宣威市,Xuanwei City
1)Xuanwei City宣威市
1.Landscape Resources of Watershed Forest Park in Xuanwei City and Its Evaluation;宣威市分水岭森林公园风景资源及其评价
2.Forest Guarding Organization for Natural Forest Conservation Program in Xuanwei City;宣威市天然林资源保护工程管护组织形式
3.There are one hundred and seven forestry enterprises in Xuanwei city, with the workers of more than 1000 people.宣威市现有林产企业 10 7个 ,从业人员 10 0 0余人 ,年产值 5 82 9万元 ,开发的产业包括种植经济林、木材加工业、森林旅游等 ,但总的来说林产业体系不健全 ,存在着许多问题 ,主要有 :①木材加工业、森林旅游、花卉等产业发展滞后 ;②经济林品种低劣 ;③产业结构不合理 ,机制不健全 ;④资金投入不足。

1.On "10.30" Robbery Murder Case of Xuanwei City;浅析宣威市“10.30”抢劫杀人案
2.Promoting Forest Development of Xuanwei City through Extension of Biogas Pit;大力推广沼气池促进宣威市林业发展
3.Forest Guarding Organization for Natural Forest Conservation Program in Xuanwei City;宣威市天然林资源保护工程管护组织形式
4.Study on Soil Pollution Control in Rural Areas in Xuanwei宣威市农村土壤污染防治对策措施初探
5.Environmental Benefits Analysis of Pollution Treatment of Donghe River and Xihe River in Xuanwei宣威市东西两河污染综合治理环境效益分析
6.Study on Vegetation Resumption Effect of Mountain Shrub-Tussock in Xuanwei City of Yunnan Province;云南宣威市宝山镇山地灌草丛植被恢复效果的研究
7.The Strategy for Widely Improving the Education Quality of Music,Fine Arts,and Physical Education in Middle Schools--A Research Report Based on a Case Study in No.1 Middle School of Xuanwei;大面积提高中学音体美教育质量的基本策略——以宣威市第一中学为个案的实验研究报告
8.I declare William Jones elected.我宣布威廉。琼斯被选中。
9.Recited the decree with an important air.以权威的姿态宣读法令
10.An official or authoritarian declaration; a proclamation or an edict.宣言,公告官方或权威性的宣布;公告或法令
11.Declaration of Markets in the Urban Council Area市政局辖区内街市宣布
12.Kuwait Declaration on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries科威特发展中国家技术合作宣言
13.says the greatest threat to the economy and environment of the state,宣称该州经济和环境面临的最大威胁
14.Speak the truth, even if it leads to your death.即使威胁你的生命,也要宣讲真理。
15.Study of HLA-A*02 Allele High Resolution in Yunnan Xuanwei Lung Carcinoma;云南宣威肺癌HLA-A*02高分辨研究
16.Distributions and Preventing of Ham Pests on Xuanwei Ham传统宣威火腿害虫的分布与综合防治
17.Overview of Infromatization in Xuanzhou District of Xuan City in Anhui Province安徽宣城市宣州区信息化建设掠影
18.Propaganda Department of CPC Taizhou Municipal Committee中共台州市委宣传部

1.Harmfulness of Forest Pest and Control Strategy of Xuanwei City;宣威市森林病虫害危害现状及治理对策
2.Environmental Protection Status and Development in Xuanwei宣威市环境保护现状与发展对策
1.Comparative Study of Expression and Mutations of Ras Gene in Patients with Non-small-cell Lung Cancer of Xuanwei and Kunming;宣威昆明两地肺癌ras基因表达及突变的比较研究
2.Human telomerase RNA(hTR) expression and Ki-67 growth fraction in lung cancer in Xuanwei of Yunnan province;云南宣威地区肺癌端粒酶RNA成分及Ki-67抗原的检测
3.Research on Adaptability of Several Varieties of Silage Maize in Xuanwei of Yunnan Province;几个青贮玉米品种在云南宣威的适应性研究
4)Xuanwei Ham宣威火腿
1.Analysis of White Particles in Xuanwei Ham;宣威火腿白点的分析(英文)
2.Characterization of odor-active compounds from Xuanwei ham headspace;宣威火腿中香味活性化合物的分析
3.Studies on the Standardized Production and Technology of Quality Improving of Xuanwei Ham;宣威火腿标准化生产与品质改良技术研究
5)xuanwei Xian宣威县
6)lung cancer in Xuan Wei region宣威肺癌
1.Objective:To investigate the correlation between the expression of FHIT,PTEN and Ki-67 and their roles in the genesis and development of lung cancer in Xuan Wei region.目的:探讨抑癌基因FHIT、PTEN及增殖指数Ki-67三者在宣威肺癌组织中表达的关系,以期了解它们在宣威肺癌的发生、发展中的作用和意义,为诊断、临床治疗和预后判断提供帮助。
