1.An Analysis of Current Situation of Junshan Island Landscape——One of the Reform Projects of Junshan Island Landscape;君山景区景观的现状分析——君山景区景观改造方案之一
2.Development on Characteristic Tourism Development of Junshan and Yueyang Tower Scenic Spot试论君山、岳阳楼风景名胜区的特色旅游开发
3.The Protection of Scenic Resources and the Sustainable Development of Scenic Areas——With the Detailed Planning of Junshan Scenic Area, Yueyang City as the Example风景资源保护与景区可持续发展——以岳阳市君山景区详细规划为例

1.Junshan Specific Area Landscape Transformation Program;君山景区景观具体改造方案——君山景区景观改造方案研究之二
2.An Analysis of Current Situation of Junshan Island Landscape--One of the Reform Projects of Junshan Island Landscape;君山景区景观的现状分析——君山景区景观改造方案之一
3.Studies on Rural Energy and the Development of Alternative Energy Industry in Laojunshan Area of Northwest Yunnan;滇西北老君山地区农村能源及其产业发展研究
5.Study and Strategy of Rural Energy Problem in Laojunshan Area of Northwest Yunnan;滇西北老君山地区农村能源问题研究及对策
6.Findings Report on Lao Jun Mountain Nature Preserve in Malipo County;麻栗坡老君山省级自然保护区调研报告
7.Slop has woods and woods have limbs. Enamored with Prince but Prince ignorst.山中有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知。
8.a strutting rooster, a he-goat, and a king with his army around him.猎狗、公山羊、和无人能敌的君王。
9.Wang Zhaojun tomb below Daqing mountain was once called Qing tomb.大青山脚下的昭君墓被称为青冢。
10."The war-horse, and the he-goat, and the king when his army is with him."猎狗,公山羊,和无人能敌的君王。
11.Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.说,我已立我的君在锡安我的圣山了。
12.a rich feast of exotic foods from mountains and seas is here for you to enjoy at will.山珍海味的丰盛酒宴,任君享用。
13.We watch him through Wheel-Tower Gate going eastward. Into the snow-mounds of Heaven-Peak Road....轮台东门送君去, 去时雪满天山路;
14.The Spirit Lord of Baishi Mountain: Feeding the Deities or Heeding the Yinyang?白石山神君:喂食神只还是遵从阴阳?
15.Mr. Yamada had his cash collection satchel snatched!山田君那边有了联络 说是带了钱过来
16.Territory Unification: Attempt to Discuss Fate of the Emperors and Officials of the Previous Dynasties in the Early Period of the Song Dynasty;江山一统:试论宋初前代君臣的命运
17.The friendship between men of virtue is light like water, yet affectionate; the friendship between men without virtue is sweet like wine, yet easily broken.君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘如醴。君子淡以亲,小人甘以绝。——庄周《山水》
18.Our sanatorium stands leaning against the hills and facing the river. You are welcome to stay in one of our exquisite villas.本疗养院靠山傍水,幢幢精美的别墅待君光临。

Junshan Silver needle君山银针
1.Junshan silver needle is famous for its excellent shape,color,aroma and taste.君山银针以形、色、香、味俱美著称于世。
3)Junshan farm君山农场
1.DYNAMIC SIMULATION OF VICTIM EVACUATION IN DETENSION BASIN (Ⅱ)──Study on victim in Junshan farm;蓄洪区灾民撤退过程动态模拟(Ⅱ)──君山农场灾民撤退模拟研究
4)Laojun Mountain老君山
1.Research on Changes of Soil Erosion of Laojun Mountain Areas in the Upper Reaches of Changjiang River;长江上游老君山片区土壤侵蚀变化研究
2.The Resource of Pteridophytes in Laojun Mountain Nature Reserve,Southeast Yunnan;滇东南老君山自然保护区的蕨类植物资源
3.Laojun mountain is one of the most abundance areas of macrofungi resources in China,which located in the northwestward of Yunnan Province.云南西北部老君山地区是我国大型真菌资源最丰富的地区之一,且产菌时间较长。
1.The roosting behavior and roost-site selection of Temminck’s tragopan (Tragopan temminckii) in Laojunshan Natural Reserve, Sichuan, China;四川老君山地区红腹角雉的夜栖行为和夜栖地选择
2.Rare and endangered seed plants in Laojunshan region,Lijiang county;丽江老君山地区重要的珍稀、濒危种子植物
3.On the Obtaining of Mutual Benefit for Lijiang Laojunshan Nature Reserve and the Related Community Cultures;云南老君山自然保护区与相关社区文化模块的互利协调
6)Taishan monarch太山府君
