1.Because the price mechanism cannot operate and play the role normally,or because of the relevance of social economic activities,the production of media products appears externality phenomenon,and the social cost is inevitable.因为价格机制不能正常运行和不能正常发挥作用,或者因为社会经济活动的相关性,传媒产品的生产出现外在性现象,社会成本问题不可避免。
2.Firstly, we discuss the limitation of beginning to collect Pigou taxes in the framework of externality theory and point out that it is difficult to achieve good results of sloping land conversion through voluntary transaction of Coase theorem.首先,在外在性理论框架中讨论开征庇古税的局限性,借用科斯定理自愿的市场交易方式也难以达到退耕还林及水土保持的效果。

1.Scientific Objectivity:Integration of Exteriority and Interiority;科学客观性:外在性与内在性的交融
2.endometriosis externa外在性子宫内膜异位症;子宫外子宫内膜异位症
3.Existence of (q,3×2,1)-External Difference Families(q,3×2,1)-外差族的存在性
4.An Economic Approach to Internalization of Externality of Population Behavior;人口行为外部性及外部性内在化的经济分析
5.They had extramarital and premarital sex behavior as well as non-marriage sexual partners.存在婚前,婚外性行为和多性伴现象。
6.similarity in appearance or character or nature between persons or things.人或事物在外表或性质或天性上相似。
7.Beyond Feminism:An Exploration of Female Awareness of Zhang Ai ling;在女性主义之外——张爱玲女性意识新探
8.An enclosing frame in which a shaft revolves.外套,外罩封闭性的框架,有轴在里面转动
9.The adaptability analysis of exterior wall external insulation technology application in Quzhou area外墙外保温技术在衢州地区的适应性分析
10.Diversity of External Institutions and of the Innovation of External Farmland Institution in China;外在制度的多样性与我国外在农地制度创新的多样性
11.depressing in character or appearance.在性格或者外表上阴沉的。
12.resembling a hawk (in character or appearance).类似于鹰(在性格或者外表上)。
13.make French in appearance or character.使在外表或性格上像法国人。
14.(of motor vehicles) the quality of being fit to drive on the open road.适合在户外的道路上驾驶的性能。
15.a striking change in appearance or character or circumstances.在外表或性格或环境上的显著变化。
16.His experiences abroad steadied his character他在国外的经历使他的性格定了型。
17.African rodent resembling a mole in habits and appearance.非洲啮齿动物,在习性和外表上象鼹鼠。
18.The aromas of our cooking pot need to linger permanently on foreign lands.本地美食应该永久性地在外地留香。

1.Hereon, according to the frame of semantic analysis demonstrated by Hegel, scientific objectivity can be distinguished into different levels: ontological exteriority, epistemological interiority, and methodological constructiveness.在此,可根据黑格尔所指示的语义分析框架将它区分出不同的层次:本体论上的外在性、认识论上的内在性以及方法论上的建构性。
2.In this essay, the author tries to reconstruct scientific objectivity from two aspects of exteriority and interiority.本文试图从内在性与外在性两个层面重建科学客观性。
1.There is a difference between intrinsic and extrinsic innovation of the entrepreneurs,with the former not being attached importance while the latter being rather different.企业家创新有内在性和外在性之别 ,企业家创新的内在性不受欢迎 ,而外在性则相反。
5)external flexibility外在柔性
1.Both external flexibility and internal flexibility should be considered in.不仅要从耗费指标和范围指标来分析供应商的外在柔性特征,还要从资源储备、制造技术、协调机制、信息系统等几个方面来分析供应商柔性的内在支撑要素,综合内在柔性和外在柔性的分析,才能全面评价出供应商的柔性水平。
6)externel random外在随机性
1.Teorecally, there is probabilities features of climate because of internel random and externel random of climate system.在理论上 ,系统的内在随机性及外在随机性几乎不可避免 ,气候具有概率性 ;从实践中看 ,历来许多重要观测事实的揭示往往都是通过统计学方法。
