1.Earthquake disaster response and reconstruction: the role of medical rehabilitation;在地震救援及灾区重建中充分发挥康复医学的作用
2.According to the experience of the powerful earthquake disasters in Asia for the past ten years,including the recent Wenchuan earthquake,medical rehabilitation plays an important role in both medical aid phase and reconstruction phase.根据近十多年来亚洲多次大地震的经验,联系到我国汶川地震,强调康复医疗从地震救援期到灾区重建期都有重大作用。

2.The Relief and Reconstruction After Earthquake Under the Outlook of Scientific Development--Gansu Longnan County Case Study以科学发展观指导抗震救灾和灾区重建——甘肃陇南文县个案分析
3.Collection System for Disaster-Area Reconstruction Information Based on eSuperMap基于eSuperMap的灾区重建信息采集系统的研究
4.Investigation of Energy-saving Plank-columnar Organization-lightweight Steel Construction New Building System Used Earthquake Reconstruction地震灾区重建用板-柱-轻钢结构体系房屋的研究
5.Research on Eco-environment Management of the Industrial Reconstruction Process after Wenchuan Earthquake汶川地震灾区重建产业的生态环境管理研究
6.Promotion the Reconstruction of Stricken Areas by Earthquakes in Sichuan Province Based on Work Relief充分利用以工代赈促进四川地震灾区重建
7.Energy saving and emissions mitigation during re-construction of earthquake areas地震灾区灾后重建工程建设中的节能减排
8.Japan s Earthquake Relief Measures and the Lessons to be Drawn for the Recovery and Reconstruction of China s Earthquake-Stricken Areas;日本抗震救灾经验与我国地震灾区恢复重建
9.On the Reconstruction Mode of New Rural Community in Wenchuan Earthquake-stricken Area汶川地震重灾区新农村社区重建模式研究
10.The Problems Faced by Recovery and Reconstruction of Severe Earthquake Disaster Region in Gansu Province and Proposals;甘肃省地震重灾区灾后恢复重建面临的问题及建议
11.On the influence and significance of rebuilding community after disaster to psychological rebuilding;谈灾后重建社区环境对心理重建的影响与意义
12.The government organized the people in the(flood-)stricken area to rebuild their homes.政府组织灾区群众重建家园。
13.Picture Books and Psychological Reconstruction of Children Suffering from Earthquake Disasters论绘本对震灾区儿童心理重建之作用
14.Strengthening Moral Care to Promote the Spiritual Rebuilding of the Children in the Disaster Areas加强道德关怀 促进灾区儿童精神重建
15.Reconstruction on Tourism Industry of Postearthquake-disaster Area:a case study of Sichuan重大地震灾后旅游业重建经验及对四川灾区的启示
16.Low Carboned Reconstruction: Quake Zone City Guangyuan's Strategy低碳重建:地震重灾区广元市的战略选择
17.Do a Good Job in Post-disaster Assessment Survey Scientific Organizations Reconstruction--Research Report on Forestry Restoration after Guangxi Zhuang Nature Reserve Disaster;做好灾后调查评估 科学组织灾后重建——广西壮族自治区灾后林业恢复重建调研报告
18.Bridging Hearts and Love to Rebuild Sichuan Introduction of Wu Zhi Qiao Charitable Foundation's Rebuild Projects in Sichuan“心系灾区,爱心无止” 无止桥慈善基金灾后重建项目

recovery and reconstruction of earthquake-stricken area灾区恢复重建
3)reconstruction and revival of disaster area灾区重建与复兴
4)disaster rehabilitationn and reconstruction灾区复兴和重建
5)tragedy rebuild灾难重建
6)post-disaster reconstruction灾后重建
1.Post-disaster Reconstruction of Osaka-Kobe Earthquake and its Implications;阪神大地震的灾后重建工作及其启示
2.The Bridge and the Link for Post-disaster Reconstruction:Based on Social Work Localization Probe灾后重建的桥梁和纽带:社会工作本土化探索——基于四川理县社会重建的实践
3.Design and application of base isolation in the post-disaster reconstruction projects in Zundao遵道镇灾后重建项目的基础隔震设计及应用

灾区1.亦作"灾区"。 2.受灾的地区。