
1.Monseigneur, a petition.'大人! 我要请愿。”
2.deny [ refuse, reject ] a petition拒绝接受请愿(书)
3.of the nature of or expressing a petition.具有请愿的特点或者表示请愿
4.An expression of a desire, longing, or strong inclination; a petition.请愿,请求表达欲望、向往或强烈倾向;请愿
5.They presented a petition to the authorities.他们向当局递呈请愿书。
6.Some groups are circulating petitions.一些团体在散发请愿书。
7.He suggests that draws up a petition .他建议起草一个请愿书。
8.They petitioned for pardon.他们请愿要求赦免。
9.Our petitions have been slighted.我们的请愿白费唇舌。
10.The petitions were addressed to the Governor.请愿的对象是州长。
11.granted the petitioner's request;满足请愿者的要求;
12.(13) To handle petitions and complaints.(十三)处理请愿,申诉事项。
13.the petitionary procedure had a quality of indecisiveness.请愿的行动有些不明确。
14.get up a petition about sth就某事徵集签名请愿.
15.We addressed ourselves to the proper authority我们向有关当局请愿
16.We have petitioned;we have remonstrated; we have supplicated;我们曾请愿,抗议,恳求;
17.Committee on the Samoan Petition萨摩亚请愿事宜委员会
18.Petition of the Establishment of Taiwan Council, Movement of台湾议会设置请愿运动

3)right to petition请愿权
1.Chinese constitution and laws lack the relevant regulations on the right to petition,and inquiry system-the institutional arrangement in relation with the right to petition also have more of defects.请愿权作为公民的一项基本权利具有重要的宪政价值,而请愿权在我国缺乏法律的规定,与请愿权相关的制度安排——信访制度也存在很大缺陷。
4)petition law请愿法
5)the right to petition请愿权
1.In contemporary society, the right to petition entails a vital constitutional value being affirmed by increasing constitutions in different countries and international conventions on the human rights.请愿权是公民所享有的一项基本政治权利,广泛性、强制性、公共性及参与性是其基本特征。
6)willing to leaving自愿请行
