报告以调查为基础,对镇坪方言的地理分布、形成原因、方言特点以及与周边方言的关系作介绍和比较。
2.Cause of formation of cotton seedlings with high and slim stems nursing with nutrition bowl,and nursing in floating system were expounded,and precautionary measures were provided.阐述了营养钵育苗高脚苗形成原因和预防措施及漂浮育苗高脚苗形成原因,提出了在漂浮育苗中预防高脚苗形成的措施。
1.On the basis of investigation,we anal yse the status quo,characteristics,and the reasons of the floating po pulation who have children and take on commerce or construction,then work ou t the effects of floating population on social and economic development of Ji nan.根据实地调查,分析了济南市主要从事商业、建筑业已有子女的流动人口的现状特征及其形成原因,探讨了其对济南市经济社会发展的影响等。
2.In relation to such issue,the author will analyze the reasons subjectively and objectively.文章从主观和客观两个方面对农民公平观的形成原因进行了分析,并从这个角度出发,对湖北荆门农民的做法 进行了解读。
