1.A Study on the Relation between the Gentry and the Xiangyue Run by the Government during Qing Dynasty in the Northern Part of China;清代北方官办乡约与绅衿富民的关系

1.On the Relationship between Xiangyue and the Local governmental Administration in North China in Qing Dynasty.论乡约行政组织化背景下的乡约与官府的关系
2.The Relations Between Township Rules and Patriarchal Clans in Huizhou During the Middle Period of Ming Dynasty;明代中期徽州的乡约与宗族的关系——以祁门县文堂陈氏乡约为例
3.Covenant and Community Regulation in the mid-Ming Dynasty A case study of covenant of Ji an prefecture;明代中叶乡约与社区治理——吉安府乡约的个案研究
4.On HUANG Zong-xi’s Political Thought of School;试论《学校》对清议和乡约的继承与转化
5.On the Change of Qualification for Leaders of Xiangyue in Northern Areas in the Qing Dynasty;论清代北方乡约首事选任条件的演变
6.A Study on the Relation between the Gentry and the Xiangyue Run by the Government during Qing Dynasty in the Northern Part of China;清代北方官办乡约与绅衿富民的关系
7.On Xiangyue (乡约) in Northeast China of Qing Dynasty and Social Control in the Village论清代东北地区“乡约”与社会控制
8.The Village Agreement,Guard Of Countryside And The Elder Of A Clan And Administration Of Countryside In Qing Dynasty乡约·保甲·族正与清代乡村治理——以凌(火寿)《西江视臬纪事》为中心
9.York and the surrounding countryside.约克以及其周围的乡间。
10.That's the Village Voice and New York Times.《乡村之声》和《纽约时报》。
11.Viuage Rules and Protection of Red Cultural Heritage论乡规民约与乡村红色文化遗产的保护
12.The Legal Institution of Village Autonomy of the United States:A Case Study on the Village Law of the New York State论美国乡村自治法律制度——以《纽约乡村法》为例
14.Study on Land Economical and Intensive Utilization of Rural-urban Fringe in Beijing, China;北京市城乡结合部土地节约与集约利用研究
15.The path selection of the economical use of urban and rural construction land;城乡建设用地节约集约利用的路径选择
16.Their mind swung as one to home.他们不约而同地想念起家乡来。
17.or the Village Voice.或者……《纽约时报》不错,或者《乡村之声》。
18.That's the Village Voice and New York Times. OK.《乡村之声》和《纽约时报》。好的。

the village agreement乡约
1.As a researcher on sociology of Chinese rural areas,Yang Kaidao(杨开道)made a thorough exploration of the birth,development and key features of the village agreement.作为中国早期农村社会学学者,杨开道详细地研究了乡约的产生、发展过程和主要特征。
2.Lin Ju(?),the Inspector of Justice of Jiangxi in Qing dynasty,wrote a book titled Xijiang shinie jishi to compile many his administrative files during Yongzheng and Qianlong period,in which there are many materials about the society including the roles of the village agreements,the chief of precinct and the elder of a clan in the countryside.清朝江西按察使凌火寿的《西江视臬纪事》,汇编了雍正、乾隆之际任上的行政文件,多记载社会方面的内容,其中不乏推行乡约、保甲、族正治理乡村基层社会的资料。
3)Village rules乡规民约
1.The Vietnamese countryside village rules had existed for many centuries.越南农村的乡规民约已经存在了许多世纪。
2.The village rules are populace s autonomous social norm in our country s basic unit social life,having the glorious history and the profound influence in our country.乡规民约是我国基层社会生活中的群众自治的社会规范,在我国有着悠久的历史和深远的影响。
3.The village rules take one kind of special unofficial laws and regulations,has the vital role to the red cultural heritage\'s protection,this article attempts through to search analyzes its connotation,the type,the characteristic and the legal effect,provides the research mentality and the countermeasure suggestion for our country village red cultural heritage\'s protection.乡规民约作为一种特殊的非正式法规,对红色文化遗产的保护具有重要的作用,通过探析其内涵、类型、特性和法律效力,为我国乡村红色文化遗产的保护提供研究思路和对策建议。
4)leader of Xiangyue乡约首事
5)village regulations and folk conventions乡规民约
1.Looking back,village regulations and folk conventions should not be neglected in socialist modernization drive.自乡村组织存在之日起,乡规民约便产生和不断衍生发展,并在传统社会治理中发挥着重要作用。
6)the Community system乡约制度
1.This article primarily explore and research on Qing Dynasty the Community system status and authority, the implementation scope,relations between the Community system and local state powers,and characteristic etc in Xinjiang.文章主要从乡约的地位和职权,乡约的实行范围、乡约与地方政权的关系,以及清代新疆乡约的特点等三个方面对清代新疆乡约制度进行了探索研究,认为:新疆乡约制度能够实行并进一步推广,一方面是因为满足了清朝政府对当时新疆地方基层政权控制的要求,另一方面又因为它以当时农村百姓代理人的面目出现,帮助百姓直接办理各种公务,从而顺应了国家和农村两方面的需要。

乡约1.犹言乡规民约。适用于本乡本地的规约。 2.明清时乡中小吏。由县官任命,负责传达政令,调解纠纷。