1.The self-image changes from romantic and prideful bel-esprit to suffering person, then to quiet anchoretic.宋代词人朱敦儒在作品中展现了完整的人生 ,其词中的自我形象经历了风流疏狂才子、忧患之士再到闲适隐士的嬗变。
2.Though scholars and intellectuals typical throughout the history defined it in many different ways, they all emphasized an author s emotional surge in suffering and frustration, which had particular effects on his literary creation.“发愤著书”是最具中国特色的文艺创作动力论 ,尽管历代学者文人对其具体论述不尽相同 ,但他们都强调人在忧患、挫折中的情感激荡对文学创作的特殊作用。
3.The target “Building a well-off Society in an All-round Way”includes some humanistic spiritual content, which can be described as“the intimity and identification with the national culture and psychology”,“the suffering consciousness on the national economy and the people s livelihood”,“the solicitude for all the people”.“全面建设小康社会”包括对民族文化与心理的亲近与认同、对国计民生的忧患意识、对天下苍生的关怀精神这些人文精神的内涵。

1.To thrive in calamity or adversity and to perish in soft living生于忧患,死于安乐
2.Man 's life and care be twins, and bear one day .生命不止,忧患不息。
3.He that lives in court dies upon straw .生于安乐,死于忧患
4.Worries about the decline in developed countries and those about survival in minority nationalities coexist.发达国家的衰落忧患与少数民族生存忧患并存。
5.An Analysis of College Students Sense of Readiness:Educating their Awareness of Unexpected Development under the Present Situation;大学生忧患心理的现状分析与忧患意识的培育
7.Heaven-earth Realm in the "Concerned" Consciousness--Aesthetical explanation of Xu Fuguan s "concerned consciousness";“忧患”中的天地境界——徐复观“忧患意识”的美学解读
8.Living in the Consciousness of Suffering,Dying at Ease--ON Mencius Consciousness of Suffering;“生于忧患而死于安乐”——论孟子的忧患意识
9.Thinking of the National Affairs with Anxiety ──Cheng Yi s Political Way Basing on Yi Xue;以忧患之心,思忧患之故──程氏易学的为政之道
10.Melancholy Pastoral--Views on the misery consciousness in the fictions of "Xiang Xi" by SHENG Cong-wen;忧郁的牧歌——试论沈从文湘西小说中的忧患意识
11.The war brought them no sorrow.战争并没有给他们带来忧患
12.Poor woman,she has had a lot of worries.可怜的女人,她经历过许多忧患
13.He was the big brother we needed in a troubled time.他是我们在忧患时期所需要的老大哥。
14.We shield you from the difficulties and ills of life.生活中的困苦忧患有我们来顶着。”
15.When one really has fallen on hard times, he's not much good at lying.真到忧患穷困的时候,谎话都讲不好的。
16.Our predecessors have already laid a very good foundation for us.我总记得一句古训:生于忧患,死于安乐。
17.People sometimes sleep, as well as wake, by reason of their sorrow.忧患有时促人清醒,有时催人睡眠。
18.Concern over "green"issues is a relatively new phenomenon.对"绿色"问题的忧患是一个新的现象。

1.The paper presents that Bai Juyi s anxiety is a multi-echelon and complicated,which makes his thought deeper and maturer.本文以“忧患”为切入点,通过阐释白居易关注时事的民生意识;讽恶直谏的直刺精神;对生命意义体验后流露出的痛楚情结,以及这一过程中表现出的“出”与“处”的矛盾心理。
1.QU Yuan s misery, loneliness and selection to death display his culture individuality.屈原的忧患、孤独及以对死亡的坚定选择彰显了诗人鲜明的文化个性。
4)sense of hardship忧患意识
1.Starting from a philosophical point of view,it is trying to explain the intrinsic relation between the search of mankind for its spiritual homeland and the sense of hardship of literature,and further on through comparison between Chinese and Western Literature and Culture it is exploring the sense of hardship in Chinese Literature and its expression and characteristics.从哲学角度 ,揭示人类寻找精神家园与文学忧患意识之间的必然联系 ,并进一步从中西文学、文化的对比中 ,探讨中国文学的忧患意识以及忧患意识的表现特征 ,从而确定在东西方文化和文学相互交汇、碰撞的历史时期 ,中国文学在世界文化格局中日益突出的位置及意
2.The sense of hardship s education of the contemporary college students exists the problem that contents sole,filling the blessing consciousness.当代大学生忧患意识教育存在内容单一、充满祝福意识的问题。
3.Overall,Du fu s poetry displays the highly benevolent feeling and the highly sense of re- sponsibility with his related things,in other words,reflected the sense of hardship in his poetr杜甫的诗歌是为时代而泣、为百姓而泣的诗歌,被公认为"诗史",其诗歌不仅涉及国家的大事,还触及人们日常生活的各个方面,表现出杜甫对一切和其它有关事物的仁者之心和高度责任感,也就反映出了他诗歌中的那种忧患意识。
5)Hardship Consciousness忧患意识
1.Education of Hardship Consciousness For Academicians;试论当代大学生的忧患意识教育
2.On the Historical Significance and the Era s Characteristics of the Hardship Consciousness;论忧患意识的历史意蕴与时代特征
3.As an important connotation of A Dream of Red Mansions,hardship consciousness is throughout the book.忧患意识是《红楼梦》的重要思想,是贯穿全书的一条红线。
6)suffering consciousness忧患意识
1.They persisted in the publication idea that education and culture can rescue the nation,and their action embodied traditional intellectuals suffering consciousness and pragmatic spirit in the first half of 20th century s publication industry.作为两个典型案例的商务元老张元济与中华书局的创建者陆费逵,他们始终坚持教育、文化救国的出版理念,在20世纪上半叶的出版舞台上演绎了传统知识分子的忧患意识与务实品格。
2.knowledge rebuilding consciousness as usual, he also should have suffering consciousness.为争生存求发展 ,学报编辑尤其高师学报的编辑 ,除了应具有通常论及的政治意识、经营意识、知识重组意识、精品意识外 ,还应具有忧患意识、竞争意识、定位意识。
3.Because of the traditional education which he accepted, Shi Menglan had strong suffering consciousness, but lacked the capability used to change the society.由于所受传统教育使然,在社会大变革来临之际,史梦兰虽然具有强烈的忧患意识,但是却无改造社会之能力,其一生徘徊于入世与出世的矛盾之中,并最终不得不选择隐居生活。
