贸易开放度,trade openness
1)trade openness贸易开放度
1.Regional Differences in the Relations between Trade Openness and China s Economic Growth;贸易开放度与中国经济增长关系的地区差异研究
2.Income Distribution,Effective Factor Endowments and Trade Openness:A Study Based on Provinces Panel Data;收入分配、有效要素禀赋与贸易开放度——基于中国省际面板数据的研究

1.Review of Researches on the Relationship between Trade Openness and Economic Growth;贸易开放度与经济增长研究进展述评
2.Comments on case studies in regard to the relationship between trade volume, openness and economic growth;贸易量、贸易开放度与经济增长关系实证研究的发展
3.FDI,Trade Openness and Fiscal Expenditure Structure in China;外商投资、贸易开放度与中国财政支出结构
4.Openness, Industrial Specialization and China s Economic Growth;贸易开放度、产业专业化与中国经济增长研究
5.Empirical Research on Chinese Trade Openness and Rural Poverty;贸易开放度与我国农村贫困的联系的实证研究
6.Openness to Trade in China s Manufacturing Sector;中国贸易开放度的经验分析:以制造业为例
7.On Authentic Proof Inspection between Opening Degree of Chinese Regional Trade and Economic Growth;区域贸易开放度与经济增长的实证检验研究
8.An Empirical Study on the Relation between Opening Degree of Trade and Economic Growth in China;我国贸易开放度与经济增长关系的实证研究
9.The Research on China's Regional Trade Openness and Economic Growth Convergence我国区域贸易开放度与经济增长收敛性研究
10.Trade Openness and Economic Growth:Comparison between China and India;贸易开放度与经济增长:基于中国与印度的比较研究
11.Openness and Inflation:Based on the Framework of Society Welfare;贸易开放度与通货膨胀:基于社会福利的分析框架
12.Regional Differences in the Relations between Trade Openness and China s Economic Growth;贸易开放度与中国经济增长关系的地区差异研究
13.Empirical Evidence between Trade Openness and FDI;发展中国家的贸易开放度与直接投资关系的实证研究
14.An Empirical Study on the Relationship Between Trade Openness,Money Supply and Inflation贸易开放度、货币供应量与中国通货膨胀关系的实证检验
15.WTO Legal System of Trade in Financial Services and the Opening of Chinese Banking Services;WTO金融服务贸易法律制度与中国银行业开放
16.GATS and the Moderate Opening of China s Trade in Services and Its Perfection of Legislation;GATS与我国服务贸易的适度开放及立法完善
17.An Analysis of Changes in China's Dependence on Foreign Trade During 30 Years of Reform and Opening Up改革开放30年中国对外贸易依存度变动分析
18.The Relation Research of Financial Competitive Power and Openness in China我国金融服务贸易竞争力和开放度的关系研究

1.Openness and Inflation:Based on the Framework of Society Welfare;贸易开放度与通货膨胀:基于社会福利的分析框架
2.Openness, Industrial Specialization and China s Economic Growth;贸易开放度、产业专业化与中国经济增长研究
3.Based on the new development of methods in measuring openness abroad, this paper adopts five openness indices to calculate trade openness in China since reform and opening-up and analyses the impacts of various indices on China s economic growth.本文结合国外关于贸易开放度度量方法的新进展,选取5种指标具体测算了我国改革开放以来的贸易开放度,并且分析了各种指标对我国经济增长的影响作用。
3)opening scope of service trade服务贸易开放度
4)degree of openness贸易开放程度
1.Thirdly, the four key elements of FAC, such as degree of openness, efficiency of financial market, human capital accumulation and innovation level have been selected to show the mechanism of how FDI promoting economic growth essentially depends on host country\'s FAC.本文将“FDI吸收能力”的概念界定为:一国(地区)获取、消化、转化和运用跨国公司的知识溢出,并动态的加以自主创新的综合能力;系统的分析了FDI吸收能力的诸多影响因素;并以现有文献、中国的实际情况以及数据的可获取性等为依据,选取贸易开放程度、金融市场发展、人力资本状况和技术创新水平四个影响FDI吸收能力的关键要素,建立一个包括2个子能力(FDI吸引能力和FDI利用能力)、4大决定要素以及12个代理指标的衡量我国FDI吸收能力的量化指标体系。
5)Trade Openness贸易开放
1.The competition increased by trade openness can not affect the TFP growth positively,so spillover effects of foreign technology is the only way by which trade openness can affect the growth rate of TFP.利用中国制造行业的数据,分析了贸易开放影响TFP(全要素生产率)增长率的三种不同的渠道。
2.Considering false import and export, false trade credit and false FDI, this paper estimated international short-term capital accurately, and recalculated the degree of trade openness with regression model through the comparison of the traditional measuring method.本文从贸易开放角度出发,对1982年至2007年中国国际短期资本流动进行了深层次的研究。
6)trade opening贸易开放
1.Nonlinear Relationship between China's Trade Opening and the Income Distribution——An Empirical Study Based on China's Provincial Dynamic Panel Data from 1994 to 2007我国贸易开放和收入分配的非线性关系——基于1994~2007年省际动态面板数据的实证研究
2.The Non-linear Relationship between Trade Opening and Human Capital Formation:Theory and Empirical Study Based on China's Dynamic Inter-provincial Panel Data贸易开放和人力资本形成的非线性关系——理论和基于我国省际动态面板数据的实证研究
3.Through studying the impact of trade opening on productivity,it is found that factor endowments play a decisive role.研究了贸易开放对生产率水平的影响机制,发现要素禀赋起着决定性的作用。

中欧贸易达成协议 08年欧盟对我纺织品全面开放  人民网北京6月11日凌晨讯 记者龚雯报道:商务部新闻办今日凌晨宣布,由中国商务部长薄熙来、副部长高虎城、部长助理傅自应组成的谈判组在上海与专程来访的欧盟贸易委员曼德尔森就纺织品问题举行磋商。经过10个小时的谈判,双方就解决纺织品贸易问题达成一致。双方就未来三年中国对欧盟纺织品出口的增长达成协议,并签署了备忘录。  欧盟贸易委员曼德尔森承诺从现在到2007年,双方将保证一个平稳的过渡,到2008年,欧盟市场将对中国纺织品全面开放。  在磋商中,中欧双方均表示高度重视中欧之间业已建立的全面战略伙伴关系,愿意本着互惠互利的原则,积极推动双边经贸关系的稳定发展。双方认为,纺织品贸易是中欧双边贸易的重要组成部分,应妥善解决当前双边纺织品贸易中存在的问题,避免任何单方面行动和贸易摩擦。双方对欧盟已经提出设限磋商请求和完成设限调查的10种纺织品如何实现平稳过渡达成一致。从而为中国纺织企业在2005-2007年对欧盟的出口创造了较为稳定的贸易环境。  双方一致同意,今后在纺织品贸易出现问题时,要及时通过磋商予以解决。