1.Eco-transformation is the only way to construct an eco-city.地处珠江三角洲腹地的佛山市以建设生态城市基本架构为途径,构筑生态友好的城市空间体系,建立生态化产业园区,整合生态建设与文化建设,促进城市的生态转型,成效显著。
2.Eco-transformation on regional development explores theories and methodologies for sustainable development by reforms on policy, industries, management, technology, and cultur.区域发展的生态转型是对于如何实现可持续发展在理论和方法上探索,力图通过政策、产业、管理、技术、文化等层面的变革,培育和建设生态产业、生态人居、生态文化从而促进区域发展的转型。

1.Research on Adaptable Transformation of the Urban Industrial Ecology Based on Eco-economic Efficiency基于生态经济效率的适应性城市产业生态转型研究
2.Essay on the Eco-transformation of China's Industry under the View of Eco-civilization论生态文明观下我国产业的生态化转型
3.The Study on the Transformation of the Telecoms Operator Based on Ecosystem;基于生态系统的电信运营商转型研究
4.Analyzing the Rural Female s Destiny and the State of Subsisting in the Transformational Literature;转型期文学中农村女性生存状态考察
5.Build Eco-civilization and Attain an Overall Social Transformation;建设生态文明 实现社会全面转型
6.The Financial Solution of Ecological Crisis in Social Transition;社会转型期的生态危机及其财政应对
7.Reconstructing and upgrading of Chinese eco-agriculture oriented to circular economy;面向循环经济的生态农业现代化转型
8.The Ecologicalization of the Technical Innovation: the Way of the Transformation of Human being s Civilization;技术创新生态化——人类文明转型之路
9.A THEORY OF ECO CIVILIZATION: A Creative Inquiry into the Transformation of Human Civilization;《生态文明论》:对现代文明转型的探索
10.An Ecological Study of the Classification of the University Student Needs;社会转型期我国大学生需要分类的生态化研究
11.Discussion of the creation reason of ecosystem;论生态恶化之成因——侗族文化转型与生态系统藕合演替
12.From Farming Culture to Ecological Culture;从农业文明到生态文明——转型期农村可持续发展的生态学方法
13.Study on Theory and Approaches for Ecocity Based Industrial Transformation;基于生态城市建设的产业转型理论与方法研究
14.Tendency to Reform: The Study of Ecology of School Culture in Social Transformation;变革的趋向:转型期的学校文化生态研究
15.Natural Value View on Turning Period from Industry Civilization to Eco-civilization;工业文明向生态文明转型时期的自然价值论
16.The Building Nationality Cultural Province with Original Ecology Nationality Culture Transformation;民族文化大省建设与原生态民族文化转型
17.Channel Analysis About Domestic Higher Education Ecosystem s Balance Regression During the Transformation Period;转型期中国高等教育回归生态平衡的路径剖析
18.An Analysis on Ecology of Private Higher Educational Institutions in Beijing during the Transitional period;转型时期北京民办高等教育机构生态分析

ecology-oriented transformation生态化转型
1.The core of ecologic civilization construction is to promote ecology-oriented transformation of the development mode,which needs a favorable institutional environment.文明建设的核心是促进发展方式的生态化转型,而发展方式的生态转型需要良好的制度环境。
3)industry ecological conversion产业生态转型
1.The study on the industry ecological conversion based on the innovation system;基于创新系统的产业生态转型研究
4)Transformation of the ecological structure生态结构转型
5)Conversion of terrestrial ecosystems陆地生态系统类型转变
1.Conversion of terrestrial ecosystems resulting from land-use practice plays an important role in global carbon cycling.土地利用变化引起的陆地生态系统类型转变对于全球碳循环有着极其重要的作用。
6)Transformation of the urban industrial ecology城市产业生态转型

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